Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog #15 Modern Medical Miracles. Health and science march on

Welcome back to the second semester cadets. I hope you enjoyed this past semester and have gained a wealth of knowledge.  This week we are taking a look at modern medical breakthroughs that are related to your health.  The following video is something that many people would have thought impossible even 10 years ago.  This soldier was one of the first quadriplegic injuries of the Iraq was and he never gave up. Now he is being given another chance.  Watch the following video and I hope that it inspires you to find other medical advances that are taking place in our every day life. Remember to post your video link or URL for the article that you find. Give a brief synopsis of your site and remember to comment on other cadet's work.
Here's the video and enjoy:



    This was posted in September of 2012. It shows how there are many different medical advancements mostly for military personnel. The advancement shown makes a huge difference to the soldiers' life. There are facial reconstruction, burn wounds reconstruction, and even advancement in reconstruction of the ear.

    In 1SG's video on Brendan Marrocco 's surgery, it had created a big difference on his life. He his given a chance to live his life again using the hands of a selfless individual, and help others in ways he once could have. May more advancement in medical research be made to help injured soldiers and non-military individuals.

    1. I was going to do that article but I guess you took it. Its amazing what people can do now in the 21 century.I like your work Ling

    2. This artical is very inspiring and I really happy that he was able to reconstruct his face.

    3. I agree with you, medical advances do make huge difference's not only in that soldiers life but in many other peoples life that have been affected because of their unique medical situation.

    4. Wow. That really is amazing. I had no idea that something like that was possible.


    This is about how people have prosthetic limbs and how our medical fields have advance over time .U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Leroy Petry is grateful for what he has.

    1. I agree with you because he should be grateful for what he has. In the military their is a big chance for losing a body part or mant body parts

    2. The discussion of advancement in our medical fields and its positive effect on aiding wounded veterans was intriguing.

    3. It is shocking and happy to me that SFC Leroy Petry is on active duty now after the surgery. May more military advancements be made to help wounded soldiers and civilians.

  3. This is also about a medical miracle.This story if really sad and upsetting. This is about a 2 year Arizona Arizona boy is being hailed as a “medical miracle” after surviving what doctors are calling a rare “internal decapitation” resulting from a car accident.I am happy and Thank God the little child is ok and breathing. People say that the 2 year old was ok because he was strapped tight in his seat with a seat belt. I hope he gets out of the hospital soon.


      This is the link.


    The article I've posted above discusses a veteran who lost his leg while serving his country. He has since been using a prosthetic leg, which has been amazingly engineered to possesses artificial intelligence. I found this to be an extremely positive thing because so many of our veterans have been wounded similarly, and this new technology allows us to take care of them better and make their daily lives as normal as possible.



    This has the Top 10 Modern Health Discoveries. In the article they talk about Cloning Cells Cures Melanoma, HIV Vaccine Close to Human Tria, Viagra and Nitric Oxide, First Human Vaccine Against Bird Flu, New Diabetes Gene Discoveries, Treating Cancer Patient Nausea With Seasickness Patches, Five-In-One Vaccine for Children, First US Face Transplant, and Non-Invasive Down’s Syndrome Tes. Connie Culp was left without lower eyelids, a nose, or a palate after a shotgun blast to the face in 2004. In 2008, the Cleveland Clinic hosted a procedure that would give her an entirely new face.



    This has the Top 10 Modern Health Discoveries. In the article they talk about Cloning Cells Cures Melanoma, HIV Vaccine Close to Human Tria, Viagra and Nitric Oxide, First Human Vaccine Against Bird Flu, New Diabetes Gene Discoveries, Treating Cancer Patient Nausea With Seasickness Patches, Five-In-One Vaccine for Children, First US Face Transplant, and Non-Invasive Down’s Syndrome Tes. Connie Culp was left without lower eyelids, a nose, or a palate after a shotgun blast to the face in 2004. In 2008, the Cleveland Clinic hosted a procedure that would give her an entirely new face.


    This article talks about 3 modern medical miracles, the one that I find the most interesting is the PillCam ESO.It's a pil that a patient takes and it allows an inside look at their esophagus, it takes 2,600 pictures. each pill has two cameras, one on each end.

    1. This wowed me, found this extremely intresting!


    This is a video that shows this 29 year old girl hearing her own voice for the first time in her life. She was born deaf and at 29 she received hearing implants and now she is able to hear just like everyone else.

    1. The things they can do in the medical field now amaze me. Well done!

    2. It's so nice that she can hear her own voice and the ones of other people. Now other people like her have a achance to hear


    This video is based on a woman who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. This type of cancer is very rare. It only occurs in woman who are in there 40's and aren't active smokers.

    1. I heard about this before. I think it's quite fascinating and it caught me by surprise.

    2. This video is very heartfelt and informative, Coffey I think it is a great video choice!


    This site focuses on medical advances that were made to improve the structure of the body such as a spine alignment. I found it surprising that medicine has been so improved that it is possible to change a bone alignment with such little procedure.

    The article talks about how they have been coming up with different ways to help people re build body parts or skin that was lost. Some of the ideas that are being tried are putting a nose or an ear back on the people who lost them. Another one is sprayed on skin for burns and other types of wounds.


    This article lists the top ten medical breakthroughs of last year and among them are genetically modified mosquitoes. To fight against diseases such as the West Nile virus and malaria, three million sterile male mosquitoes were released to procreate with non sterile females. This project was successful, there was a eighty percent population drop. Since these special mosquitoes were released less people have been infected with mosquito borne diseases.


    In this article, an English man got his hand cut off and replaced by a dononor hand. This is the first successful full hand transplant. After a week, he was able to wiggle his fingers. He says he looks forward to going back to work.


    Well this article is about a man who had an artificial heart then got a surgery to get a real heart transplanted to him. This happend not so long ago about five months. Its suprising how there are medical advancendments in transplanting human body parts.

    1. Wow, that's amazing! I didn't know we could now use artificial hearts, and to then replace the heart with a real one using surgery is really cool


    This is an article of the 10 greatest medical advancements (in the views of DEEP RAMACHANDRAN, MD) it's a fairly interesting article about how much the medical world has changed drastically since a few decades ago.


    this video is about a 29 year old girl heard her voice for the 1st time due to a hearing implant. this video shows the woman's expression of hearing.


    This site shows how Emory Pituitary Center is one of the first pituitary centers to use new and innovative treatments. That by using the newest treatment called 3D endoscope, can they remove a pituitary tumor more safely. The tool allows the surgeon to remove all of the tumors by seeing three dimensionally and having a panoramic view.

  18. Yes i do agree that is a great gift that many people are born healthy with no health problems and many of us don't see this but when we loos something we are going to see the difference and view life differenrtly
