Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog #20 The three most feared questions...

Hi again cadets. Here it is with less than 1 week away from our command inspection and everyone is getting nervous so I thought that I would give you an outlet to post your thoughts and fears.  Your task this week is to list 3 questions that you are most afraid of that the inspectors will ask you.  When you list your 3 questions, after that make sure you post how you will prepare prepare yourself for your ordeal and what you will do to ensure that the Tiger Battalion keeps it's gold star status.  As always, make sure that you also comment on other cadet's work.  Good luck, keep your chin up, breath deep and remember that it's almost over. 

Blog #19 Life changing drugs for the better

Welcome back cadets and I hope you had a great vacation.  I keep hearing about great advancements in medical science so I thought we would do some research to see what is going to improve your life in the future. Remember that you must post a URL address for your medical finding site.  You must give a brief outline of the  story and you must also comment on another cadet's work.  If you fail to do those things, you will not get full credit for your work.  Here is a video that I found on a medical marvel that should help each and every one of you.  I hope you enjoy the video.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blog #18 Good drug, bad drug, it's all up to you...

Hi again cadets. We start this weeks blog on a sad note with the passing of Ms. Whitney Houston. Dead at the age of 48, this wonderful lady's voice has been stilled and her musical talents will be missed by all. The sad thing is that her passing may have been preventable. As we all know, there are good drugs and bad drugs. Even a good drug that is used incorrectly can cause you harm and that may have played a part in the cause of Ms. Houston's demise. There have been numerous celebrities, musicians, and leaders of the world that have died from the use of drugs. Your task it to find one of those individuals, post their name to our site and a brief explanation of what happened to cut their life short. Remember to post your URL on your news source and to also comment on another cadet's work to receive full credit for this assignment. Here is a video on Ms. Houston and our heart and prayers go out to her family and friends for their loss.
Whitney Houston Interview