Monday, April 23, 2012

Blog #24 Two lives saved by a stroke of luck

Good morning cadets and welcome back from your spring vacation.
I hope that all of you had a great time.  Your argument/persuasive essays
are in and I am reading and grading them. Since we are working on health
and saving lives with the Heimlich and CPR I thought you would enjoy
this story that gives a new twist to fate or karma.  Please read and then
find another story that is related to CPR and post the URL link to our
site. Make sure to give a brief synopsis of your article or movie and to
also comment on other student's work.  Enjoy and try to find some
video links as well if possible.

Teen saves life of woman who saved him




    See, like this guy, if the old man wasn't there and no one out there konws CPR. He could have been on his way to heaven.So CPR is not just thing in our lesson, is useful stuff that we may use it some day on the street.

    1. this video was good to watch and he was defenitely lucky that the guy who knew cpr was around to keep him alive :)


    This video show the many advances in technology that aid the CPR process i liked the mannequin because it sweats, bleeds and breaths giving a more so realistic look on the practice dummy. P.S. the Bee Gees song really does aid in CPR compressions i just thought it was a clever joke By 1SG.

    1. Wow, the mannequin is amazing. It imitates exactly what a human would do during a heart attack or stroke.

    2. The Mannequin was amazing just like a human being. Also the chest compression machine looks really neat.


    This video tells us that anyone can suffer a stroke or a heart attack at any time and anywhere. Bystanders can easily help a person by giving him/her CPR. This video basically tells us that we all need to learn CPR. Many lives can be saved if we take the time to educate ourselves about CPR.


    this video was amazing to watch because is an amazing story of what cpr can do and how it can save someones life. i feel that everyone should learn because like tori you dont know if one day someone might have to do cpr on you.

    Is a story of two mothers saving the life of a 51-year old man. I thought it was a great story because a life was saved and the man was very thankful in announcing that whose two women saved his life. Takes a lot of dignity and pride to do something like that. Also because this article involved teamwork, where the cooperative effort of the two females saved the man’s life. Teamwork makes achieving a goal easier.

    1. wow its amazing how one simple emergency procedure can save someone. Now that this woman has saved the old man they will never forget each other and all because CPR. this is a great post Eric good job!.

  6. Here is a site that is related to people giving CPR or mouth to mouth resuscitation here is one a nine year old boy uses CPR to save his drowning sister that he learned on t.v. wow you can really learn stuff by watching t.v. only if his generation can learn that also and save someone life.

    This video is talking about saving children's lives by using CPR. It also has an amazing story about this male saving his neighbors child. Without him the child could of died .


    When this man had a a major heart attack in a remote town in Minnesota over a dozen people rushed to his aid to perform CPR on him for 96 minutes one after the other until EMS arrived by helicopter. Thanks to all those people the survived.

    1. Had a heart attack in the right place and right time. Amazing on how the people lined up to save his life and there to help.

  9. In this video you can see that a man at the beach is in need of CPR, because he is unconcious what I found interesting is that it took like 6 men to turn him around because they were using precaution in case of another injury he may have.

    I agree with J.Haniff8 we deftinely have to thank all those that saved a life.

  10. In this article a Iditarod dog is saved nose to mouth cpr by his owner. The dog collapsed on a mountain during a race. The owner love the dog so much he did not want him to die. Later the dog was sent to a checkpoint where the dog was treated.

    This vedio shows the CPR not only can save the livs of people and other animals, even dog. Jeremy Jack saved the life of his 12-week-old miniature dachshund Chester using CPR, after he found the dog underwater in the pool and not moving.He was so geart and had a fast reaction to his dog. The puppy was lucky to have this owner.

    This video show a 7th grade student on the school bus perform cpr on the bus driver when the driver was have a heart attack.

    November 1, 2010, Edward Merhabskie had a heart attack at his desk, a guy by the name Rick Cruz rushed in and gave CPR until fire department paramedics arrived and is credited with saving Merhabskie's life.

  14. This video shows how any emergency can happen at any given time. Good thing help was nearby and prepared

    1. It is very scary to know that if CPR isn't preformed that you can become paralyzed and this man was lucky that people nearby new hoe to preform CPR.

    This is a story about a woman who collapsed as a co-worker came to her rescue. As the EMT said she would have a very slim chance of survival if the co worker hadn't preformed CPR. In the end of the video the news caster says that all you have to do is compression's but I think that without putting air into the lungs it doesn't help as much although that is the new CPR procedure.

  16. I just realized that 1SG misspelled stroke he put stoke in the title this is just a shout out to note that i am paying attention as a grammar Nazi

    1. Thanks for the correction, I appreciate the input. As for the grammar Nazi, you should realize that I should always be capitalized when referring to oneself. Since we are being honest. :-) Thanks again and glad you were paying attention.


    This video shows a girl who saved her friend from choking on a jawbreaker. She remembered the Hiemlich maneuver from a nickelodeon show called "Hey Arnold" and she mimmicked the actions of the cartoon and saved her friends life. Her friend is alive today because of her, the girls were 8 years old.
