Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog #25 Cold War beginnings and at what cost?

Hi again cadets.  Here we are in the final stretch of our school year
and I hope you enjoy the last marking period as much as I do.
As we study the Cold War, your task this time is to find out
where Foreign Aide started. Next you must select a country in
the world and find out how much Foreign Aide the U.S.
pays that country each year. Post your research information
and website URL back to this site along with your findings. Explain
how this contributes to the United States budget each year and
how it will ultimately affect you. Do you think that this money
could be spent a better and and how? Make sure that you are
specific as possible with you answers.  Be sure to comment on at least
one other cadet's work. Be positive but also make sure that you
are helpful with your critique.  Lastly, you must download
the Cold War Handout that we are using in class and use that to
study while you are at home or traveling with your Smart Devices.
Here is the link: Cold War Download Handouts


  1. Well foreign aid can be classified into military and economic aid these two usually are used in the budget for the growth and development of a nation's army and economy. foreign aid was started with Woodrow Wilson and his foreign policy for providing aid to countries under threat of invasion by the communists.

    One country that is provided with financial aid is Israel and it receives an average of 2500-3200 a year. The price fluctuates based on the economy for that fiscal year.

    P.S. 1SG This Blog is supposed to be #26. The Grammar Nazi strikes again.


      Oh and this is my resource link.

    2. The Grammar Nazi needs to become a Math Nazi. You left out some important zero's with your numbers. That is 2,500,000-3,200,000. Those are millions by the way. Quite a big difference. Good URL site. Keep up the good work and don't forget to read other cadet's work and critique their work. Live long and prosper!

  2. United States foreign aid is aid given to developing countries by the United States. This aid can be given to countries for two reasons; economical or military assistance. The aid is given mainly by the United States government, Private organizations, and individuals in the United States.

    One country that the United States gives aid to is Russia. As of 2010 the United States gives 71,595,000 to Russia. The United States gives away more than 25 billion dollars in aid every year to countries around the world. Giving this much money each year is a waste. There is no point in giving money to countries who don't even like the United States in hope of friendship. All this money comes from the citizens of the United States. This money comes from the taxes we pay. It doesn't make sense to just waste our hard earned money on other countries when we are in a economical crisis ourselves.

    This is the link I used:

    1. Great definition of foreign aid, and very nice link I like “Recipients of U.S. Foreign Aid” chart a lot because it broke down our total aid we sent to those countries in two categories economic and military. Great Job!

  3. Foreign aid is money, food or other resources given or lent to another nation/country. An example of US foreign aid is the Marshall Plan.
    A nation that we send foreign aid to is Egypt and according to my sources, we have sent over 1 billion dollars of aid to them already. That is a lot of money that is coming out of or taxes.
    This link has a map and displays Foreign Aid by countries
    This link has a chart displaying or Foreign Aid Start from 2000 to now, and how they money we send to other nations just keeps going up.

    1. Thats a good example Chan, the Marshall Plan was a big plan to help Europe and we did that to prevent from communism. Good job on the map as well !

  4. Foreign Aid was developed in the United States we helped numerous countries world-wide throughtout history. One example would be when South East Asia was attacked by earthquakes and tsunami. The United States promised South East Asia $350 million for relief and recovery.

    1. We do help numerous countries, but some don't need the help.

    The U.S gives out Foreign aid even to the richest countries. To me this is beyond comprehension because if they already have money then they don't need it. We shouldn't be giving money to anyone because we are in thousands of debts ourselves. As you can see in the middle of Union Square there is our countries debt calculator and it goes up each second higher and higher.

  6. The country that i want to talk about is Somalia.
    Somalia, in the 1990s after Warlord" AiDiDe nazr Mohammed"
    ruin this country and from there on somalia is in a famine situation.Since 1991, Somalia has essentially been a collapsed state.So we started to help them and from 1991to 1993 we spent 20,000,000(twenty million) dollars for food aid and peacekeeping.
    And not only somalia, We help almost ever country in Africa. Right now "USAID Africa" spend 3.2milion every year to all those country that we are helping.Also an other 3.5 million to Asia.
    We are the one who give out the most foreign aid.Give money to Afircan people i can understand but to some other cuntry such as North Korea and Russia seems to me is unnecessary.I think we should stop giving those cunties money and use that money to make more job for our own people such as reclaim land so people can do farming.

  7. Foregin aid was developed in the United States in 1941 during World War Two .US is almost the largest donor in dollar terms, but ranks amongst the lowest in terms of meeting the stated 0.7% target.

  8. Foreign Aid was created by the United States we helped weak countries world-wide throughtout history, we are world-wide police. Example of a country is Haiti when the earthquake happened. USA gave more than $712 million in aid.

    -This was a must because Haiti really needed help. But when we give foreign aid to county that do not need it then that's a problem because some Americans don't have a place to live and no food to eat. We could spend the money on them.

  9. foreign aid was created to help other countries and nations that need the assistance for example :
    this website has specific details on the foreign aid that have been given to other countries.
