Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blog #24 Drugs, drugs, & more drugs. What's your choice to learn about and teach?

Good morning Cadets.  This week you are involved with teaching about the different drugs that you may come into contact during your life. Each student is required to work as a team and use Google-Docs. You have created your presentation and will show your group work and knowledge in your classroom setting. Your task for this blog is to post the Drug that you and your group is teaching about.  You must identify information that you learned while researching about the drug and then must post the URL for the site that you collected your information.  If you have a video that you used, please post the URL link to that video as well.  Once you have accomplished these tasks, your final one is to comment on other students works.  Remember that you will get extra bonus points for creating a video yourself using your material as well as making a wall poster for our classroom.  Good luck and here is a video that I chose about music and Psychedelic drugs from the sixties.

Although some of these songs are not related to drugs, the bands music played a major part in expanding the use of mind expanding drugs in our culture during the sixties.


  1. My group and I did our project on tobacco. I had prior knowledge with this drug before.
    http://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/tobacco_control/ <-- is the site that I used for my research.
    I learned the effects of tobacco that I didn't even know could happen. I didn't know that you could get lip and urinary tract cancer from tobacco. I also learned that tobacco is only grown in warm climates.
    I think that overall, our group learned much from each other's research.

    1. Great job cadet! I did know some information as well and did know about tobacco growing in warm area (preferably in tropical areas) but I didn't know about that tobacco could give lip or urinary track cancer. I didn't even know there was lip cancer over all but is good knowing. I do believe this presentations were great because know we know what drugs do we know even more why we shouldn't do or take any drugs.

    2. Thats very interesting good job on the project and im sure that im not going to take any type of drug sounds scary

  2. my group's project was about cocaine. I know some information about this drug but I wasn't sure if it was enough. most of the information I learn it from here: http://alcoholism.about.com/od/coke/a/cocaine.htm
    but besides all this basic information about cocaine. One of the most important thing I learn about cocaine and that really surprised me was how long can the effect last? ( about 15 to 30 minutes). it was something I couldn't believed but this is the reason why people consume so much of it just for the reason of stay high, plus this drug is very addictive so they will actually benefit the people who sell the drug.

  3. My Group "Coffey Cup" were doing the power point about Ecstasy and Mollies.
    I have learned a lot from this drug in this presentation but what I learned that I thought it was impacting and interesting is the amount of the pills smuggled to the U.S. every week (about 2,000,000 pills). Ladies and gentlemen this is a lot of pills per WEEK!

    1. I saw your project. It was really good. I had no idea that ectasy was related to mollies. I always thought they were two different drugs. I thought that overall, your presentation was very well presented.

    2. Yep the Coffey Cup did great as a group i like how you guys answered my question to the fullest ability as possible. and i learned stuff i didnt know about ecstasy

  4. My group and i did a project on LSD. LSD is a scary drug that you don't want to mess with. If you take a bad trip you're done and there are chances that you will.http://kidshealth.org/kid/grow/drugs_alcohol/know_drugs_lsd.html

    1. That sounds unpleasant, LSD doesn't sound like something to mess with, and I think your group's presentation really show proof of that, you guys did an awesome job, and I learned a lot about LSD from it.

    2. Great job cadet, it was really interesting and i liked it alot.

    3. Good job Guzman! After going on that website, I have an idea on LSD and it does seem scary and awful to use. May the usage of it discontinue.

  5. Amphetamine is the drug my group did for our powerpoint. I learned that it was used for weight loss and was given to soldiers to help them stay awake during the war.
    the video on this drug.
    http://www.drugs.com/amphetamine.html- information on this drug.

  6. My group "candy" did a presentation on Cocaine. I found out many interesting facts about cocaine. I have heard of the drug but I never really got as in depth as I did when my team members and I started the project. It was fascinating, intriguing, and mind blowing, the things this drug can and will do to a person. Messing with Cocaine is definitely a horrible idea. And thanks to this project I now have a wider prospective on what this (and many other) drugs are all about. I'm glad we were all able to do this project and I feel ready for that test! (thanks to everybody as well, for making some great projects on their drugs too!). So, instead of saying "drugs are bad" which is something I think everyone now knows, I'll finish my thoughts with, Choose Pugs not Drugs.
    Here's a link on where I got some of my information for signs and symptoms of cocaine.

    1. wow sounds interesting and is a drug that sounds serious not something to joke about.

  7. My group "Roofies 3" did our our presentation on rhypnol also known as the date rape drug. i found a lot information like safty tips origin of the drug etc. it really opened my eyes on the seriousness of the drug.

    1. Where is your Website URL and comments on your peer's work?

  8. my group did a presentation ont crack also know as cocaine.
    i learned about how a long term effect is becoming ugly for using and once you use this drug you will get addicted and will it affect not only you but your family as well.

  9. My group was "candy" and our project was on cocaine.My group and i learn so much from this drug.The affects that this drug do to peoples lives and body is so horrible.Its also so interesting how people do this knowing what this drug can cost to them.The history of cocaine is amazing because it's one of the most important crimes going on in history and are still today. I think that we learn important information in class about different and similar effects that drugs do to the human body but one that is for sure is that this drugs soon or later will end up killing you!!!!!

  10. Don't do drugs to forget about problems,like your bills,school,parents,depression,lonly,unhappy,rent ect. this is not going to solve your problems is going to created more and keep coming back but each time stronger it's hard but people have to learn to deal with problems that's what life is about what would be life without problems. I have learm that problems help people understand and learn from mistakes and became a better person and stronger in life.Life is full of challenges that can be acomplish if not get back up and give it another try. LIVE LIFE,LOVE LIFE BECAUSE WE ONLY HAVE ONE. www.narcon.org/drughistory.htm

  11. the drug i used for my group is heroin and heroin for me is the worst drug because you stick a needle into your arm and i just can't stand it.heroin is a strong drug and the addiction is stronger


  12. all of the presentations in class were very interesting and each of them thought me new things that i didn't know about, the one that got me more interesting was the Heroin drug it amaze me how this drug can start kill the human body from the inside it starts to decompose the skin and die off,is so scary and that one of the reasons why i would never do drugs. Excellent job love all projects.

  13. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/alcohol.html

    My group and I presented the drug alcohol, which is legal drug if you are age of 21 and over. It is an ethanol especially when considered as the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors.

  14. My partner and I have done our drug on alcohol.
    In this project, I have learned a lot about alcohol. While presenting, I have also learn from 1SG a very important fact. You may think that whisky or wine is stronger compared to a beer in terms of alcohol level but its really the same. Yes, whiskey and wine has a higher alcohol content level, but even though alcohol like beer has a low alcohol content level, it is sold and consumed in a large proportion compared to whiskey or wine which are consumed in a smaller proportion. As a conclusion, technically, drinking either alcohol, you are consuming a similar amount of alcohol in your body. Another fact that is also very important are the laws of drinking and driving. Here are the names of the laws people can be charged with in New York State briefly.
    DWAI-drug; DWAI; DWI; Agg- DWI; Driving under the combined influence of alcohol and drugs; Driving with a blood alcohol content of .08% or more. (.08 BAC)
    Also, more than .05 is impaired; .08% or higher is intoxication; .18 or higher is Agg- DWI


    ( I do not remember where I've obtained the information regarding alcohol content level)

    These are the videos on my power point. PLEASE WATCH!


