Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog #27 Korean Conflict and Term Project Download

Good morning cadets. Hope that you and your mother's had
a great day together.  Your mission this week is to find out
information about the Korean Conflict that started in 1950
and ended in 1953.  You should try to find interesting information
that can be discussed in class and also bring to light new
details about the Korean Conflict.  As you have already learned,
the Soviet Union installed a Puppet Government in N. Korea
after the end of WWII and North Korea wanted to have a
united Korea while South Korea wanted to keep their
Democratic Government. That is my fact for this blog and
here is the website to confirm this fact:
Kim Il Sung Puppet Government

As promised, here is the link to download your worksheets
for the term project on the Vietnam War.  You can download
either document, MS Word or Adobe PDF.
Vietnam Term Project MSWord

Vietnam Term Project PDF


  1. Often referred to as the "Forgotten War," the Korean War was the first armed conflict of the Cold War. Following World War II, the Korean Peninsula was divided along the 38th parallel. The North was governed by a communist regime that was supported by China and the Soviet Union, while the South was more capitalist-leaning and was supported by the United States. In June 1950, backed by Soviet support, North Korea invaded South Korea in an attempt to unite the peninsula. The United Nations, largely backed by the United States, responded in an effort primarily to stabilize the region, but also as the war drew on, to unify the peninsula under the auspices of democracy. Thats the information I know from prior knowledge from history class.

    1. Good information but where is your URL to support your research? Make sure you post it and comment on other cadet's work in order to get full credit.

  2. as we all know the korean conflict started when the north korean(communist puppet government that are support by communist ussr and communist china) invade south korea( capitalist supported by the united states)the north koreans tried to united all of korea. the north korean army reach the captial but were push back the united states force the drew long when USSR and chines force joined the conflict.

    1. Interesting information, thanks for posting.

  3. One interesting fact about the Korean Conflict is that it began when approximately seventy five thousand North Korean soldiers flooded over the 38th parallel (which was then the dividing line between North and South Korea) in order to invade the "Pro-Western Republic of Korea," which we know as South Korea.

    My supporting URL is here :

    1. wow i hadn't known that. But do you know why the estimated 75,000 north korean soldiers decided to go to the 38th parallel? if you could give us an insight on that matter, it'd provide us a better understanding of the conflict.

  4. This website talks about the Korean war that only a few people know. For example, when Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 15, 1945, U.S. president Truman and Soviet leader Stalin agreed that the U.S. would temporarily act as trustee for the southern half of Korea and the Soviet Union would act as trustee for the northern half. This temporary measure became permanent in 1948 when North Korea declared itself an independent sovereign state under a Communist system.

    1. What a great site, good job. I read all of the fact and they really are interesting. I hope other students will do the same.

    2. Excellent Job the facts about the Korean War are amazing. I learned alot. THanks for post.

    3. that is really interesting that is another thing i can add to my info on the korean conflict

  5. I don't really know much about the korean conflict. I was never personally taught a lot of information in regards to this conflict. However, after my recent encouter with a veteran and after looking at the site , I learned a lot more than I had anticipated for. The Korean war was never a war in US parlance. It was known as a police action. I also learned that this conflict is often neglected which leads me to wonder, perhaphs this is why I have never been taught much about this war. It is often called the Forgotten War.

  6. The Korean War was known as the Forgotten war. Really I don't know why my teachers that I had in history never really explained about the Korean War. They would say it was a war between Korea and AMerica. SOuth Korea supported AMerica and NOrth Korea hated AMerica and SOuth AMerica. North Korea has been communism still up to now and dislikes America. i learned alot about the Korean War in First Sergent CLass. I became really interested. THis Url will explian more about the war.

    1. Very nice information and Korea War was the forgotten war. I feel like teachers should teach us more about it.



    This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War. By July, American troops had entered the war on South Korea’s behalf. As far as American officials were concerned, it was a war against the forces of international communism itself. Few facts bout the Korean war are 1) First war in which helicopters were used
    2) the Americans recruited ex WW2 Luftwaffe combat pilots, as they had combat experience against communist warplanes
    3) Although represented as a UN military intervention, the USA paid for the entire cost of the war for their side.

  8. the information I would like to share is relate it to what we talked in class about the Medal of Honor. I am going to show some information about Mary Edwards Walker (November 26, 1832 – February 21, 1919).
    who is she?...well she was an American feminist, abolitionist, prohibitionist, alleged spy, prisoner of war and surgeon. She is currently the only woman ever to receive the Medal of Honor.
    If you really want to know some more you should go to this link:
    -trust me it's pretty interesting!

    1. Thanks and glad you were paying attention. She truly was an amazing women and would be inspirational to any person today.

    2. I read the article and I agree that she was an extraordinary women. To be able to accomplish so much during those times as a women. She should be appreciated much more.

  9. The Korean War is usually considered America's Forgotten War. The war was known for the public's lack of attention before and after the was. Since it was lost between World War 2 and the Vietnam War. In the article, a new local Korean War memorial was dedicated to those who served and the veterans who reside in the area. It also stands as a permanent reminder of those who have fought to current or future generations.

  10. As we all know, two atomic bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan by the U.S. and it was the main reason for the end of WWII. When I was researching about the Korean Conflict, I learned that President Truman said publicly that he was considering on using the Atomic bombs on Korea, but at the end, Truman did not actually intend on using it but to intimidate other countries the power we have with the atomic bombs.
    Also, while I knew that the Koreans had peace conferences that lasted about 2 years, I learned that because of the death of Stalin and the rise of the new president, it was the main reason for the rapid signing of a peace agreement four months after the death of Stalin.

  11. I've always thought that it was named the 38th parallel because it is related to the number "38" on the globe and it is! Now, I know that it is 38 degrees both north and south in latitude and longitude. Also, because it is equally 38 degrees in both north and south, I believe that it was a great division between North & South Korea because it is fair for both.
