Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Blog #29 What are your Dreams and Goals for...?

Your last blog of the year and here is your chance to be daring and let us know what your goals and ambitions are.  Since there is no wrong answer to this work, be honest and define your goals for your next year at the Fort and for life.  Remember to be specific as always and to define how you are going to accomplish these goals.  My personal goal for this summer is to lose 10 pounds over the next 2 months.  I am going to go to gym a minimum of 5 times a week and work out for at least one hour each day.  Additionally, I am going to ride my bike a minimum of 5 miles daily, more if time allows.  My food intake is already addressed so by limiting my calories and increasing my exercise, I should be able to measure my weight loss.  I hope to see you back in class at the start of the new school year, thinner and happier.  Regards and here is a video I hope that you enjoy.


  1. A. Gaudet 8

    Among the many goals I have for my future, becoming a pediatric oncologist is my top priority. The obvious pathway to achieving this goal begins with attending medical school after I'm done with undergraduate. After earning my M.D., I will have to go through residency with my focus being oncology. This will then lead to a fellowship, which would open the door to me becoming a board-certified pediatric oncologist. In total, the process takes around 14 years. Steps I'm taking today include excelling in my science courses, being on the e-board of the Medical Science Club, and volunteering at local hospitals.
    Below is a video detailing the hope that pediatric oncologist instill in their patients.

    1. Your goal is an awesome quest and I applaud your dream and your drive. Keep up the great work and I look forward to calling you Doctor some day in the future. You never cease to amaze me! :-)

    2. Your goal to become a pediatric oncologist is probably one of the most enlightening goals I've ever heard, this is amazing and I know you'd make an amazing doctor, good luck Gaudet, you'll do great as a doctor.

  2. My dream is to become an architect and to be a book writer. I know that to become an architect you have to be really good in math and have a high GPA. I know that im not so great in math but i will sure work really hard to achieve my goal. If I see that I dont understand something in math class, as soon as I get home I will study two hours each day till I see progress and improvements. I Will also get additional help after school for an hour if its necessary, just to make my dream come true.

  3. Y. Alvarez 7

    I have several goals set for myself for the next year at Fort Hamilton High School and for my life in general.
    As for my next year at Fort, I plan to really get back on track academic wise, I began this year really strong, got too comfortable, then began to slack and my grades started falling through, over the next year, I'm going to set up a plan to make sure that I always follow through with it and stay on top of my work and grades at all times and to keep a rigorous schedule to make it happen. Health wise, I want to improve drastically, I plan to just become leaner, I'm content with my weight, so I'd like to improve physique and strength wise. I'll be extremely active with sports, gym and anything else I can accomplish to train harder, along with a much healthier diet.
    Now as for my future, my greatest aspiration is to become a CEO of my own Hotel, Bar & Restaurant chain, I'd like to possibly have my own airline, because I've been considering to do reserves for the Air Force as well. I hope to be able to attend Columbia as my top choice, they have one of the best business programs in the nation, I've been saving to create my own company since I was about 5 years old to help get started. I know it's going to be difficult, but It's my biggest goal ever, and I won't fail to achieve it.
