Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog #17 First-aid, drugs, and life saving, all rolled into one!

Welcome back to the start of our 2nd Semester cadets.  I hope you are well rested and ready to go with all of your classes.  Since we are studying first-aid, and the different types of drugs, your task for this assignment is to find a related story that deals with some form of first-aid that helps care for or saves a persons life.  If the story is also drug related, then make sure you mention that issue as well when you post your URL and brief synopsis about your story.  A news video would be excellent as well.  Last but not least make sure that you post comments about each other's work. Watch the following video and you can see all 3 of the above listed items being talked about in this news worthy incident.  Good luck and have fun.


  1. There was a recent story of Demi Moore about how she was smoking an unidentified substance associated with young teens. She was experiencing convulsions, a substance that is a mock to marijuana and is used for incense, something that has been reported to kill people


  2. well this is frustryed. do not abuse the drugs.


  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W9gcL71TJ4

    this video is about how to properly compress your hands and arms when administering first aid. this would be the part of first aid were you check for breathing and help doing so after the air way is cleared. so if someone has stopped breathing you will become their diaphragm.

  4. Ok, that's not the crazyest one. I got a more crazy one.
    (look at the bike!!!!!)

    If that happen in front of me, i will try to grab the casualty out of the car carefully with out cause futher injury. I will try to ask people for help and also call 911.
    If i can't help anything i will just call for help right away and let adults manage what to do.

    BUT, the best way to save people's life is to let more people know how danger is to drive after get druck.How do we save them if they don't even care about their own life.

    Also i think all human beings should help people that need help.

    1. Cadet Wang: I would like to watch your video but it was deleted from the users account on Youtube. Good effort and I know you tried to meet the requirements. I wonder why other cadet's did not post this information also?

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS1mbDqyIvQ

    This video is it talks about the United States Army Medics. The U.S. Army Medics are trained to treat a wounded soldiers in a combat environment.

    1. do you ever wonder how they can contraction on what their doing

    2. Cadet Brown, I hope you were trying to say concentrate instead of contraction. Make sure that you use spell check and read your information before you post it.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWwraeJTCGE&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL62FC9C942CAEDFC0

    this video is very simple, it show we need to help injury imediately and stop the car, help him check his body.

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cakw-IVVyhE
    This video talks about how to take care of a nose bleed. Some people can have nose bleeds for so lang that they could be at risk of too much blood loss or have a really bad headake.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlY3KopaaVs&feature=related
    this video talks about how a firefighter saves another one of his co-worker on the job.

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA-vHanFv1o
    This Video shows how to make a pressure bandage. One new thing I learned from this video is that if you bandage is ever soaked with blood you NEVER take it off, you just put more over it.
    Thank you Johnson for this video, now i know if I ever have to give CPR not to bend my elbows because you tire easily.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA-vHanFv1o
    this vedio shows me how to take a first aid for splints and bleeding wound use a pressure bandage to stop bleeding.

  11. http://WWW.YouTube.com/watch?v=dE2AMJPmhjs

    This video is about how a man helped out a teenage girl who had crashed 90 feet into the highway. He helped keep her warm although she had been there two hours before he found her. He acted upon his basic first aid skills to keep her warm with his sweater for this he is a good samaritan.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMRklQkfDLE This video is a interesting one because it shows a invention called the emergency bandage. The video shows how this invention works and how to use it. It is more efficient and it gives 60 percent more pressure than any regular pressure applicator. J.Johnson8 videos like that are very important to saving one's life and it is a good video for people to get inform.

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1yEKjaKqAY&feature=related
    this show how to take care of a peson when their unconscious in a proper way,

    1. The video is a very good training aid. I like the information. Remember that you still need to comment on other cadet's work and to also make sure that you use spell check for your work to ensure that your spelling is acceptable. Good work overall.

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvDVfI0MBKg
    This is a video that shows someone cleaning out an infected wound from a persons leg, using basic first aid. You can see that the person is wearing a pair gloves using a tweezer like device to hold the cotton ball.

    Lesmes' video is interesting because its very educational to someone who is interested in first aid as well as it's useful to know about something such as the emergency bandage.

  15. http://youtu.be/YjNb55cIY90

    this video shows good samaritans helpingg a man who had a accident

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofpYRITtLSg
    That is awesome! it is amazing how the dog got run over and other dog tried to save him. It shows that dogs care about first aid too :)

    1. I agree with your video assessment. It's amazing how animals will help each other without any fear of being injured but humans will sit and watch on the sidelines and refuse to become involved. I liked the video. Be careful with you comment on other cadet's work. You should always leave comments that are a full and complete sentence, not just one word. Remember that next time please.

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ceh9CWHS7k

    This is a video explaining about people who have asthma and need help it's a good video since asthma is common

    1. Very good video. I hope that it helps other students realize that staying calm while helping the other person can help save a persons life. Remember to also comment on other cadet's work as well so that you get full credit for your work.

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r7haVfZXek

    This video is a well-informed video of how to do CPR n learn how to proceeded with CPR with caught in a situation where CPR is the best solution.

  19. http://www.cammarata.com/reference/heimlich.html
    This video is full of information on how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver. This is an important method to remember as anyone can choke at any given time

  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJDpr05zmB4

    This video explains how to do the Heimlich Maneuver. It explains where to position your hands and how to thrust them. It also explains what to do if this maneuver is not effective. I like cadet Ortiz's link, its shows basically the same thing as my video.

  21. The video is interesting because its very educational to someone who is interested in first aid as well as it's useful to know about something such as the emergency bandage.
