Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blog #15 What is your drug of choice?

We are going to be moving on in the area of health. Your mission is to select one of the drugs
that are listed in Chapter 3, pages 98 to 120 that you are interested in learning more about.
Once you have selected your drug of choice, post your answer to our site, explain why you
chose that drug and then post your URL address from the web where you found out more
information on that drug. Remember to choose wisely and the same drug can only be chose
3 times from the same class so watch out and read the postings. Be sure to comment on other
cadets work and then you'll be done with your work for this week.

Although this video has nothing to do with drugs, it does have information that is eye
opening. I hope you enjoy this and share it with your friends and family.


  1. my choice is alcohol, because in most deaths alcohol was the cause to the accidents.

    1. You choice is a valid one. Are you referring to most deaths in college are caused by alcohol? That is what I think you meant to say. Also make sure that you log back in to read other student's work and comment on their choices as well. Good effort for the start of the new year.
      1SG Lewis

  2. my chioce is cokin it kills people very quickly with out notice.

    1. Your drug of choice that you are interested in is cocaine but the site that you listed doesn't take you the correct site. Make sure that you check your URL before you post it and also be sure to comment on other student's work. Good effort to start off the new year.
      1SG Lewis

  3. My choice is Marijuana because 6.9 precent of the population reports use of marijuana making it the most commonly used illegal drug.

    1. If marijuana contains over 400 chemicals, how can it not be harmful to your body as was reported by the AMA and NPR this past week? Makes a person wonder what is going on. Good information but remember that you must comment on another person's work so make sure you do that in the future.
      1SG Lewis

  4. One of the drugs i choose is amphetamines because i never heard of this drug. In chapter 3 (pg 111) it says it is similar to cocaine, i would like to find the differences.


    1. Good idea on finding the differences. Let me know what you find out in class. Also make sure that you comment on other student's work and information that they post. Keep up the good work.
      1SG Lewis

  5. The drug I choose is marijuana. I choose this because long-term use can lead to brain damage and maybe even death. Thank yo for the fact Cadet Roman, that 6.9% could be suffering these problems right now.


    1. Good site and positive comment's on Cadet Roman's work. I liked both of your sites. Keep up the good work.
      1SG Lewis

  6. The drug I choose is amphetamines. I've never heard of it before, and would like to learn more about it.


    1. Good informative site, glad you are interested in learning more about these dangerous drugs. Sorry you won't be with us this next semester to continue with our classes on drugs. Make sure that you also comment on other cadet's work in the event that you check back once in a while.
      1SG Lewis

  7. The drug I choose is carbon monoxide.I know it is a very dangers drug can kill people,and usually appear in our normal life and it has no smell and no color.~~

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBWc4Blm8_I&feature=player_embedded

    This vedio says carbon monoxide could explode!

    1. The video that you chose is informative but it never states that carbon monoxide is a drug. It is a dangerous gas that is harmful. If you are unclear on the blog, make sure to ask about it in class please. Make sure you also post a comment regarding other student's work in the future to meet class requirements.
      1SG Lewis

  9. http://teens.drugabuse.gov/facts/facts_mj1.php
    The drug I chose is marijuana.
    Like cadet Chan stated marijuana is a very harmful drug that can lead to death.
    I know this drug is very dangerous and I will like to learn more about it.

    1. Pretty sad to read the figures that show that our youth in america is using pot more and more at an earlier age. Is there any wonder why their grades and test scores are affected. Thanks for the URL and your comment on Chan's work. Good job.
      1SG Lewis

  10. The drug I choose is heroin. I hear and learned that this type of drug can kill a person very fast.

    1. Heroin is very dangerous and can kill like any drug that is abused. You URL is good but you forgot to comment on another student's work or posting. Make sure that you do that in the future.
      1SG Lewis

  11. The drug I chose is steroids. I know steroids is used to improve performance and it can also be used to treat a few disabilities and I want to learn more about it.

    1. Where is your URL Link and comment's on other student's work? Make sure that you correct this in your future postings.
      1SG Lewis

  12. The drug i choose is marijuana because I know it is a famous drug in the U.S and can help a lot of sick people by using it as for medical purposes. But can also damage brain cells and such, as Roman said it is a very commonly used drug. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=marijuana+tumblr+comparison+to+alcohol+and+cigarettes&hl=en&sa=X&gbv=2&biw=1066&bih=546&tbm=isch&tbnid=LpZB12imCEEOpM:&imgrefurl=http://blamethe1st.blogspot.com/2011/08/100-questions-for-conservatives.html&docid=RvJMg_PAzJM0IM&imgurl=http://www.picshag.com/pics/062011/tobacco-vs-alcohol-vs-marijuana.jpg&w=530&h=791&ei=2mYKT9uTB8fZ0QHkyY2qAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=204&sig=101262590365470059552&page=1&tbnh=168&tbnw=108&start=0&ndsp=9&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=15&ty=93

    I found this picture very funny.

    1. I agree that the picture is funny. However, you have to also look at the facts that there have not been clinical tests on marijuana users for the past 50 to 100 years or more. I do like the site that you got your information from as well. Very interesting in deed. Keep up the good work and thanks for posting your link and comment's on another cadet's works. Good show!
      1SG Lewis

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISvNI7uZsdc
    this is talking about smoke, smok is very bad.

    1. Smoking crack isn't healthy and will definitely cause you health problems in the long run. Make sure you check your spelling and also list the name of the drug that you are talking about in your post. Thanks for your effort and keep up the good work. Don't forget to comment on other cadet's work as well.
      1SG Lewis

  14. The drug i chose was marijuana and smoking both are bad for you because they both make you lose brain cells and make u have bad breath,yellow teeth and also it make your lungs black and small so you will have a hard time to breath and also have cancer which you will have a lot of medical problems.http://www.waff.com/story/16491493/marijuana-use-not-as-damaging-to-lungs-as-cigarette-smoke?clienttype=printable

    1. Very interesting article. I read this in the news and also heard about it on NPR. I am surprised that they don't mention all of the chemicals that are sprayed on the marijuana crop that is smoked and inhaled also. Those have to be harmful to your body and lungs. Which other cadet's post did you like the best? Keep up the good work.

  15. The drug i chose was Methamphetamine because it is a very dangerous and highly toxic, explosive, and lethal drug. I had seen a documentary on it on discovery and i was shocked how dangerous it really was.

    1. I agree with you about how deadly this drug is. I can't believe that people are still foolish enough to put this stuff in their veins. Those shots creep me out the most. Good post, keep up the good work.
      1SG Lewis

  16. The drug I chose was steroids. The reason for this is because steroids can be used as an enhancement drug but can also damage the body.I agree with cadet Huynh.

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9Bck11yIcU

    1. Great video. I am glad you posted this from Youtube. I am also amazed that people are still willing to take the chance when using these drugs. So sad to think that America wants our sports hero's to behave in this manner.
      1SG Lewis

  18. The drug I choose is Carbon monoxide because it's a very peculiar yet deadly gas. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is slightly lighter than air. It can be toxic to humans and animals when encountered in higher concentrations. It can be detected however using a Carbon Monoxide detector/alarms. For Ortiz, I agree, steroids is a very interesting kind of drug that is renowned and widely used by athletes, although I don't know why exactly people continue to abuse it if it's consequences are apparent to be severe and even fatal to ones health. I got my information about Carbon mono. on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_monoxide

    1. Are you sure that Carbon monoxide is a drug? Even though it is being tested, is there any real abuse of it going on? Is it addictive? Where can you buy it? Just some questions for thought. Good response.

  19. The drug a choose is steroid. They give you bad side effects such as fill you muscle with water.


    1. I liked the site. You should also consider that fact that steroids also damage your muscles and organs after long term use and then stopping their use.
      1SG Lewis

  20. http://oas.samhsa.gov/nhsda/2k2nsduh/results/2k2Results.htm#MJLife
    this is a drug that many people use today and day by day its becoming easier to obtain. This drug has many disadvantages because it can cause you to think wrong and do dumb things.

    1. You forgot to mention that the drug was Marijuana. Good site but please post your work earlier.
      1SG Lewis
