Monday, February 25, 2013

Blog #18 Sugary sweet sodas or Trans Fat laden chips and cookies

Hi again cadets. While we are studying our Health Section in JROTC, we have learned about the choices that we have to make on a daily basis to maintain our proper weight so that we remain healthy.  For  those of you that are aware of Mayor Bloomberg's Soda ban in NYC, you know that sodas and beverages over 16 ounces cannot be sold in restaurants that sell or deliver food.  This law goes into effect on the 16th of March.
Your task this week is to analyze common food items that can be purchased in businesses and schools and determine which ones are worse for your overall health.  Is it the sugary sweet sodas or the trans fat laden cookies and chips.  The choice is yours to decide. Should the government be involved in restricting what you eat and drink?  Post your data and information along with your opinion on our site. Remember to post your URL for your site that you obtain your facts from and also a brief synopsis. Once you have completed this task, your last part is to comment on other student's work. Good luck and sound off so that your neighbors and local government can hear you.  Here is a small video to get you started.


  1. Wow he wasted alot of soda during the video so sad :(

    But in my opinion i think all foods are good aslong as you dont eat it everyday and every single time. I think this is a bad law because in my opinion this isnt going to solve anything because people are still going to buy soda and like how mayor bloomberg said you could buy two sodas if you want and people are going to do this or go to the other store and buy there 25 oz soda like the video said.
    So according to this list(of foods that have transfat) special K's granola bars have trans fat and people usually think this treat is a healthy snack. Unfortunatly it doesnt say how much but is at number four.Also one of the most important things in a human beings life is to get excersise at least three days a week, to get rid of all these kinds of fats. They sell these in school. I think?

    1. Wow, very interesting! I didn't know Saltine Crackers contained trans fat! I agree, that all foods are ok, as long as there consumed in moderation. But it's hard to do that sometimes, like when you have a craving or you feel like you haven't eaten in weeks! (exaggeration, of course,) very intriguing link though!

  2. I kind of agree with a few points that were brought up about the law, for one it would take a whole lot of sugar away from a person's diet. But, there's also the option that one could go to a seven eleven and get the big gulp then go back. I guess eventually though, restaurants would start putting up signs that would say "no outside drinks allowed." Also people could just buy 2 or more drinks to fulfill their cravings. Although less likely because I sure wouldn't want to pay 4 to 8 bucks for what in the past, I could've gotten for 2. Mayor Bloomberg wants this law passed to gain more profit. In truth when this law passes profits are sure to go up for businesses being that people will pay that extra two or four dollars for more soda. Thats not the only problem though, There's also the issue of how many calories we consume through out the day. It's hard to realize the amount of calories we actually consume when we're not jotting down everything we eat, nor keeping track of how we end up eating. Let alone to count every single calorie we ate through out the day. On the link below, there is a video by ABC news on calorie counting. And how long it take to burn up all the calories just from eating at mcDonalds! Check it out, I was pretty surprised to see the result.

    1. It was really interesting and I kinda agree with Mayor Bloomberg, we should face the fact that our nation is suffering from obesity and should do something about it.



    In my opinion I believe that all foods are good and there are no such things as bad food. All are food as long as you don’t eat it too much and you limit what you eat. I kind of agree with Mayor Bloomberg, Americans are suffering from obesity and we need to do something to stop it. Even though he has a really good idea I don’t think it would work. Instead of buying 16oz of soda, they will buy multiples of it or even go to Seven Eleven. People will find another alternative way to drink more soda.
    Saturated fats have a chemical makeup in which the carbon atoms are saturated with hydrogen atoms. Saturated fats are typically solid at room temperature. In this site they show the 20 worst drinks in America and they explain why it is bad.

    1. Although my point is different I definitely agree with what your saying, well done!


    This article is based on what Bloomberg is doing, making soda sold in restaurants a smaller size. By doing this he thinks he will lower the obesity rate in New York. In my opinion, that will have barely any affect because if there still drinking soda all day that contains empty calories with no nutrition value. All the customers have to do is buy another soda which is not difficult at all.


    I believe that the government should interfere with our 'dietary' plans. Our country is overweight and super sized in everything. If our government doesn't do something, they will end up taking the blame for unhealthy foods. This site gives both sides of the debate.

    1. Good link and comment Law! In my perspective, this ban is very controversial in whether or not the gov't should be able to restrict what we eat or drink and both parties are reasonable.

    2. You are right that are country is overweight and supersized in everything but we chose to eat the supersized stuff it wasnt forced into us so the government should not end up taking the blame for the unhealthy food choices we make.

    3. Emily I agree America is the largest and the most obesity country in the world but the government shouldn't ban any foods. If people wants to lose weight then they have to them by themseleves. Banning is not going to help. Excellent job :)

    In this article bloomberg AND fast food owners argue and tell there side of the story bloomberg said "What we need in New York are sensible solutions to the obesity issue that focus on a comprehensive approach to tackle an extremely complex problem," said Eliot Hoff, a spokesman for a beverage industry-sponsored group called New Yorkers for Beverage Choices. "New Yorkers are smart enough to decide for themselves what to eat and drink." In my opinion i think we make the bad choices so its our fault

    This link pretty much covers various topics on why there should or not be government control on our food. It also includes some examples where they have already taken part. The government should be part of taking control on a few things such as food. Although, there is a limit on how much our government can and not control. We have free will/choice on purchasing products that contain x amount of calories, fats and such. Therefore, I am pretty much undecided which side I should take part on because each one is balanced off with another. Not too much freedom nor too much government power.

    1. I like your response you really explained your self and the website was useful

  8. This is a very good video! The best part was that there's a ban on drinks over 16oz, but yet some stores would not be affected like the important ones, 7/11, McDonald's, and I think also theaters. On my list of worst food for one's health, after soda would be can & fast foods. Knowing that in a soda can that contains an average of 3.3 tablespoons of sugar, is very unhealthy & nasty. In fast foods and can foods, it contains a lot of salt and preservatives to make the food better and long lasting. In this article, is shows that an adult should only consume less than 2,300 mg of salt per day and lower if the person have any diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease. It also explained that salt is needed for the body but of course, too much of it is bad and life threatening. This article also shows how food we don't expect to have a lot of salt in it, has a lot of salt. Simply, eating fast food Restaurant's food and can foods containing a lot of salt, would affect one's health.

    "It's really, really hard for the consumer to address the issue of sodium intake themselves, because 80 percent of it comes from packaged foods -- not from the salt shaker."

    "A lot of the times," Katz said, "Salt doesn't come from foods you'd expect."

    I also do not believe that the government should be able to control what we eat or drink but in this case, Mayor Bloomberg has done something right (in my opinion) into having a good health but more companies has to be affected with the ban.


    This is a link from one person's view exaplaining how we do not have the right to chose what we eat but only "assumed" we had the rights because of our past experience on being able to chose.

    The article talks about some of the benefits that can from stores not being able to serve drinks larger than 16oz. Though I have not chosen if i agree with Mayor bloombergs plan or not. I think it is nice of him to try to help us with the obesity problem which is a serious isuue but i don't know if i like the idea of the government making it a bit harder for me to drink what i want. Also there will be people that will wonder how long until they control what we eat as well. So i can see both sides of the arguement.


    This article is about Bloombergs opinion on, making soda sold in restaurants a smaller size. Bloomberg thinks he will lower the amount of sugar drinks in New York. I think that it will have some affect on us or do nothing because if people still drinking these products it still will contain empty calories. Odds are people will still buy these items even if the sizes are different.
