Monday, May 6, 2013

Blog #26 Pearl Harbor survivor receives last Navy Medal.

Hi again Cadets. Since we are moving from the end of WWII to the cold war and into the Korean Conflict, I thought I would give you one last video to watch about Pearl Harbor. This one is very fitting and honors a survivor that fought there. As promised, your information about your term project will be attached to this blog so be ready to be first to get a chance to select your Vietnam War movie. After the video posting is a list of Vietnam War Movies that are available. Select at least 3 that you would like to watch. You will be able to select your movie by the end of this coming week so make sure your posting is up first to get the best choice in class.

Here are a few of the Vietnam War movies that are available to watch online or downloadable from various sources. Remember to post your 3 choices and you must explain why you want to watch at least two of the movies. Post a URL for the movies and also comment on other Cadet's work. Good luck and I hope that you are one of the lucky ones to post first in your class.
Movie Name Year      Movie Name Year
84 Charlie MoPic 1989      Platoon Leader 1988
A Bright Shining Lie 1998      Rescue Dawn 2006
A Yank in Vietnam 1964      The Anderson Platoon 1967
Apocalypse Now 1979      The Deer Hunter 1978
Bat 21 1988      The Green Berets 1968
Born on the 4th of July 1989      The Hanoi Hilton 1887
Casualties of War 1989      The Iron Triangle 1989
Coming Home 1978      The Odd Angry Shot 1979
Faith of My Fathers 2005      The Siege of Firebase Gloria 1989
Full Metal Jacket 1987      The Walking Dead 1995
Go Tell The Spartans 1978      Tigerland 2000
Good Morning Vietnam 1987      Tunnel Rats 2008
Hamburger Hill 1987      Uncommon Valor 1983
Heaven and Earth 1993      Under Heavy Fire 2001
Platoon 1986      We Were Soldiers 2002
Remember to look again next weekend for your Movie Worksheet to download for your term project. Good luck and remember that Memorial Day is fast approaching to make sure you are working on making your Tribute Videos to post on You-Tube as well for your bonus points.


  1. I CALL DIBS ON Good Morning Vietnam
    ( <- I really want to know why such a devastating event could be deprive from and turned into a movie with such a joy-filled title
    FULL METAL JACKET <- From what I heard, full metal jacket has the main theme of dehumanization and I'd like to see how war plays a role in this (
    Casualties of War <- I am simply curious about the movie. I want to know what this movie is about and why is it based on just the incident on hill 192 when there are casualties in every war (

    1. Good choice of movies, I heard about them, Full metal jacket for example brings out of the truth about the Vietnam era, and casualties of war explains a lot of the pain and suffering that both the american side and the Vietnamese side experience. good luck with the project!

    2. I like your choices and the movies you chose seem like good choices to watch. Good luck with the project.

  2. For the term project I choose the following movies:
    -we were soldiers: this is a movie I wanted to watched long time ago and now a have a good reason why, plus the story in it it's very special to me. --->

    -tunnel rats: at first I choose this one randomly but after searching more about it I found out that the mission of this soldiers is really interesting so I want to see how it goes. --->

    -platoon:"is a movie that regards combat from ground level, from the infantryman's point of view, and it does not make war look like fun." according to a review in Roger just want to watch it.--->

    1. I picked "We Were Soldiers" too but for a different reason! I hope you get the movie you want & enjoy!

    2. I hope you get to watch platoon since Johnny Depp is in it since he's your favorite actor. Also I would love to know how you enjoyed the movie your gonna watch. I would love to have a discussion on how you felt about the movie if you don't mind.

    3. I picked Platoon too, it is a good choice of movie. it looks really interesting.

  3. I picked Tigerland because I watched the trailer and read a summary about it and I'm curious about the movie.

    Good morning vietnam is another I picked mostly because Robin Williams is in it and the trailer amused me.

    The third movie I picked is A yank in Viet-Nam and i picked that one because im hoping/assuming that its one of the least gruesome

  4. For the term project the movies I choose are:
    1. Rescue Dawn; This movie really interested me a while back, but I never had time to watch it. But now I have a good excuse to make time and watch it.

    2. Tunnel Rats; The story of this movie is really intriguing and I am curious as to what is going to actually happen through out the whole movie.

    3.Born on the 4th of July; I kind of want to see this cause Tom Cruise is in it. But when I looked at the trailer the story was really interesting. I want to know how he handles protesting against war and president Nixon at that time.

  5. Really good choice of movies! I saw We Were Soldiers and it was a pretty good movie. Good luck with your project!

  6. For the term project the movies I would like to watch are:
    1.) Platoon - this because I have been wanting to watch this movie but never have.

    2.)Full metal jacket - I chose this movie because several people have told me that this movie is really good and a good choice for the project.

    3.)We were soldiers - I chose this movie as well because I have seen parts of the movie but I have not seen the whole movie. I have enjoyed the parts I have seen and I would like to continue watching it.

  7. for the term project the movies i choose are

    1. We were soldiers
    i choose this movie because after watching the trailer it seemed very interesting to me.
    2.Under heavy fire
    i choose this movie because i read reviews on this movie and it looks like a very interesting movie
    3. Tunnel rats
    i choose this movie because it was recommended to me by a friend and i also enjoyed the trailer

    1. We were soldiers is a great movie and Mel Gibson's acting too.


    For the term project the movies that I would choose are
    1- Platoon because after watching the trailer it seems interesting.
    2- Full metal jacket
    3- Deer hunter

    1. you will enjoy platoon very much

    2. I watched the movie Platoon and Deer Hunter. Both are exciting movies. I really enjoyed it. Good chocie .

  9. 1. 84 Charlie mopic i choose this movie because the trailer looks interesting
    2. full metal jacket because i love the old way bootcamp was in the 1970s
    3. the iron triangle

    clips from all three

  10. The three movies i choose
    1. Red dawn because CDT Mojica recommended this to me it sounds really good he gave me very vaild and good reasons
    2. Full metal jacket

    1. I hope you meant Rescue Dawn, I am not aware of a Vietnam War Movie called Red Dawn

  11. For the term project, the movies I chose are:
    1. Heaven and Earth
    2. We Were Soldiers
    3. Casualties of War

    The sites above show the descriptions of the films.
    The movies can be watch on youtube.

  12. Well I'm pretty late on this, but I'm going to list my 3 anyway just hoping that I might get to choose, but my hopes aren't high.

    1. Platoon
    2. Full Metal Jacket
    3. Tunnel Rats

    1. And where is your movie URL? Yes you are late and thank you Mr. Obvious, lol

    2. Did you download your Term Project Worksheet yet? Only 3 weeks until it is due.

  13. I am also very late but I already picked my movie in class i believe thursday and it was Rescue Dawn.

    1. And where is your movie URL? Yes you are late and thank you Mr. Obvious, lol

    2. Did you download your Term Project Worksheet yet? Only 3 weeks until it is due.

  14. well of course i'm late but it better late than never right! anyway i already chose my movie tunnel rats

    1. And where is your movie URL? Yes you are late and thank you Mr. Obvious, lol

    2. Did you download your Term Project Worksheet yet? Only 3 weeks until it is due.

  15. I chose "The Hanoi Hilton" as the movie for my term project. The URL for the movie is here :

    I chose this movie because I already knew that the Hanoi Hilton was the name of a POW camp, and was interested in seeing a movie which may expand upon the details of this camp, it's prisoners, how they were treated, etc.

  16. The movie that I picked in class was "A Yank in Vietnam". I heard that this movie is hard to find but also exciting. My mom said her friend as a copy of this movie. So I began to watch it and I learning alot.
    The Url will explain more about this movie.

  17. Sounds interesting, do you have a VHS or DVD copy? PLMK as I would love to watch the movie if possible.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.
