Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blog #14 (Bonus) The year 2011 was a great year because...

Hi Cadets, hope you had a great vacation and got all of the goodies and presents that you wanted.  As we are about take that giant leap into 2012, it's time to reflect on 2011 and what it was good for, for you.  All you have to do for bonus points for this year is to complete the following sentence with as few words as possible.

The year 2011 was a great  year because...     Remember to use as few words as possible and be specific.  I'll start this off.

2011 was a great year because my grandson was born. :-)

Have fun and see you in 2012, Tuesday, January 3rd.  


  1. The year 2011 was a great year because my friends who i grew up with came to spend Christmas vacations with us.

  2. The year 2011 was a great year because me and my family got to go more trips together and spend time together unlike the past years.

  3. The year 2011 was a great year because my aunt came over for a visit in the summer.

  4. The year 2011 was a great year because I took a trip to Ocean City MD but then got kicked out because of the hurricane. :( To tell you the truth 2011 stunk for me I cant think of anything.

  5. The year 2011 was a great year, because I tried so many new/different things.

  6. The year 2011 was a great year because I got to know who my real friends are. And what family will always be there for me :)

  7. The year 2011 was a great year because our troops are finally going home from Iraq.

  8. The year 2011 was a great year because i finally had my sweet 15 i spent it with my family & friends.

  9. 2011 was qreat simply because i met some amazing people :)

  10. The year 2011 was a great year because i met an amazing girl Kim.

  11. The year 2011 was a great year because my favorite football team made it to the playoffs!!

  12. The year 2011 was great year because I learned to drive and got to spend fun times with my friends.

  13. the year 2011 was a great year because i tried alot of new things

  14. The year 2011 was a great year because I make a lot of friends.

  15. I did not enjoy my year this year because I've had some family issues and I'm really down because of it it has been going on since i was seven and until now it hasn't been this bad.

  16. 2011 was a great year because my nephew was born and I gained new experiences that make me who I am today :)

  17. The year 2011 was a great year because my little cousin Andrew was born and my family went on a trip to Ukraine. :)

  18. 2011 was a good year because i was able to go to Florida with my family and also i met some amazing people.

  19. 2011 was a good year because i will have a little brother
