Sunday, March 27, 2016

Blog #17 Nuclear Bombs and Just How Many is Enough?

Cadets, since we are starting to study the end of WWII and the start of the Cold War, we know that the US used 2 atomic bombs on Japan to end the war.  We also know that Germany was working on one but was set back by countless acts of espionage. Today, it seems like every country in the world seems to have an atomic weapon of some sort and the Doomsday clock is clicking ever closer to 12 Midnight.  Your task this week is to find a country that you are surprised that has Atomic Weapons and post their information to our site. The more accurate information with your post, the better your score will be. You know the routine about posting your URL for the video or web-site to our blog and also commenting on at least one of your peer's work. Once you have done all 3 of these things, you will be finished for this week. Good luck and good hunting for your information this week.

Here is the site to download the Cold War Workbook that we are using in class so that you don't have to worry about carrying anything home.

Cold War Textbook Documents


  1. One unique Country that has access to Nuclear Weapons is Netherlands. The country has this access due to the NATO agreement and nuclear access from the USA and France. The country has around 10-20 Nuclear weapons ready and usable. All of the nukes are stored in a Military Base called Volkel.

    - Ireneusz Szymborski PD8

    1. SanI7
      I would have never thought that Netherlands would have access to nuclear weapons.

  2. A country that I found surprising to have nukes is Germany. Germany has around 20 warheads that are active and ready. They were given because of a treaty from the United States and by the military group NATO.

    Nathalie Sy PD8

  3. Wendy Rocano PD 8
    A country that suprised me that has Nuclear Weapons is the United Kingdom. They are estimated to have about 215 warheads.All of their warheads are fully equip.

  4. A country that surprised me that has Nuclear Weapons is France, France has around 300 warheads ready.

    Yao LIU PD7

  5. The country that surprised my the most was South Africa. The fact that they had a nuclear program, but during the 1980`s-1990`s, they voluntarily, on their own decision, decided to dismantle the program and scuttle the weapons. No other country has done that. From my point of view, voluntarily dismantling your nuclear program, puts you at a big disadvantage, unless you are in NATO or a different organization, which they are. South Africa had 6 gun-type nuclear warheads assembled.

    Aleksander Lesniak, LET 2

    1. i would never think south africa had nukes

  6. Sand5
    I'm surprised France has nuclear weapons because America has gone to war against Iraq and has high tensions with North Korea for having them, yet we have an alliance with France who has them too. I was also surprised to know that all the countries in the world have a combined over 16,00 weapons over nuclear weapons. That's a lot of damage that can destroy the world if there's another big war.

    1. MunV8
      I was also surprised to find out that France has nuclear weapons. I didn't know that we still have an alliance with France.

  7. SanI7
    I'm surprised that India has nuclear weapons since India has the highest number of people living there but they have 90 to 110 warheads which are missiles, bomb, and torpedos which contain an atomic charge.

  8. MunV8
    What surprised me most was the fact that there are 5 Nuclear Weapon States which are China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, and the United States. Also, what surprised me was that the United States has 1,597 strategic nuclear warheads according to the March 2015 New START declaration.

    1. It's crazy how we have so much nuclear war heads, this means we don't need such a large army because we can easily win a war.

  9. YouJ7
    A huge surprise was Palestine. Palestine has an estimated 60-400 warheads. I never realized how many countries actually have nuclear weapons. This could be extremely dangerous because any county with this possession could easily take out one another.

  10. a country that has nuclear bombs is belgium. belgium shares their weapon arsenal with other nato countries in order to maintain a stable support system. nato is well equipped with their nuclear arsenal to eliminate any threat. - cadet Giasemis pd7

  11. a country that has nuclear bombs is belgium. belgium shares their weapon arsenal with other nato countries in order to maintain a stable support system. nato is well equipped with their nuclear arsenal to eliminate any threat. - cadet Giasemis pd7

  12. PlaC7
    One country that i am surprised to have nuclear weapons is India. It is estimated that India has around 100 to 120 warheads.

  13. Acopd8
    One country that has nuclear weapons is The United Kingdom. The united kingdom has about 150-215 warheads.
