Monday, February 2, 2015

Blog #16 Remembering the Holocaust, lest we forget

Welcome to your new semester in JROTC.  Since this is the 70th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust, I think that it is only fitting that we delve into the darker side of history during WWII.  Your task this week is to read the following posted article on NPR about a Holocaust Survivor and post your comments.  Once you have provided your comments, remember to find another story on a website or video that gives information about the Holocaust and post that link to your site. I have been to Germany and went through the Holocaust Museum at Dachau and I will never forget the emotions or feelings from being there. Also remember and keep in mind that there are people around the world that still believe that the Holocaust did not happen. Good luck and remember the comment on your peer's work as well. And is your video link.  
NPR Holocaust Survivor  Remember that you can also listen to this story as well as read it by clicking on the link on the story site.