Monday, May 20, 2013

Blog #28 Thanks for your Service and Sacrifice this coming Memorial Day.

Cadets, it's that time of year again where we try to honor those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice and gave their all serving our country. As we have learned studying the Korean Conflict, the award of the Medal of Honor is the highest tribute our country can pay to those that sacrifice themselves for the protection of all.  Your task this week is to post the URL for a video that pays tribute to those soldiers for Memorial Day. If you create your own and post it to Youtube, you will get double bonus points for this homework so let's get started. Here is my post and I hope you like it. Remember to comment on your peer's work and to pay your respects.


    Thanks to all those soldiers who have fought for this country with much sacrifice. May you all be honored for the deeds well done and appreciated. Once again thank you.

    1. I really like your video and its the day when we pay tribute to the soldiers.

  2. This is wat Memorial Day is all about thanks to all these that served semper fi

    1. I really like your video on memorial day. I think that there is more to memorial day than just thanks

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I created my own video and I hope that it's good.

    Freedom is not free. That is simply just it. Thousands of soldiers have died for our country to protect us and protect our constitution and our rights. Everyday, people take advantage of these rights and freedom which they are given. It is sad to see that Americans do not value our rights and they do not value the life that they have been given. I feel that our generation have been raised up incorrectly being taught that we are given so much items, so much freedom, that we take advantage of it.
    Memorial day is all about remembering soldiers and what they have fought for in order for us to be alive today and live in an independent country.
    Freedom is not free. It has cost us the lives of many soldiers and citizens. It has cost our country devastation and lives that we will never be able to buy back. Freedom has a price. Sadly, thousands and millions of lives had paid the price. Fortunately for this generation, we will never have to pay the price for freedom.
    We owe a lot of people thanks for the freedom we have today. And I have been given the opportunity to meet some wonderful soldiers who have helped protected our rights and freedoms. Two of these wonderful soldiers have taught me great things during my first year in this school. So this video is especially dedicated to Lieutenant Colonel L. Anderson and First Sergeant J. Lewis. Thank you for protecting our rights and allowing me to have the freedom that I have been given today. Thank you for your service and everything that you two have taught me.

    1. I liked your video! Nice job! And I agree with you, freedom, is most definitely not free. But that's what Memorial Day is all about, to spend this one day, truly thanking our soldiers. Appreciating them, especially for what they sacrifice for us. Although it's a shame we as a society don't think this way for them everyday. But in reality. We wouldn't be a country without our military forces. But great job!

    2. There's been a slight change to the video so it was removed from youtube. Please disregard the site above and use this site to view the video

    3. I really liked your video. Watching your video gave me a good idea about what memorial day is. Memorial should be celebrated everyday. Memorial day does mean something specail to all family

  5. I know I'm about 25 minutes late, or at least than when i said i'd have the video up by, but, well i wanted it up in HD,.. so it took a little longer than expected. But thats alright! I also made a video, and i will put the link down below, i hope you watch and enjoy, I think i did a good job, Happy memorial's day everyone!


    Memorial Day is when we pay tribute to all the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice and those who risk their life today so that we may continue to live in freedom.


    These two videos are my favorite videos. I love watching them because thye help you realise what memorial day mean. EVerybody should know the true meaning of memorial day. It can't just be one day and everybody forgets about it. It should be celebrated everyday. In first sergent's class we talked about how just like mother's day, memorial day is just celebrated for one day. Then everybody forgets baout it in different days. This is not right.

    This video honors all the American Soldiers that have sacrificed themselves for this country from the American Revolution to the war today. We must never forget all the men and women who died for our freedom.

    A slide show that was created in honor to our fellow soldiers.

    1. i just watched the video and i can say it is really touching
      good job on picking the video

    2. The video is a very nice video and I really liked the end where it stated "All Given Selflessly".

  10. Its a really nice video . So nice to see people remmembering and thanking those who died for us


    Memorial Day is when we pay tribute to all the soldiers who risk their life so we can continue to live in freedom.

  12. 1SG, the Medal of Honor video and the Memorial Day tribute video are both very touching and inspiring videos!
    While watching the Memorial Day tribute video, I knew that it was a different video than other tributes video. With all due respect, but this video with the background music, is different, it is more inspiring and touching and it made me realize what video I would like to share. I know that most people already know this video including you, 1SG, but it is a video that is very appropriate for this subject matter and I am not sure if it was a tribute for 9/11, but it can also be a tribute for Memorial Day.
    I remember that my friend shared this video with me in 7th grade, and it was and will always be a very touching video/song.

    Memorial Day is a day everyone should respect, regardless of the person's race, ethnic background, and religion. Whether the person is American, Asian, Canadian, Hispanic, African American, Jewish, Muslim or any other race, that person should respect the fallen heroes, because at one point in time, heroes of their race/ ethnic background fought for them.

    May in the continuous years, decades, and centuries, fallen heroes, veterans, and soldiers be respected and supported by the people and their country.

    1. In the Medal of Honor video, there were some parts I really loved.

      "It didn't matter where you were from or who you were, we looked out for one another, and that same thing in reply to the United States of America and every citizen, take care of one another."
      -The way the veteran stated that quote was very powerful and important.

      "In a squad there's eight of us and we all agreed that everybody would come back one way or the other."
      -To me, one of the best thing about the military is teamwork and comradeship. Even your worst enemy, you would die for them, because your brothers or sisters.

      "Were all the same, were Americans."
      -Short, but powerful and inspiring.
