Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Blog #29 What are your Dreams and Goals for...?

Your last blog of the year and here is your chance to be daring and let us know what your goals and ambitions are.  Since there is no wrong answer to this work, be honest and define your goals for your next year at the Fort and for life.  Remember to be specific as always and to define how you are going to accomplish these goals.  My personal goal for this summer is to lose 10 pounds over the next 2 months.  I am going to go to gym a minimum of 5 times a week and work out for at least one hour each day.  Additionally, I am going to ride my bike a minimum of 5 miles daily, more if time allows.  My food intake is already addressed so by limiting my calories and increasing my exercise, I should be able to measure my weight loss.  I hope to see you back in class at the start of the new school year, thinner and happier.  Regards and here is a video I hope that you enjoy.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Blog #28 70th Anniversary of D-Day, the price of Freedom

This Friday, the 6th of June is the 70th Anniversary of D-Day. The largest mounted amphibious assault ever launched by mankind.  We are forever in their debt for the sacrifices that they made to keep mankind free.  Here is a video commemorating the 70th Anniversay and gives you a personal point of view about these vets that fought there.  You are required to post a similar video or story along with the proper URL as always and commenting on your peers work.  Good luck and I hope you enjoy this short video.

70th Anniversary D-Day remembrance at Normandy

Battlefield Bravery of D-Day Recalled by Vets: Rocco Moretto,89, survived the invasion of Normandy. Video by Debbie Egan-Chin/NY Daily News May 30, 2014

D-Day Story #2     D-Day Story #3     D-Day Story #4     D-Day Story #5

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blog #27 Honoring the Medal of Honor and those who have received one

Since we are finishing up with the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam Conflict, your task is to research and find a service member from one of those two wars that received the Medal of Honor, post their Name back to our site along with a description of their actions that merited the awarding of our countries highest honor, The Medal of Honor.  Here is your example and I hope that you learn more about the sacrifices that these individuals made that clearly demonstrate their love of country.

Joe Jackson Vietnam War

This story tells of a Pilot that through no thought for safety for himself, he flew his plane into a firebase that where 3 controllers had been left behind.  Read the rest of the story and you will be amazed.