Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blog #18 Good drug, bad drug, it's all up to you...

Hi again cadets. We start this weeks blog on a sad note with the passing of Ms. Whitney Houston. Dead at the age of 48, this wonderful lady's voice has been stilled and her musical talents will be missed by all. The sad thing is that her passing may have been preventable. As we all know, there are good drugs and bad drugs. Even a good drug that is used incorrectly can cause you harm and that may have played a part in the cause of Ms. Houston's demise. There have been numerous celebrities, musicians, and leaders of the world that have died from the use of drugs. Your task it to find one of those individuals, post their name to our site and a brief explanation of what happened to cut their life short. Remember to post your URL on your news source and to also comment on another cadet's work to receive full credit for this assignment. Here is a video on Ms. Houston and our heart and prayers go out to her family and friends for their loss.
Whitney Houston Interview


  1. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/08/us/doctor-found-guilty-in-michael-jacksons-death.html?pagewanted=all
    drug abuse can take someones life just like whitney houston & michael jackson :(

  2. I
    think her life is miserable that,s why.


  3. Just like C. Guaman I chose Michael Jackson who is a victim of drug abuse. Apparently he died by propofol which is used to relieve anxiety and tension and could also be used in emergency room. This may explain his death because this drug is really strong. And yes Ye she did have a miserable death.


  4. Elvis Aron Presley , one of the best rock music star.He died in August 16, 1977.In his early life he was famous ,he was adoring by the world. But after 1960 he lost his inspiration. He started take drugs because he believed that can gives him some new idea for his music.He died in a hart attack. After many years people found out that he took too much drugs and that is the reson causes his death.
    Lots of singer or movie star take drugs because they wanna get inspiration for their music.I think is not smart to do that because i think your life and your family is more important than your money.We should say 'no' to those drugs.

    1. That crazy how people can just come to a point in there life where they think drugs will help. Really nice work with this.

    2. I loved Elvis Presley. Its insane how people think that drugs are a way out when each one they take or shoot they are killing themselves slowly and slowly.

  5. Chris Farley was well known for being a comedian/actor on television and the big screen. He was in movies like Wayne's World, coneheads and Beverly Hills ninja plus more. Unfortunately, he made a bad decision of taking drugs which cost him his life. The cause of his death an overdose of heroin and cocaine in his apartment. His death was on December 18 1997. Drugs can be prevented but takes the will of power to say no to the drug. Farley was a good comedian could had a better life it was shorten due to the pressure of drugs. Wang 07 it is true what you say about life and family comes first than all the money in the world.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXdf51A92Fk

  6. Marilyn Monroe she was speculated to have died from a drug overdose of a sleeping pill prescription. They assumed it could have either been suicide or a possible murder. This website shows 18 celebrities who had died from prescription drugs.

    I absolutely agree with Guaman because Michael and Whitneys death could have been prevented and yet they're tragically gone now. Two amazing voices, drugs are powerful and can overpower anybody that falls into its addictive grasp.

  7. On February 6, 2008 a huge death happened in the Hollywood world. Heath Ledger, a young actor,died from abuse of prescription drugs. The doctors found that he had six different prescribed medications in his body.


  8. the same as what i saw with 6 people in the same year.

  9. http://www.thecyn.com/blog/21-actors-who-died-of-drug-or-alcohol-overdoses/

    i research that Marilyn Monroe died of in over dose of sleeping piss.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZoilBeiZE0
    michael jackson's death is due to the drug, it is good drug to make MJ feel better, but it cause MJ death.

  11. Heath Andrew Ledger died of taking got many pills but the those pills were prescription to him it was a mixture of Oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine sll those are called intoxication.


  12. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MichaelJackson/story?id=8193162&page=1#.T0AdNvWfvTo

    Michael Jackson's died from overdose of drug called propofol.

  13. http://nvonews.com/2012/02/25/whitney-houston-in-casket-picture-revolting-cause-of-death-unclear/

    Hello everyone dispirited all of the news I think that it was a suicide. Whitney Houston had been doing drugs for a long time and she knew her limits for her to Overdose and be found by her Ex in the hotel room. The factors that support my theory are her resistance to drugs physically being that she knows what she can handle, her Ex wouldn't know her hotel room unless she wanted to be found by him dead, she had no other reason to be in a hotel so close to home because her music touring and performances were over due to the consumption of drugs so in order to end whatever suffering or sadness she was facing was ended by an overdose.these are my findings and beliefs I hope you take them into consideration.

  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Morrison
    Jim Morrison died from a heroin overdose and alcohol. He had taken to many drugs and drank to much alcohol causing him to throw up in his sleep. He died in Paris on July 3rd 1971.

    1. That's crazy and he was only 28 sad to see how many young people die thinking it helps themselves but it slowly kills them but nice work Curtis!

  15. One famous celebrity dead by drug abuse is River Phoenix he was an actor in Stand by Me, Little Nikita, The thing called love and running on empty. He died as a result of speedballs (combination of cocaine and heroin) and sadly he was 23 years old.


  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/30/arts/30giraldo.ht
    greg giraldo a comedian died of a drug overdose

  17. http://www.naturalnews.com/022602.html

    One of my favorite celebrities died because of drugs. Heath Ledger was an American actor that had been in many famous movies. His most famous movie "The Dark Knight" came out shortly after his death. Heath Ledger died on the 22nd of January 2008 because of drug overdose. The drugs found in Ledger's system were OxyContin (a painkiller), Valium, Xanax (an antidepressant), Restoril, Unisom and Vicodin. It is very sad that one of the best actors in world died because of drugs. I also like what cadet Lesmes said, in my opinion Chris Farley was a outstanding comedian.
