Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog #22 Drug presentation refresher and famous quotes

Hi again cadets. Your first task at hand is to complete your Drug Presentations that must be ready by next Monday, the 2nd of April. Remember that all members of your group must present and be actively engaged with your presentation. So your task for this assignment is post a URL for one of the sites that you have used for your research. You can use movies as well but must document them correctly with your work. The second part of this assignment is to take a side on the following quote, you are either for or against the statement and you must explain your response accordingly. " A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have." Thomas Jefferson. Do you believe this is a true statement or not? Make sure you support your belief and also comment on other student's work. Good luck and try to find other quotes to use to support your work. See you on Monday for your presentations.


  1. Well it is that way today in which the government gives and doesn't take away. Americans on welfare depending on their issues don't give back even if they can for fear of their safety net and i know this is true because certain members of my family whom have admitted to me that they wont work because of a fake excuse that i have sen through. now i understand the truly injured are accepted and i feel that they deserve the help allotted but those who abuse the service they should be stripped of what they owe to their country its just not the America i know to not work and expect pay...

  2. Here is one of the urls we used to helped us with our research

    I agree with the statement Thomas Jefferson made because it is true, that's similar to our government today. For example president Barack Obama has done numerous things he signed bills one thing is that he was able to withdraw some combat troops out of Iraq. He signed the health care reform which would make health care affordable for many americans. He has given us numerous things, but yes he can also have the power to take away our good things. Not only him but senators, congress and higher authority people. For example budget cuts, especially in schools which makes it harder for teachers and students to be more focused in school, because they have limited amount of items they need.

    1. I think it's great that you mention budget cuts,especially when it comes to schools. Students have yet to realize how much we actually depend on the money given to our schools. Why do the higher ups feel the need to take away from learning institutions? We students are the future of this country after all...

  3. I agree with this statement completely. The government might pass certain bills and laws that is believed to benefit the people,but they could just as well be taking a whole lot more from us in the process,we just aren't aware of it! More tax and's more responsibility on the people & money taken and used as bonuses for undeserving people. Our President hismelf (according to the video shown to us by 1SG Lewis once upon a time) decided to take a lovely vacation to Hawaii with his family which by the way amounted to an outstanding amount of money. How did he manage to pay for it? Why,our parents' tax money of course. Then the government has the nerve to make budget cuts on important things that actually matter because they deemed it necessary to help build up the economy. We trust that people with authority will take care of everything,but it isnt that simple.Long story short; the more you depend on something the greater the loss when it is taken away.

    1. Great response and your last statement sums it up quite nicely.

    2. I agree, The government does have a lot of control and could definitely do good but then turn around and do something terrible.

    3. I agree with everything you said. Really like your last line and that it is very true.

    4. But remember big government have more officals to work together.They form different back ground and different believes.So it's more fair for the people

    I used yahoo answers to help me with my project.

    Yes, I do think that a government could take away everything a person has because the government could sign bills to help us but could also do and things that could destroy us and take away everything we have. Say Obama took the troops out of Iraq but could start another war in Afghanistan. You should never depend on anyone, especially people on welfare. They depend on the government to give them money and if they took that away it would be hard for people to live without it.

  5. is a video that I used in my presentation that helped use show the effect of cocaine on your brain.

    I agree with this quote, that if the government has the power to give you anything, they have all the power to take back anything. The amendments give us the right to bear firearms, however laws does not allow civilians to have use them. We have the freedom of speech given to us by the constitution, but can be taken away if it jeopardizes the rights of another. Presidents can send troops into battle, and then at any time withdraw them. We are given so many rights, but is limited by all these others laws. The government gives you power and then take most of it away.

  6. here is part one i hope its alright with everyone

  7. This is the URL that I used for my presentation.

    I don't agree this statement because I'm federalism, I think a strong central government can provide protection for the people and if the goverment is bigger then, the country is going to be more fair because if we have a small goverment ,our country is going to contro by only small amount of people. The more people the easier to make fair decisions.Jefferson againsts big government, he believe that small goverment is better for the people ,but that few people can change and become dictators and ruin the country.So I disagree with it.

  8. this is a link i used to help me in my presentation.

    i don't agree with the statement made by Thomas Jefferson because the government was made for the needs of the people. i think that at this point they wouldn't take away what we already have because we have laws and amendments and natural rights that would help the people stand up against the government.

  9. This websites give me some basic information about marijuana

    I agree with the quote because the government control our lives and the way we live in the United States.

  10. This website give you information and fact about marijuana

    I agree with the quote because no one has more power then the government. They control us with the laws and everything else they provide us with.

    i agree with the quote because if the govt. felt the need to take everything away from you they could for example if a person was to repeatedly fail to pay their taxes the govt. at any time claim all of that persons belongings

    1. I agree, if the government feels like they need to take something away from you they have the right to do so.


    My group has used the link above for most of our information. Wikipedia gave us everything we needed to know about alcohol.

    I agree with Cadet Baiardi. A government who is strong enough to give you everything is certainly strong enough to take away everything from you. The government gives you all your rights but expects you to follow their laws. If you choose to disobey them and not follow their laws then they have the power and the right to take away your rights.

    1. i also agree because i think they would give you rights is so we wound up taking advantage of our rights and get taking from us

  13. . " A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have." Thomas Jefferson

    Although we don't usually talk religiously when referring to school assignments i can relate this to something my parents taught me. God has given you the gift of life and with that comes the power to take it away. Just as easy it is to make a law it is easy to change it back. I think it shows you how you shouldn't get to comfortable with the good things because something bad will always follow it, although that i do not relate to the religious reference. here is the website that i used as a source for my information

  14. I agree with the quote because I believe that if the government has the power to provide everyone everything they want then they have the same right to take it away. There are certain expectations but if u choose to not follow them you have consequences you have to face and that exactly relates to the quote. My group's topic was Opium
    this website was where I got my information for the presentation

  15. i also agree with the quote because the government would be and can grant people help with problems their facing, but it could also come with a heavily price. my group was on heroin
