Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog #20 How to get your kid into a Service Academy

Cadets, share the bottom link with your friends and family if you are
seriously interested in applying to one of the Service Academy's. The
story is great and so is the information, it will open your eyes to the
possibilities that are available to you. Good luck and I hope that
you find this information useful.

Service Academy (How To)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If I were to show this to my mom, she'd get angry at me. She'd think I was making her support me when she really doesn't want to. She is so anti military that she will always find an excuse to oppose my decision. She could never think the way the article suggests a parent to think. My mom thinks no girl should join the military. She opposes everything I do unless it's in her favor. She could never understand why I want to join the military.

    1. Prove to her or show her the great things you have done for ROTC, those ribbons you have are there for a reason to show pride of your self achievements.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you 1SG Lewis this was actually helpful and i hope this guides me to make my right decision

  5. I thought this artical was very interesting. if I ever had to do something like that I definately use this artical as a guide.
