Monday, April 23, 2012

Blog #24 Two lives saved by a stroke of luck

Good morning cadets and welcome back from your spring vacation.
I hope that all of you had a great time.  Your argument/persuasive essays
are in and I am reading and grading them. Since we are working on health
and saving lives with the Heimlich and CPR I thought you would enjoy
this story that gives a new twist to fate or karma.  Please read and then
find another story that is related to CPR and post the URL link to our
site. Make sure to give a brief synopsis of your article or movie and to
also comment on other student's work.  Enjoy and try to find some
video links as well if possible.

Teen saves life of woman who saved him


Friday, April 6, 2012

Blog #23 Persuasive Essay:Business, Facebook and your privacy

Good morning cadets. I  hope you are enjoying your vacation time. You assignment this week is to write a "Persuasive Essay" on whether businesses and corporations have the right to ask for your Facebook Email and Password during a job interview before you are hired.  For those of you that were in class on Thursday, you already know what position you were given. For those that were not, you must select the opposite side that you would normally take and argue that point.  The details are as follows: 5 Paragraphs; 400 to 500 words; Typed; 12 pitch font; Ariel Font; double spaced; one inch border on top and sides.  You must also post a website URL to this blog that you used for your research information. Make sure you also post your final opinion here as well as posting comments on other cadet's work. Good luck and I know you will have a good time with this argument|