Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog #26 Term Project, Vietnam Movies and Reality

Hi again cadets.  Your term project will be due in June and requires you to watch a movie about the Vietnam War. You must also complete a worksheet that will require you to do research and use your critical thinking skills. This project must be completed and turned in on Monday, the 4th of June, 2012.  Just like your term project from last semester, failure to complete this assignment will result in a failing grade for the semester.  Below is a sample list of movies that are available about the Vietnam War.  Your task is to select 3 possible movies that you would like to view and explain why you chose them. You must then find a URL links about one of the movies and give your opinion about the authenticity of that movie.  Good luck and remember that you will choose your actual movie this week in class.  Don't forget to comment on other cadet's work as well and I hope you enjoy this assignment.  Here's your list and your worksheet will be posted with next weeks assignment.

Movie Name Year      Movie Name Year
84 Charlie MoPic 1989      Platoon Leader 1988
A Bright Shining Lie 1998      Rescue Dawn 2006
A Yank in Vietnam 1964      The Anderson Platoon 1967
Apocalypse Now 1979      The Deer Hunter 1978
Bat 21 1988      The Green Berets 1968
Born on the 4th of July 1989      The Hanoi Hilton 1887
Casualties of War 1989      The Iron Triangle 1989
Coming Home 1978      The Odd Angry Shot 1979
Faith of My Fathers 2005      The Siege of Firebase Gloria 1989
Full Metal Jacket 1987      The Walking Dead 1995
Go Tell The Spartans 1978      Tigerland 2000
Good Morning Vietnam 1987      Tunnel Rats 2008
Hamburger Hill 1987      Uncommon Valor 1983
Heaven and Earth 1993      Under Heavy Fire 2001
Platoon 1986      We Were Soldiers 2002


  1. I was so happy when I saw that Full Metal Jacket was one of the choices. That is one of my favorite movies of all time(: I have it on DVD. My choice would be to do the report on that movie.
    I think Full Metal Jacket sounds very interesting and is a good movie.

    I Have also seen Dear Hunter. Although it is extremely depressing and is definitively a tear jerkier it is a good movie as well.

    The Green Berets also is a good movie. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Deer_Hunter

    I have seen most of the movies on the list although the three that I have chosen are my favorites.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPi8EQzJ2Bg
    Lucky for me I already have platoon due to the military ball and Ive already watched it. i enjoyed thoroughly and have realized that those things have happened. I was on the bus today (5/9/12) and i was able to speak with a Vietnam war veteran. so that was a blessing in disguise. I found it strange how open he was with me being that the only connection between him and I was my grand father whom served. I will defiantly do a report on platoon.

    Good morning Vietnam looks hilarious but not very accurate.

    Well after watching the trailer for Heaven and earth it looks interesting because it is the story of a native and not a soldier so this is very interesting.

    1. I agree with you, Heaven and Earth looks very interesting, the trailer was very touching.

    2. The trailer of Good Morning Vietnam is indeed hilarious.

  3. The three movies I want to to watch are Apocalypse Now, Tunnel Rats and Hamburger Hill.
    Apocalypse Now let me remember my father's fried came back form vietnam. He said when you kill too many,you have the crankiness,Invincible feeling.Makes you think you are the god or a king.This movie is very real and let people feel depress.
    Tunnel Rats ,an other sad and bloody one. It has lots
    of details about how the VC trap the US soilders.Its kind of scarey but it is trun.
    Hamburger Hill,old movie tell us about what happen on that little mountain.How they fight ,how they stand one's ground,and thier Invincible Spirit, but is not as turn as the other two.
    I like all three of them, their all good movies but i really don't want to watch Tunnel Rats again,it's so vicious and it gets me really mad.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8NR6n1nRMI
    i did not watch all of them, i just choose some depend on the name, this Born on the 4th of July, it seems very good, haha

    coming home , the name let me feel calm, and happy, i hope everyone could coming home.

    heaven and earth, i like this tittle, in the video, the place is so pretty.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks_MbPPkhmA
    I want see Full Metal Jacket but I can't find the movie

    I had never show/hear an movie called Hamburger Hill

    And We Were Soldier, I only watch the beginning of the movie but I would like to finish the movie

  6. The Movie i pick is The Dear Hunter.

  7. Three movies I would want to see are …
    Full Metal Jacket because it has a very catchy name and sounds cool.
    The Walking Dead because the title of the movie is also very cool.
    Good Morning Vietnam because I heard of this movie before and friends said it was great.
    During class I was assigned the movie Good Morning Vietnam and I am looking forward to watching this movie.

  8. -One of the movies i would like to watch is Casualties of War.
    * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDL2V2vTjbY

    -The other movie i would like to watch is We Were Soldiers.
    * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0yUlbAt8Kk

    - And the 3rd movie i might pick is Heaven and Earth.
    * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpjxuJV6FfY

  9. Deer hunter

    Hole movie with chinese tranlated .http://ckdvd.com/jq/4611.html

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKggv-cH6YE
    this one is the excerpts of the Faith of My Father,Based on the memoir by John McCain written about his time as a POW during the Vietnam War

    this a part of rhe Heaven and Earth,this title got my interest in the begining, i want to wathch the full version

    and another one that i was interested in was Born On The Fourth Of July, this movie shows different views of the Vietnam War and the affects that happened to returning solders of the war.

  11. the movies i want to watch are :

    Apocalypse Now :http://youtu.be/Tt0xxAMTp8M

    faith of my fathers: http://youtu.be/mKggv-cH6YE

    casualties of war :http://youtu.be/iDL2V2vTjbY

    i have not yet been assigned to watch a movie but these look interesting

    1. i think you should pick Casualties Of War because in the trailer you posted up it looks like there's a conflict within the soldiers which can lead to mistrust.

  12. I want to watch these, well any one of these:

    Faith of my Fathers

    Rescue Dawn

    I would really love to watch this one.
    Tunnel Rats

  13. Rescue Dawn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pvIENWHb48
    Apocalypse Now :http://youtu.be/Tt0xxAMTp8M

    Uncommon Valor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAOJnGiS_vw

  14. The movie i choose was Born On The Fourth Of July

    Just by watching the trailer got me excited to watch the movie, it shows really good scenes and i wanna be able to watch it. I also heard it's a really good movie so i want to be able to watch it.

  15. 3 Possible movies I like to see is The Green Berets, Full Metal Jacket and Tunnel Rats. The movie The Green Berets is a movie that I admire. The fact that they are special forces and to become a green beret is extremely hard. Also the fact that their motto is to liberate the oppressed. Full Metal Jacket is a movie I would love to see because they are all about marines and someday I like to become one. Tunnel Rats seem to have an interesting name and would like to see it. Overall the moive I choose is Full metal Jacket.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUc62jD-G0o

  16. the three possible movies i would choose would be The Walking Dead,Full Metal Jacket, and Tunnel rats. i choose the walking dead because for some reason i thought that it would be just like the show "the walking dead".

    and i chose tunnel rats because it sounded like something i would understand http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0970462/
    a special US combat unit is sent out to hunt and kill the Viet Cong soldiers in a man-to-man combat in the endless tunnels underneath the jungle of Vietnam. Suicide squads of a special kind.

  17. three possible movies would be
    1. We were soldiers
    2. Faith if our fathers
    3. Rescue Dawn

    I picked We were Soldiers because it seems like a movie I will really enjoy.
    A French unit is on patrol in Vietnam in 1954, during the First Indochina War. The unit is suddenly ambushed by Viet Minh forces, who kill the officers.leven years later, the United States had entered the Vietnam War. U.S. Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore is depicted as dedicated and deeply committed to training troops under his command who are preparing for deployment to Vietnam. He is disquieted because the 7th Cavalry regiment was the unit commanded by General George Custer in the 19th Century when he and his men were slaughtered at the Battle of the Little Bighorn
