Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blog #32 Vietnam Veteran Paul Naso presentation

Hi again cadets. Here is one of the recorded videos of Mr. Paul Naso, the Vietnam Veteran that spoke to our class on the 1st of June, 2012.  Hope you enjoyed the class and be sure to  leave comments for Mr. Naso on our website to show your appreciation.

Vietnam Veteran Paul Naso from denise lewis on Vimeo.
Here is the web-site that Mr. Naso mentioned for the Wolfhounds. Make sure you log onto the site and look at other soldiers information and leave positive messages. Post their names back to our site and don't forget to mention that you are from Tiger Battalion JROTC. Good luck and keep up your hard work. This is worth extra credit with your final score. Wolfhounds Vietnam War Website


  1. Thank you Mr. Naso I really appreciate you coming down to talk to our class about the Vietnam War. I've always wanted to hear about someone who went through what you went through. Now that dream has been fulfilled.

    1. Nice thank you, Tabitha. (:

    2. Very nice thank you, glad to hear you fulfilled a dream over this year.

  2. Thank you Mr. Naso for coming to our school to talk to us. It was nice learning about your experiences in Vietnam. Thank you for fighting for my country.

  3. Thank You very much for sharing your experience with us. Now we have a first hand account from a veteran like you. It is very brave of you to share this experience with us because in that time you may had have many unpleasant memories that you do not wish to speak of. Thank You again.

  4. Thank you ,Mr.Naso for you coming to our school and giving us the valuable experience of your vietnam war.It is seem a lesson for us. You taught us to respect and support our soldiers who fighted or fighting for our country.

  5. Thank you Mr.Naso. You tought us a great lesson and I really understand what was going on in vietnam.You used your own life to proved the courage of American soldiers.Your experiences in Vietnam was your life collection, thank for sharing with us.

  6. Thank you Mr.Naso for coming to our school to share your experience in the Vietnam War Conflict. And I want to personal THANK YOU!For your serves in the United States Army.
