Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Blog #16 Staying healthy, having fun

Hi Cadets. I hope you enjoyed your MLK holiday and are looking forward to getting back to your studies.  Here is the link that I promised you that will give you 20 exercises that you can do in your home without having to go to a gym and pay for special equipment. http://www.realage.com/fitness/at-home-workout
This should make your parents and your wallet happy.  Take a look at the site and let me know which exercises you find the most interesting.  After you make your post, search the internet for other interesting and fun exercises to keep fit without having to spend a lot of money. Post your URL back to our site and also remember to comment on other cadets' work.  Keeping in shape during the winter months can be trying but with persistence comes rewards. Thanks for all of your hard work this past semester and I hope we have more fun this next semester. 


  1. I like the Wall-sit Leg exercise because your legs are very important to keep strong and fit. The roll with it exercise is nice to because deltoids are probably my favorite muscle in the body.

    I thought that this looks very fun and interesting. You dont need much, just cones, 2 solid objects that weigh about 20 pounds and a partner.

  2. I believe the exercise I would be most interested in would be the chest crosses because it seems easy and it looks like an exercise that would work.

    it looks like an exercise that can work for me and get use to.

  3. I like the Seated Pretzel Back and Hip Stretches the best because I love to stretch. http://www.fitwatch.com/exercise/10-ways-you-can-exercise-at-home-without-any-equipment-10.html
    I love doing crunches they are my favorite exercise. And i like Orellana's exercise as well.

  4. i would do i would really do the wall-sit leg exercise because i could really us the leg power.


  5. Just like Ragon I like the Wall-sit leg exercise because you can do it almost anywhere without getting dirty.
    Seems like an easy exercise and does need much to do too.

  6. http://www.lifelinescreening.com/health-updates/life-lines-alternative-exercise.aspx
    i liked the rocky table stance because Ive tried it before and it is difficult after 15 repetitions of 2. it is also good for your arms in toning the joints. the site i chose shows how much calories are burned for basic exercise and i find it very beneficial to know how many calories i am burning.

  7. The excercise that I found most interesting and most effective was the plank position. When I did this excercise I felt the burn in my stomach and resisted the whole time to keep the position.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fU_8kJeXeE This video is fun to do because you are using your couch to keep fit. I agree with Cragon04 that you need to keep your legs strong and fit and also liked the marine fitness test video.

  8. The workout i choose is the Step Taps Leg Workout because it strengthens my legs which is good because i play sports including soccer.

    also another workout i will try is http://www.exercise.com/routine/bedtime-routine since im always struggling to sleep.

  9. I like the Step Taps workout because it works out my legs which i need because i want to have better calf muscles and tighten my thighs which is also done with the Nice Thighs Leg Stretch.


  10. I like the Wall Sit Leg Exercises. It help me to develop strong muscle legs.


    This site is about 21 different ways of push-ups in the United States Marine Corp.

  11. http://www.youtube.com/user/sixpackshortcuts?v=gk6A0rNxPNc&feature=pyv&ad=10136055367&kw=squat

    I like the exercises he does in this video like the side to side pushups. They can be done at home even if you don't have weights, you can substitute with other just as heavy house hold items.

  12. http://youtu.be/AIupf5NKtt4
    i think this excersise would help anyone i really like this one

  13. The exercise that I found most effective was the plank. The plank really does exercise many parts of the body such as the forearms and the abs.
    I found this video on youtube and it shows many exercises that can be done without using any equipment. The exercises are short but very effective. I also liked cadet Lesmes's video.
