Monday, February 4, 2013

Blog #16 Your health, eating late at night and other old wive's tales

Good Morning Cadets.

    I hope that you had a great weekend and survived the Super Bowl without any problems.  As we are going into our health phase of JROTC, this weeks assignment is to find out what truths and mis-truths there are out there regarding weight loss and gain.  We have all been told that we shouldn't eat late at night and recently there was a study that stated that it didn't matter when you eat as long as you controlled the amount that you eat. Well, according to this newest study, it does matter and you shouldn't eat after a specific time.  Watch the video, listen to it, or read and respond with your comments.  You must also find a story or website that debunks myths about weight loss and your health.  As always, remember to comment on your peer's work and post your URL/document to our website for others to read.  Here is your story:
NPR Weight Loss Study and here is the listening segment for you auditory learners: NPR Audio Weight Loss


  1. First Sergent this was really interesting and I really do believe that if you eat after a specific time, especially at night time you do again weight. When you eat late at time then you go to bed. YOu do again alot of weight.

    I found a interesting link that talks about 10 weight loss myths and how they will ruin your diet. Research found out that people who does these weightloss myths gains weight and becomes more unhealthier. In this article there are 1o myths and then tells the truth and explains it. Myth number one can be: You don’t have to count calories. The fact is that counting calories is really important for your body to be heathier.

    The link is

    HAve fun

    1. The article was very interesting and I learned from it, thank you for posting it.

    2. Well it is different for anyone you know. Everybody has a different body and we do not function the same way like for example me. I eat plates of food at night but I do not gain weight only for the that i have a fast metabolism

  2. The link to the article I found regarding weight loss myths is the following :

    One of the myths discussed in this article is that setting realistic and less aggressive weight loss goals will help you lose more weight. The article explains that studies have shown how aggressive goal-setting and an equally aggressive pursuit of said goals actually aids in a much larger amount of weight loss, as opposed to the myth that short, easy goals will help you lose weight. I found this interesting because it confirms a personal belief I have about aiming high and hitting high (learned by SFC Poirier when I was a LET 1.)In conclusion, I found that this article had quite a bit of interesting information to be shared, and I'm glad to post the link and leave it available to anyone reading this.

    1. I agree with you, setting goals can help lose weight but I think that's if only your committed and want to reach your goal

  3. Well what I think after listening to this is that we do need to watch on what we eat but it doesn't matter what time we eat because well eating is just eating it doesn't need a time when to eat food.

    The article I found talks about how these people have these questions and the answers are based on facts and evidence.For example "If I skip breakfast or lunch, I will lose weight faster".
    Eating fewer meals can actually lead to weight gain and added body fat. In fact, one study showed that people who skip breakfast have a four to five percent lower metabolic rate (the rate at which your body burns calories to maintain vital functions when at rest) than those who do not. When you skip meals, your body fights back by slowing down the rate at which you burn calories. Believe it or not, you will lose weight more efficiently if you eat several small meals a day rather than one or two large meals.

    1. Good Work Guzman!
      I totally agree with you and the site is very useful!
      I like this one;

      I have to give up "real desserts" to reach my goal weight.

      You don't have to forgo your favorite foods or "goodies" to lose weight. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If you love pie á la mode, just eat it less often and/or in smaller portions. Better yet, think substitution, not elimination.

      I LOVE SODA, but I also know that I gain a lot of weight from it so instead of drinking soda, I tell myself to drink others like cold lemon water, and knowing after that I did not gain weight, makes me feel even happier.

    2. I found your article interesting and informational

    3. I agree that this article is really interesting and has many facts and information that you can use to lose weight. Nicole my doctor even said that if you drink cold lemon water twice a day it cuts your fatty tissues. I am going to start drinking that.

    4. I agree with you Brian also its not just about cutting back on certain foods also the exercise you need really helps not just always a diet.

  4. Thank you 1SG for posting the audio.

    This reminds me of last night where I was watching a movie on my dvd player on my bed while eating Pocky @ 12 in the morning after finishing hw.

    To me, these five ways are very useful to obtaining a healthy body more than losing weight. Like the website said, it is much easier to not drink the soda in the first place than to have to lose the calories later on. Also, my father always say that as an adult, the calories loss daily is much lower than the calories loss for a teenager. I remember there was a time period where I consumed a lot of water and fruits daily, and my body felt good.

    1. I can agree with what you're saying, and you did a great job. Well done!

    2. it's totally true nicole, it's discipline because sometimes we say I'll lose the calories later and we don't care and we procrastintate our health! But your right agreed I think there was a time where we where healthier and felt better inside.


    This website shows an article of 5 key factors when it comes to weight loss. I agree that these are necessary to lose weight. Throughout the article it describes that not only will you have to train physically but you will require a mental mindset where you fight against cravings and that you must be patient.

    This website is talking about twenty five diffrent myths that involve weight loss and the article talks about why it's not true.

    1. I saw this before. After reading it, I was shocked! I couldn't believe that I've been believing the wrong things.

  7. My post is a bit different. I did some research and found out that different blood types require different diets. The reason for this is because different blood types require different nutrients.


    This article talks about the truth behind the common diet belifs. One example is that gym class don't have a big impact on a kid's weight. I believe the best way to lose weight is to exercise, eat small meals and have no junk food.

  9. Thanks 1SG Lewis for the audio, it was good to hear!

    To be perfectly honest im the type of girl who sometimes eats late at night and who doesn't excercise daily. I just eat and eat without taking care of what I intake, yes where young and some peoples metabolism is fast like mine.But we need to be really careful, where damaging our health starting now with these diets that aren't true, because in reality what we need to be is disciplined and want that change, like 1SG Lewis says.
    This article that I found suprised me in one way the most. The fact that if we skip breakfast we are slowing down our metabolism. I always skip breakfast because either im lazy or i ate really late at night but the fact that im saying my metabolism is fast and it's okay it really isn't. It also informs us that its not cutting completley our high carbohydrates its limiting our porportions on how much we intake. I found the Website intresting for me and helpful on a few tips and what to remember, I hope you guys like it.


    Im the type of person to always snack on things and eat a lot. I do have a fast metabolism i used to be really out shape but raiders got me in the best shape of my life. I honestly dont watch calories but i try to balance out what I eat sometimes i try to lay off the really bad fast food and more on home cooked meals but if i have fast food its more on the healthy side. This article is about 10 myths for weight loss and most of them are myths and theres always facts to back up either a myth is fake or real.

    1. Your artical was really interesting and raiders did help me alot. I think it is really important to exercise everyday.

  11. Well this was video really interesting and I really do believe that if you eat after a specific time, especially at night time you do again weight.

    This artical shows you the top 7 diet myth debunked. It is really cool and interesting. Some are only eat when you are hungry, There are no bad foods, everything in moderation. Researchers at the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) report that spacing food evenly throughout the day is key to weight-loss success.


    This article shows 5 ways when it comes to losing weight. I think these 5 ways are important to lose weight. the article describes that not only will you have be patient but to train your body physically and mentally where you fight against food

  13. Eating disorders not only affect your emotional and physical health, but also can have long-term consequences, like heart disease and bone loss. If not treated, the effects of eating disorders can be life-threatening.
