Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog #20 The three most feared questions...

Hi again cadets. Here it is with less than 1 week away from our command inspection and everyone is getting nervous so I thought that I would give you an outlet to post your thoughts and fears.  Your task this week is to list 3 questions that you are most afraid of that the inspectors will ask you.  When you list your 3 questions, after that make sure you post how you will prepare prepare yourself for your ordeal and what you will do to ensure that the Tiger Battalion keeps it's gold star status.  As always, make sure that you also comment on other cadet's work.  Good luck, keep your chin up, breath deep and remember that it's almost over. 


  1. The 3 questions i'm most concerned the inspectors will ask me is
    1. The chain of command
    2. Questions about my uniform
    3. Questions about jrotc past

    The methods i'll be using to prepare myself for formal inspection is using study cards for the chain of command, studying my jrotc book and by asking my friends to help me respond to questions.

    1. Same thing, I also studied from index cards.

  2. I am mostly afraid that the inspectors will ask questions about
    1. The US chain of command
    2.Military History
    3. my ribbons! since im missing so much of the basic stuff, they were never given to me, or no one got back to me to what i was missing so i could never buy the missing ones :(

    A method I'm currently using to remember the packet is just by re reading it over and over again because for me it helps. Cadet Vega has a really good idea to use study cards, as you're making them, it is also helpful in reinforcing the information!

  3. i am most scared of the inspectors asking me ;
    1) staff positions like s1,s2 ect
    2)the us chain of command
    3)uniform questions

    the method am using is studying my packet for 15 mins everyday and in the train . i try to memorize them. i really like cadets vega idea dats a good way to remember

  4. 1) US army chain of commands.
    2) About my uniform and what things represent.
    3) History of military and Jrotc

    I probably like Guaman devote 15-30 minutes a day to studying the packet. This will help me remember the chain of commands. I will also devote some time with my cadet reference book to know what the items on my uniform represent.

    1. I am afraid if they ask me...
      1) Who the Commanding General Accession Command and a few more after that.
      2) What do the torches represent on the uniform and the patches on the sides represent.
      3)I am afraid if they ask me to describe Sergeant Major, Command Sergeant Major, Sergeant Major of the army.

      I probably like Guaman devote 15-30 minutes a day to studying the packet. This will help me remember the chain of commands. I will also devote some time with my cadet reference book to know what the items on my uniform represent.

  5. 1)who is the No.xxxx of xxx squad?
    2)History of U.S. military~~~
    3)chain of command
    I always have problem with chain of command,and the people in my platoon always change around so i'm not sure about the order of the people.

  6. 1)the us chain of command
    2)Uniform questions
    3)People in my platoon

    I hate having to study this packet(to be honest) but i will have to try my hardest to study so we can keep this gold star.

  7. 1)Chain of Command
    2)Uniforms questions
    3)S-4 using JUMS

    I use study card to remember the Chain of Command, look through the cadet references book and refresh my memory using JUMS.

  8. 1) history of us militery
    2) uniform
    3) s-1, 2,3 and 4

    i would try to study everyday for 30mins, and i make the cards, one side is questions, the other side is answers, it can make me easy to remember, even though it seem nothing better, haha

  9. 1) Uniform questions 2) What are the four life savings steps? 3)The U.S Chain of Command like who is the Command Sergeant Major Accessions Command? These are questions I most likely afraid of inspectors asking me. I study as much as I can, and I usually ask my friends to test me on how much I know. The questions I got wrong are the questions I am going to study more. To ensure the Tiger Battalion keeps it's gold star I will study the packet for the whole day, the day before the inspection. Odalis Vega I like your method to use study cards for the Chain of Command. I am going to start using that method.

  10. 1)who is the commanding general, u.s army accessions command?
    2) who is the sergeant major of the army?
    3)what are the three types of american flags and which one is the largest?
    these are the questions that just cant stick in my head when i go over them i try to study everyday.

  11. 1)the us chain of command.
    2)whats Jrotc stand for.
    3) history of us militery


  12. 1)The U.S. chain of command
    2)The history of the military
    3)What are the four life saving steps

    I've been studying the packet but it just can't stay in my head i forget it so easily

  13. I have no issues with the study packet and enjoy studying regularly.but my top three are:
    1.Most of the U.S. Chain of Command.
    2.Military history.

  14. my top 3 are
    1. the 4 life saving steps
    2.the 3 leadership styles
    3.uniform questions

  15. 1. The three leadership skills and what they are.
    2. The the 5 basic colors on a military map and what do they represent.
    3. Chain of command.

  16. The questions I was afraid of being asked were:
    1) Chain of command questions
    2) Uniform questions
    3) Life saving steps

    Like many other cadets I used index cards to study and everything worked out fine.

  17. 1. U.S chain of command
    2. Life saving steps
    3. What things represent on the uniform

    I study the packet when I am not busy and have nothing to do. And it worked

  18. 1) U.S Chain of Command
    2) Ranks
    3) what things in my uniform represent

    I study when i have nothing to do or after i finish my homework.
