Monday, March 4, 2013

Blog #21, Salt, sugar, fats, and there's a reason for that.

Good Morning Cadets.  I am very proud of your work so far on our health unit. Your work has been excellent both in class and online.  We have found out that there are some errors in labeling when it comes to the correct amount of calories listed on the food that we eat. We have found out that restaurants in NYC don't always label their calories correctly because they are not being held accountable for their honesty.  The real question now is why does the food that we eat taste so good; who makes it that way; and who is responsible for deciding how to advertise the products the way that they do?  Read the following story from NPR by a Pulitzer Prize winning author and I hope you are as surprised with this information as I am. Once you have read the article, your must do the following: 1, list what food or drink you bought with your own money the first time you spent your own money. 2, Find a website for advertising the product that you bought and post their URL to our blog, and 3, explain if you still buy or use the same product/item today.  Remember to explain your answers and also to comment on other students work.  Good luck and here's your story.
Salt Sugar Fats article NPR

Salt, sugar, fat, Audio Author Interview


  1. I bought L&B pizza and a ice tea
    i still buy this item today even if its fatening i only get it once or twice a month and I am tring to cut back on ice tea as much as possible.

    1. I think bloomberg instead of focusing on soda he should be focusing on false advertisment.

    2. I love ice tea i always buy the bigger cans so much more for only a dollar

  2. I bought Arizona, Twix, and chips (sour cream onion)

    I still buy twix because i mean its good even if it has 260 calories i still eat it once in a while.

    1. So you are going to be a life long Twix lover. What did you think about the story and how you are being manipulated?

    2. I know that you love twix, you buy it almost everyday

    3. Yes I am 1st SGT and I think that the story was very helpful now understanding companies are manipulating us and younger kids.

  3. Took me a while to figure out what I first bought, but I remember. I bought pizza. it was $2.25 and i only had $2 so I rode my bike all the way back home, got a quarter and bought that pizza, so I burned those calories.

    I still buy pizza today, but not from there.

    1. Hey at least he burned the calories that he consumed


    The first item that i have ever purchased that was from a deli was a 12 ounce can of Pepsi.I still often drink Pepsi because it is my favorite soda.

  5. I find that funny because, i used to love all those products as my favorites a few years ago.

  6. And how does this relate to the article that you were suppose to read?


    the first iteam that I bought was Coca-Cola. I would still buy the product beacuse I don't really care about the calories. I wouldn't drink it everyday but once a week because I know that it is bad for the health. It relates to the article, coke contains lots of sugar and which the article talks about, "Selling to teens in an attempt to hook them for life".

  8. the thing that i bought was coca-cola and a bag of chips i would still buy it. even if they are unhealth i just watch what i eat and i try to eat less of them.

  9. i still like those drinks but i don't drink them as much anymore

  10. The first time I made a decision on what to but for a snack was Whip Cream,Arizona & Fritos.
    Although these are my favorite snacks, I still buy whipped cream and arizona. Not everysingle day of course I only buy it when im at my dads, since hes the only one that allows me to eat it. I try most of the time not to eat because when I eat whiiped cream I only eat that and in 2 hours. Now the arizona I buy it 1-2 a month.

    1. Its good to see that you only drink an Arizona in 1-2 months because in 1SG's class, we saw that Arizona contains the most sugar when compared with soda products.


  11. First item I ever brought with my own money was a monster energy drink. I still buy it today even though its bad for me. I'm so used to drinking monster that its hard for me not to buy a can of monster. is the site for the drink.

    1. You have to cut down completely there are 5 deaths because of continuous use of monster so be careful !111

    2. I do love the flavor of the drink.. but some how it makes my body get tired not active as it should help with. I also drink them very rarely. Make sure you would not excess with the drink so no harms will show up later on life.


    The first snack I ever bought was a pack of Oreos. They use to be my favorite snack when I was in middle school. i don't eat it as often today but i still eat alot of junk food. I am trying to eat more fruits instead.

    1. They use to be my favorite but I stopped because it would give me a bad stomach ache , due to eating it excessively. But fruits are a lot better I have tried that too im constantly breaking it though.

  13. I remember the first snack I bought with my own $ is the 25 cents bag of chips in the grocery store after school after seeing my older cousin buying it. I do not buy it as often now, but I have big bags of chips at home from different brands that I consumer a lot of. I'm not sure if WISE's homepage is an ad but I believe their face book page is an ad.

    After reading the article, I believe it is controversial to say whether or not the companies are manipulating us through our buds. I believe that it is true that what we eat when we are young, sticks with us until we are old. As the article says, If they make it all healthy with low sugar, salt, and fat, it will affect their shareholders because we will not buy it due to their tastes and its true. We like to buy the snacks, candies, and the fried foods because we like the taste of them, because we like the taste of the sugar, salt, and fats. Its human nature in my perspective to like eating it because of those reasons, and it is true in my opinion that because we consume it when were young, it becomes a habit, but its not really because the company is manipulating us, but because we like to eat it either if we are young or old. If someone do not like something, you can make them eat it. Vice versa, if someone likes to eat something, you cant stop them from eating it. However, the companies can consider to lower the amount of sugar, salt and fat making it a bit healthier.

    1. Excellent job I agree with you and I love WIse chips

  14. One of the first drinks I used to buy growing up was Gatorade when I went out to play basketball. It cost 1.50 and I still find myself buying it from time to time, although I try to stick primarily to water.

    An Ad for Gatorade is right here :

    I've been told that it contains a bit of sugar and to stay away from it, so I drink it sparingly, but I don't see any harm in drinking it in moderation. It does replace electrolytes and has a nice taste to it.

  15. What I first bought with my money was Twix for a 1$ and a caprisun for 50 cents. I still find my self buying this products rarely.

    I have found out this kind of sweets are not as good for the body. The Twix uses a lot of animal fats for their cookies and the chocolate which is bad for the body if having to much and the caprisun has artificial flavors that are just sugars that would stay in the body as fat.

    1. It sure took u long to post this!!!! And im glad u realize that the twix is bad for ur body. But do u also realize that caprisun is also bad for ur body because it is maibly composed kf sugar and sometimes artificial flavors? Its very damaging to the stomach lining and blood streams.

  16. My first food that I bought with my own money is that a double cheese burger. I used to buy and eat double cheese burger twice a week when I was in 8th grade. I kept up the routine of eating a double cheese burger during freshmen year as well. I kept gaining so much weight and my asthma got worser. Then end of freshmen year I started my diet and started to loose so much weight by cutting down the cheese burger . Now i dont even thinking of touching a cheese burger.
