Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blog #25 Cold War outcomes and the Sequestration

Good morning Cadets.  Since we are learning about the cold war, the one outcome of WWII was the creation of the Marshall Plan that helped rebuild and restore war ravaged/damaged Europe and speed their economic recovery.  Along with that, the United States started to spend more money on Foreign Aide for countries around the world. With Sequestration in place, we are required now to decrease spending to help foreign governments.  Your goal this week is to select a country from around the world and find out how much money the US is sending that country for foreign aid. Along with that, you need to find out what that country does with the money that we send them.  As usual, post your URL for the website where you obtained your information and also comment on other cadet's work.  You must complete all 3 tasks to receive full credit for this work.  Good luck and here is my posting:
Foreign Aid to China  . According to this article, we are giving China $12,000,000 in foreign aid, $4,000,000 for environmental issues.  That is right, 12 Million Dollars to a country that we owe money.  Wow, I am surprised.

Here is the link to download the Cold War/Military Booklet we are using in class as well:
Cold War & Military History JROTC Let2

Army JROTC Chain of Command


  1. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2013/02/central-america-drug-war/

    In my global class we learned that we are spending lots of money on drug wars, we are spending money on countries like Mexico and Colombia to fight against drugs. Statistic shows that we are spending $97 Million on drug war in Central America. Most of the drug war money is spent on equipment such as vehicles — like aircraft and patrol boats — night-vision goggles, body armor, radios and weapons, and X-ray equipment for scanning cargo containers

    1. Wow, thats cool, i didn't know the U.S was putting that much money into drug wars in central America! let alone on supplies and such, thats great info! awesome job

    2. Wow, I never knew that the U.S. does such amazing thing! This is a foreign aid in good use!

  2. What I've researched is that as of this year, the U.S is giving Egypt 250 million dollars in foreign aid, I asked myself, why so much? So in a number of articles (like the link below) I found that the secretary of state, John Kerry, gave them this money during the last meeting (last sunday) with Egypt's president. President Mohammed Morsi, as a way of helping them achieve in their "future as a democracy". But that's not all, in fact, as of last year the obama administration agreed to give Egypt 1 billion dollars, on John kerry's say though. But the Obama administration promises to keep a close eye on president Mohammed Morsi. from now on to see what will become of the money.


    1. wow this is really some updated news you provided. I didn't even know that... I'm very curious as to why we provided money to egypt in the first place.
      I like your post. it's very interesting

    2. wow that lot of money, I didn't know we were giving that much money to Egypt. Nice information and it is interesting

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The United States of America owes the MOST money to ... guess which country... ISRAEL! I didn't even know that until I did my own reserach. As of 2012, the US owes a total of $3.075 Billion of foreign aid. And this debt all started in 2007 with the Bush Administration.
    In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package spanning from Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 to Fiscal Year 2018. During his March 2013 visit to Israel, President Obama pledged that the United States would continue to provide Israel with multi-year commitments of military aid subject to the approval of Congress. P.L. 113-6, the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (informally referred to as the full-year Continuing Resolution or CR) provides the full FY2013 Administration request for Israel of $3.1 billion in FMF, of which Israel is permitted $815.3 million in Off-Shore Procurement. The Act also provides for $479.736 million in joint U.S.-Israeli missile defense programs, including $211 million for Iron Dome, $149.679 million for David’s Sling, $74.692 million for Arrow III, and $44.365 million for Arrow II. For FY2014, the Administration is requesting $3.1 billion in FMF to Israel and $15 million in Migration and Refugee Assistance. The Missile Defense Agency’s FY2014 request for Israeli Cooperative Programs is $95.782 million, including $52.607 million for Arrow III, $32.512 million for David’s Sling, and $10.663 million for Arrow II. The Department of Defense also is requesting $220 million in FY2014 Procurement, Defense-wide funds for Iron Dome. Recent legislation on U.S. foreign assistance to Israel proposed in the 113th Congress includes:
    -H.R. 938 (S. 462), the United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2013— a bill that would, among other things, exempt Israel from regulations that require it
    to obtain U.S. permission to sell some American-controlled technology to third countries. The bill also would extend the authorization of U.S.-Israeli energy cooperation, among other things.
    -H.R. 1130, the Iron Dome Support Act— a bill that would authorize the procurement of the Iron Dome anti-rocket defense system.

    Israel is now our country's number one reciepient of foreign aid.


    1. Wow thank you for all of this information it was so interesting and Knowledgeable. who would have thought that israel is the number one recipient of foreign aid.

  5. http://www.parade.com/news/intelligence-report/archive/who-gets-us-foreign-aid.html

    The US gives foreign aid to different countries. One of the countries they provide foreign aid to is Kenya. The US gives Kenya $586 million dollars to help them fight aids, malaria and other things. This article also gives information about other countries that recieve foreign aid from the US

  6. The URL below shows a chart of the TOP 10 countries the United States give foreign aid to.

    In the list, I chose to study the foreign aid usage in Afghanistan. The information below are quoted from the

    The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations report said that around 80 percent of aid in Afghanistan went to the “restive” southern and eastern regions, with only 20 percent going to the rest of the country. Most of the money was being spent to win “hearts and minds,” according to the report.

    “Most of the funds in Afghanistan’s south and east are being used for short-term stabilization programs instead of longer term development projects, though that balance may now be changing,” the Senate report notes.

    In the next set of information, it was obtained from:

    "Among its many goals, it aims to place 7,500 young women in government internships; offer business training for women entrepreneurs; help Afghan universities develop women’s studies curricula; and give promising young women the chance to meet female leaders who might serve as role models."

    This is a very interesting topic for me. When I started this blog homework, I was confused why the United States would "aid" China if technically they are aiding us. It's pretty ironic to me as if you borrowed someone's money and the next day, that person asks to borrow your money. When i saw the countries the U.S. gives to other countries, I was shocked but then when started my research, my perspective towards this changed. I chose Afghanistan because to me, it is the most deadliest war zone and I wondered if we were giving them this high amount of foreign aid because of our troops there or other reasons. I've learned that the reason for the foreign aid was for "stability" and for women rights. In the third URL, it stated that from 2002, after the U.S. took control over Afghanistan from the Taliban, women's rights have changed. An interesting factor I saw in the article was that after the U.S.' plan to leave in the 2014, they are going the reverse all the changes in the past decade on women's rights.
    From when I first didn't understand why U.S. gave such extensive amount of foreign aid to other countries while we are in dept now, I sort of understand now. It reminds me of my personal life where my parents are in dept from a business years ago, but they still want the best for my siblings and I in terms of vacations and daily necessities, because they understand that the dept can not be paid off immediately so why not enjoy the years while paying it off slowly. It makes me think that the reason why we are in dept but still give foreign aid is because the 3 trillion we owe China can not be paid off immediately, so why not make alliance with other countries while paying off the deft slowly. If not, the U.S. can focus on paying off the dept immediately & not help other countries, but when the dept is finally payed off, there are no countries to stand by us.
    (Above are all my personal opinions)

    While researching, I found a website that contains 3 videos on it that are very interesting!

    Also, below is another interesting link regarding life in Afghanistan.

  7. http://foreignassistance.gov/OU.aspx?OUID=193&FY=2013&AgencyID=0

    India As a dynamic and democratic global power, India has risen to become an increasingly significant international player as well as a vital partner of the United States, sharing many foreign policy goals in the region and serving as an important trading partner and source of investment. we owe $98.3m

  8. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/06/us-aid-middle-east_n_3223151.html

    the united states spends billions of doller in the middle east to help bring peae but that is not the case. this foerign aid brought no help for the movement of peace in the middle east

  9. wow Niclole you had alot of information. Excellent Job.

  10. U.S. gives billions of dollars in foreign aid to world's richest countries. The United States have been giving money to many countries around the world. Especailly China, Mexico and many more. America has been giving them aid and relif. THis URl will help you explain more.


    1. The article was so interesting to point out that it isn't healthy and doesn't make sense to give money to rich countries or to who we owe.

  11. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57572748/much-of-$60b-from-u.s-to-rebuild-iraq-wasted-special-auditors-final-report-to-congress-shows/

    The U.S has given $60 billion in 10 years to Iraq. Aid that was supposed to be used to help rebuild Iraq's water and electricity systems, provide food, health care, governance for it's people and take care of those who were forced from their homes in the fighting. The results show that the U.S has spent too much money for little results. Since Iraq is still an unstable and broken country.

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