Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blog #30 Dear America, Letters home from Vietnam

Cadets, as promised, here is the first video of 8 parts that are available for you to watch on Youtube.  These videos are excellent and will give you a personal insight into what soldiers experienced during the Vietnam war.
Once you have watched the first video, post your thoughts about one of the letters from home that touched you. Remember to comment on other cadet's posts.

Don't forget to watch the other 7 segments on Youtube. Each one is well worth the 10 minutes they take.


  1. the most touching letter to me was from part two of the movie the speaker tells of his first look of war and how he had expected it but never expected it at the same time. life is full of these unknowns and what trials are new stay new even if we face them again...

    1. Really Like your last statement, very touching and ironic.

    2. Beautiful, it's crazy how war can change you either mentally and or physically.

  2. The most memorable part of the film was where one of the soldiers said if I get a letter or not determined if it was a good day or not. That lingered in my mind. That was very touching to me and really made me tear up a bit.

    1. Cadet Chan, did you watch any of the other parts? This is a really great movie and well worth watching. The book is even better.

  3. I first feel sad and then feel scare.Just 2 months of training, not enough for them to make back to state.Our troops were fighting deep inside the jungle,so the only thing makes them happy and give them some hope is reading family letter.I like this movie very much and I hope all those soldiers who made this movie are still alive today.

  4. I think is sad, being trapped in a place that your not used to. Being in a jungle when all you know is being home with family. The only thing these men looked foreword to there was hearing from their families, family is such an important thing but not everyone realizes that until they are in a wild situation.

  5. I feel depresed when I watch these videos because I could never imagine being overseas without my family and no way to communicate with them except for letters. I couldn't imagine being trapped in a war zone. I don't blame many of the men that came home and had nightmares and the people who called them baby killers should have been ashamed of from what they went threw.

  6. I felt sad because it hard to for a young soldier that had been oversea without seeing your family members or communicate with them. Plus the young soldier had went through hell in the jungle.
