Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog #19 Bonus Calorie Information

Again, with Mayor Bloomberg, his worry is about the soda that our
citizens consume but I guess he isn't worried about the issue of false
calorie counts at restaurants.  Watch the following video and post
your opinions and comments. Also find other links or URL's to show
more information about calories.  Good luck and I hope that you are
getting wise to the information that is being passed around.


  1. http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/those-healthy-snacks-actually-bad-132900494.html

    well look at this list about supposly healthy treats like crakers , rice cakes and PROTEIN bars. Protein Bars are what are usually considerd healthy(becuase the word protein but according to this list it doesnt make any difference as a snickers bar becuase its still coated with chocolate.This was on yahoo TODAY news.

    1. I found the issue with the protein bar interesting, as they are purchased by health-conscious people. The fact that some of them can be as bad as a snickers bar is shocking.

    2. I remember me asking my doctor one time about bars and he said that there not healthy and good for you, and I never understood why but only acknowledged that there were bad, now I know why!

  2. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2009/09/23/snacks-you-lie.html

    This article was actually very interesting as well as eye opening. It talks about a variety of issues, such as false calorie counts, and even the negatives of genuinely low-fat or low-calorie (etc.) foods. One interesting thing the article talked about was how people tend to look at a "low-fat" or "low-calorie" label and end up increasing their caloric intake because they possess a misconception about the true lack of fat or calories in the food. They will over estimate the lack of fat or calories and consume more and more of it until they've eaten to a point where they would have been better off eating a normal non-diet food. The article also mentions several false calorie count scams where the labels lie about the calories and mislead the consumers. The combined effect of false calorie counts and over-consumption due to lack of guilt is very dangerous.

  3. Wow! It's sick how the nutrition facts are available but are not accurate for most cases.


    This is a very good video pretty much summarizing everything we learned about health in 1SG's class.

    1. I agree with your opinion. They should just put the nutritional facts accuratly and thank you for posting the link to the video.

  4. http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/shortorder/2011/07/restaurants_lying_about_the_am.php

    This article talked about how sit down restuarants tend to lie more about thier nutritional information. The article also mentioned that fast food places are more accurate with their nutritional informatiom.
