Monday, March 18, 2013

Blog #23 In Honor of National Women's Month

Good morning cadets.  This week we are paying our respects to the women
in our lives and the ones that have made a difference in society.  I can never
say enough about my mom and the support that she gave me while I was
growing up, she was truly an amazing woman.  So this week your task is to
select a woman that has made a difference in our society and honor her by
placing your comments and a URL for the website/link for that person on our
blog as well. Remember to comment on your peer's work and once you
have done that, you will be finished with your assignment for this week.  I hope
you enjoy this video about a woman that made a difference for our society.


  1. I wish i could do a story on my mom as well. sadly, there is no website dedicated to her.
    Col. Jeannie Leavitt is the commander of the 4th fighter wing. I find her to be an outstanding idol of a fighter pilot. her education history is off the charts considering the amount of degrees she has obtained in aerospace science. she leads one of the largest fighter wings in the USAF. she has the greatest devotion to her work in the United States Air Force. I admire her dedication and hard work to earn the ribbons she has gotten as well as her ranks. She is a very diligent woman and deserves to be honored this month because of her greatest achievements and history in flight.

    1. You beat me to doing the blog by 2 minutes -_- haha great story, very inspirational actually. Our country would be amazing if everyone emulated this woman.

    2. Haha i was bored at work.
      Thank you. I really look up to this womam because she is pretty much who i want to be when i start my career.
      I also really love marilyn monroe. I have heard great things about her and she is truly an inspiration

    3. Great job. You are right on the mark. She truly is a great role model and you will go far if you can follow in her footsteps.

    4. Outstanding job!
      I really do like her inspirational stories i have heard about her and about Marilyn Monroe they are both great women for inspirational models and great service and work they have done for our country.
      Also you guys could always make a website your own.
      For our great women in history including all mothers.
      Great job in your story and nice resource

  2. I think Marilyn Monroe is a good example of a woman who was highly successful and brought more honor and status to women everywhere through that success. That is by itself the biggest and most positive change one can cause.

    This article makes some good points as to why Marilyn Monroe is a hero and the changes she made in society.

  3. Colonel Maritza Saenz Ryan(born c.1960), is a United States Army officer, and the head of the Department of Law at United States Military Academy. She is the first woman and first woman and Hispanic (Puerto Rican and Spanish heritage) West Point graduate to serve as an academy department head. She is an inspiration to all Hispanics who carry the same dream as her.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. C/Vega, this woman you chose sounds awfully familiar. She is truly amazing and she has a great dedication. I also realized that she's Puerto Rican. Did you choose her bc of your background or it was a coincidence that she also from PR?

    3. wow i real like this women and she is really amazing. i believe tht she had an impact on our society today.

    4. Good job Vega! I believe that Cnl. Maritza Saenz Ryan is an inspiration to all, especially Hispanics. Graduating West Point as the first female cadet and being a Hispanic women shows a lot and is an honor to her heritage and family.

  4. First lady Michelle Obama has made a difference to this country.She loves to work with kids and she has started a organization called "Lets Move".This organization helps to reduce the number of childhood obesity.

    1. excellent job I am a big fan of the First Lady she is a true role model

  5. My woman that really inspired my is Susan B. ANthony. SHe is someone that I truly love and adore. SHe helped the United States and fought for woman rights. Cause of her woman has jobs, got to school, right to vote, and now they may run for president .

    1. Excellent job. I really liked your article and it was really interesting.



    I think Mother Teresa has made a difference in our society and inspired people. She taught in India for 17 years before she experienced her 1946 "call within a call" to devote herself to caring for the sick and poor. Her order established a hospice; centers for the blind, aged, and disabled; and a leper colony. She was summoned to Rome in 1968, and in 1979 received the Nobel Peace Prize for her humanitarian work.

  7. the women i look up to is Rosa Parks. She stud up against society for her race by sat at the front of the bus.

  8. i think rosa parks had a big impact in our society. she was the first to stand to unjust and help start the movement so that black african americans can have their right and freedom of speach. it was something real brave of her

  9. Well there are many women that have made a big diffrents in society and peoples mind of viewing women, but for this time i think i would pick Elizabeth "Bessie" Coleman was an American civil aviator. She was the first female pilot of African American descent and the first person of African American descent to hold an international pilot license.she was the person that inspired to want to become a pilot. i read a book about her and it made me think if she did this i also can at the time i was seven years old and i still remember the first day i read about her i was so amaze about her story her challenges in life that she face but acomplish in her life time.

  10. I agree also with my classmate Mohammee hago that Rosa Parks had a bid impact on history for african american people and in society too. She was a very strong,brave and smart women that stood up for her rights as a human a person and for all of her people.if she never had done this this wouldn't be the world that is today so THANK YOU!!!

  11. my information was from

    1. Love the video about the Aviator and I agree with you, she truly made a difference as well.

  12. When I first saw this topic, I did not have a women in mind. When I think of people who've made a difference in society, I think of mens that have made a difference, so i searched up "womens who made a difference in history". After I searched it, I finally remembered all the womens who made an important change in society. The women I am honoring here is Rosa Parks. We all know who she is, and she is someone I honor more after this blog. I've always knew who she was and what impact she made on society, but it feels different to me this time. This time, I truly feel the existence of Rosa Parks, the importance of her actions, and the difference in the world now because of her. When I saw the picture of her on the URL below, it touched me. The age and appearance of her just caught my eyes. I really don't know how to explain it but she feels different to me now, in a positive way. If it wasn't because of her, there wouldn't be the freedom black people have now, and her actions may of even had an affect on the different standards womens are in now.

    1SG, sorry for this blog being finished this late!
