Monday, May 28, 2012

Blog #29 Welcome Vietnam War Guest speaker

As promised cadets, as we move into the study of the Vietnam War, 
I am bringing in a guest speaker that will talk to you about his experiences
in the war on Friday, the 1st of June.  Please prepare three questions in 
advance and post them to our site so that he will have a chance to read 
them. Be prepared to ask them in class during the discussion session.  
As always, remember to comment on other student's questions. 
You can also research those same questions online to find
other soldier's responses. Post the URL where you found your answers.
I hope you will learn more from this lesson through your research and
critical thinking analysis.  The only questions that are off limits are:
"Did you ever kill anyone and what did it feel like?"  and "Do you know
how many people you killed?" 

Good luck and I look forward to seeing your questions as well.


  1. Due to the war, innocent civilians lost their lives as well, which included both women and children. How do you feel about if you hurt or killed somebody who were innocent? And how was the life during the war in the Vienam?

    I found some responses to the questions-----In Vietnam, the soldiers did not feel the work they were doing there in saving the Vietnamese was being acknowledged by the people they were doing it for. That was another reason for the rage that built up within a majority of the soldiers. They saw the Vietnamese as people who were colluding with the Viet Cong and trying to harm the soldiers. This feeling led to all the atrocities that American soldiers committed against the Vietnamese.

    Soldiers also had to face a very harsh weather, totally unlike what it is in the US. Their life was divided into long intervals of having to do nothing but fend against the weather and the rough environment and short unpredictable intervals of actual battle with the enemy.

    1. You ask 2 questions, what was your third one? Remember that not all soldiers that fought in Vietnam committed atrocities against the civilians that were there.

    2. Hope you had a great time at the Memorial Day Parade

  2. as we know, everyone will die someday, and i am afraid to die. if i was at vietnam war, i know i need to fight for my country, but i dont know if i could "fight or hide". do u fear to die?

    1. Watch your grammar and make sure that you use correct spelling. I is always capitalized because it is referring to yourself and is possessive. Now to the real meat and potatoes, what are your 3 questions that you want to ask our guest speaker?

    2. Hope you had a good time at the Memorial Day Parade.

  3. After serving did it change the way you look at life? does it cross your mind why you joined the army? Would you ever consider giving advice to someone who wants to go to the army?


    Were you exposed to Agent Orange?
    If so have you had any health complications?
    How has this affected your life?

    1. Great link, now i know what Agent Orange is. This is some substance I don't want to be around and the affect of Agent Orange do not sound pleasing.

  5. My 3 questions are,

    1) Where there any successful moments?
    2) How did you feel during the war, such as the news?
    3) Have you ever wished to go back and change some things?

  6. Here are my 3 questions

    1.Did the war change your perspective on everything?

    2.Have you ever regretted joining the Army while on tour campaign in Vietnam?

    3.Have you seen or experienced the affects of Agent Orange?

  7. How has this war changed your life? Do you regret serving in the military?

    How did it feel to fight in a completely uncharted and unknown area?

    How was transitioning back into civilian life, was it difficult and how different was civilian life from military life?

  8. When you joined the Army, did you want to go to Vietnam or had different plans?

    How do you feel about Agent Orange being used during the war?

    How is the life of the average soldier in the Vietnam war?

  9. My three questions are ,
    1. How did this experience change your life?
    2. Where you every seriously hurt ?
    3. Do you regret serving in the military?

  10. added questions-- How was the weather in the Vietnam?What is your opinion about the General MacArthur had been fired?

    1. Cadet Ye, just a reminder that General MacArthur was from the Korean War, not the Vietnam War. It's hard not to confuse these two wars when you study them back to back.

  11. Vietnam, a country that have three thousand years history and a land of scorched earth.US soldiers that served in Vietnam were been honored, but also frustrated.A lot of things happened during that period of time and there are lots of things that we will never know about.
    My questions are :
    1.Have you ever fought face to face with thoes VC soldiers? How do they look like?
    2.which part of Vietnam did you served?
    3.If we won , do you think the world will have any difference from today.

  12. my questions are.
    1 how was the Vietnam soldier fought in the war?
    2 Did you cry because you was scared?
    3 Did you marry before served in the war?

  13. my 3 questions are :

    1)did your experience in Vietnam change you as a person ?
    2) what was your job during the Vietnam war ?
    3) what was the hardest of all experiences you've overcame in Vietnam ?

  14. My three questions are:

    1. What was your military occupation specialty in the military?
    2. How many years have you been in the military?
    3. Do you remember the date when you are going home?

  15. My 3 questions are:
    1) During the war did you ever experience a child with a weapon?
    2) Where you in the war zone? What part of the country and what was your job?
    3) Did anyone ever thank you for what you did?

  16. Did the war change yourmind set of how the world is?

    What was your job during the war?

    What age did you decide to join the millitary? Do you regret it?

  17. 1. Were you forced into the war or did you decide to join at your own will?
    2.At what age did you go into war?
    3. Did someone inspired to go into the war or when you went into war was their someone like your role model?

    I don't have a URL because i had a veteran come into my English class last week to talk to us so i just wanted a deeper understanding

  18. 1. where there moments when you gave up hope? was the food during the war, did it make you miss your mothers cooking?
    3.did anybody try to stop you from joining the military and going into war?
