Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog #21 Bullying and unethical persons of responsibility

Good morning cadets.  Getting back into the swing of things, here is the video that we watched in class.  Remember our discussions and some of the ideas that were brought up for ways to combat such problems.
Your task is to find other stories related to bullying and cite how people are starting to stand up for their rights and the rights of others or how bullying affected their lives.  Post the URL for the video or news site and make sure that you give a brief outline of your work as well as commenting on other student's work.  You can also relate your own stories if you feel strong enough to share with your friends and the public.  Here is the first video with an additional one to watch and comment on.


  1. Well all of us should fight together against bullying.

  2. Well, First I can't believe that statement comes from a teacher.She is so stupid that can actually talk with racism in school.She probably dosn't want to have her paycheck anymore. This is 21st sentury, things like that shouldn't happen.

    Tow vedios talked about bully.


    got an other one relatived to the frist one.

    This is an article involving Lady Gaga, where she talks about her experiences with bullying. In this article bullying is portray as an unacceptable activity, which it is. Here she and Harvard University work together to make bullying noticeable. To show the world that it is a problem and needs to be stopped now.

    The first video shows that bullying is not easily found by parents, where with a teacher in the bus the students will become angels. This shows that bullying exist but never catches the attention of an adult.

    The second video is that even now in the future with cultural diversity there is still bully, racism, stereotyping and that these actions are not just done by children but by adults too. This shows that bullying doesn’t have to be student vs. student but can teacher vs. student.

    I total agree with Wang, that that teacher is just plain stupid. If this happened 20-30 years maybe it would have been okay. Now in 2012 things like should not be happening. That teacher should get fired right away.

    1. I really liked your article on Lady GaGa and Harvard. I have a whole new respect for her and what she is trying to do to help others now.

    2. I really liked what you wrote, I was especially surprised that Lady Gaga was once bullied.


    This video shows many celebrities whom of which were bullied and picked on because of the cruelty of others and the one who sticks out to me the most was Johnny Depp because he most of all has had a very successful acting history and it shocked me to find that he was bullied. I my self was bullied in all grades except for highschool but ive overcome what has hurt me. one time a group of seiniors threw a huge heavy trash can onto my head while i waas in a bathroom stall. I was stuck there for two periods crying with my arms pinned and chest crushed...

    1. Its horrible how they have to make up so many rumors about celebration and always have to follow them around. I could never be famous and have that all the time getting into my own personal business it would drive me crazy.

    It shocks me that when a person stands up for themselves after so much bullying that they get arrested for it. Its a disgrace how corrupt society is today. It makes me sick knowing that this boy has a record for standing up for himself. The bullies should have been arrested not him.

    This video is about President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama talking about bullying in the United States. Giving some examples of bullying.


    This video is Ellen basically speaking about the documentary called "Bully" but is unfortunately R-rated and isn't allowed to be shown to children which is who the audience should be.

    Cadet Curtis' video is very nice because it's true, that sometimes a person just has had enough. Every person has a limit, their own breaking point, and when they reach that point, it can sometimes be very dangerous to themselves or even others, but in the end it's never good for anyone to be driven to that peak where it eventually turns catastrophic.

    I was and still am( although rarely) a victim to bullying because of my ethnicity(some kids even threw rocks at me when I was little and riding my bike around my block), many people saw and continue to see me as your stereotypical chinese but I'm not even close to that, lol i'm filipino with japanese background, so it's really me laughing at the bullies and their ignorance. As I've grown older, it's become easier with the help of friends advice and support to block out and produce my own quick witted remarks to idiots in the world, and I do my best to stand up for other people that get picked on because I know how it feels.

  9. Bullying is very depressing to others because i was a victim to bullying around the world somewhere kids like us or who are younger than us are getting bullied maybe because they are very smart or because they look different or even there skin color.

    When students bully others students at school or any other place they are to scared to come out with it. They are usually are to scared to tell teachers,counselors,or parents because they will be called a snitch or be bullied much more. Kids these days are doing suicide due to bullying because other kids are saying go hang yourself and you don't belong here or anything else like that.

    People should really stand up for bullying because if u don't it will get worse.

    This video was in September 16th,2011 it was about bullying and other stuff.

    this video is about a girl get bully in school,i think we know a lot of stories about bully, and the event in the video which we can see everywhere, everyone doesn't want to be bully, why we bully someone else? we need stand by and fight together, keep world save, peace, NO BULLY.


    Well this isn't actually a video but it is based on kids who are against bullying. The site gives great information about what to do and how to fix it.

    My Story:
    When i was younger I got bullied. It wasn't always easy having to deal with older kids picking on you , telling you that your fat and would push you around. I would cry every night because of what the kids would say and do to me that day. I never told my parents or siblings because I didn't want them involved.

    This video is basically just to influence people to be get along and not fight. I think the person who made this video believed that kids don't listen when their being nagged at, so he/she put in the effort to add music and facts together in order to make this into a very successful music video that is with the idea of ANTI-BULLYING. Check it out. It's catchy:)

  13. One of my videos was a anti-bully poem. I found the poem well done.
    My other video was about a female that got bullied n school and was call all the bad name in the book.


    this video shows the types of bullying and things we should do if we are victims and also how there are people who are willing to help.


    I;m against bullying 100% because in my opinion I believe that no one should be treated less then others just because of their race, religion,educational level etc. in this video u can see few cases that happen with bullying and they're trying to put a stop to it. NO BULLYING!!!

    I really liked Guaman's video.

  16. This video shows bullying through the internet and real life can cause a person to commit suicide. In this case a kid name Ryan Halligan died at age 13 from the actions of bullying. His father give his speeches at various schools advising students not to standby but to help each other against bullying. E.Chan8 never knew lady gaga was bullied and it is good she is trying to prevent bullying.


    This video shows one student hitting and slapping another student in school while everyone watches. Soon the student who is getting bullied had enough and picked up the bully and slammed him to the ground. This shows that anyone can stand up to a bully. Violence should not always be the answer but everyone should stand up to their bullies. I also liked what Cadet Chan wrote. I did not know that celebrities such as Lady Gaga were once bullied.


    Youth Motivational Speaker speaking to middle school and high school students on school bullying and drop out prevention.This video shows that you can also make a laugh out of your bulling.

    1. Cadet, your video was good but you did not respond to other cadet's work in a positive manner and give helpful comments to make their work bettter.
