Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blog #1 The Government Shutdown and You...

Welcome back Cadets to a new school year.  Since we are studying the Constitution and our government we would normally have started by studying the Mayoral Race in our fair town of NYC.  However, the recent shutdown of our Government because of a dispute between Congress and the President of the United States over budget issues has forced our government spending to be stopped.  People all over the country are being affected by this terrible course of events.  Your task this Blog Post is to #1: give your own personal opinion on the events at hand; #2: post the URL for a website that mirrors or supports your opinion, and lastly; #3: post your opinion of another cadets work and their website information.  Remember that  you have one week to post your work and after that your score will decline accordingly.  Good luck  and here is my own example of the information that I would like for you to post.

1: I feel that the government officials in Congress have lost sight of their responsibility to the American people that elected them and the President to their current office. The repercussions of this action will only affect the poor and the middle class and the government officials that failed to act will not be harmed.



  1. O.Abdel-Rahman.8
    The government shut down has effected people in different ways. Some people are on a long break. People who worked in the smithsonian, national monuments and some parks. These people should look for employment else where. The people who work in the white house have now been cut down to 25 (oh no 25 people how will Obama live).

    1. F.Law.4 (LET 3)
      I like the youtube link you posted. I've seen it so many times but still proves great logic. As far as your argument for employment, it is not that easy to just get up and find a new job. It was not easy before and it certainly will be much more difficult now that our checks and balances system has gone out of check, so to speak.

    2. A. Lee 7

      I agree with Cadet Law, being furloughed creates problems for the employees who are temporarily taken off the payroll are put into a position where they still have bills to pay and might even need to get another job, which might even take months and which may or may not be necessary depending on how long the shutdown lasts.

    3. N. Vera 8

      I totally agree with you on this. It's not fair how people have to lose their jobs just because the government decides to that. While they have there job still, which isnt fair.

  2. F. Law.4 (LET 3)
    Everyone is complaining about how the government shutdown has been the worst decision that our government has gotten into. But honestly, there 5 major things that we need to know. (in the site) Before we start assuming that this is the worst decision that the President has made, we need understand why President Obama has gone on with this.
    However, I do think that it is shameful the President Obama can negotiate with Russia, with China, with Afghanistan, with Syria, with Iraq, but he cannot negotiate with his own people. There's no logic in this matter.
    Based on our history (since history is known to repeat itself), our government will regain control of our nation after this childish act is done and over with. And when our government does 'restart' itself, there will be much debt to pay off for the duration of the shutdown. Guaranteed.

    1. A. Abdou.8

      I agree that there will be much debt to pay off for the duration of the shutdown. For example, many school districts receiving more than 20 percent of their funds from Department-funded programs, education grants would be affected

  3. A. Abdou.8

    As long as the shutdown is in place, Louisiana does not have funds to
    run the Commodities Supplemental Food Program, which distributes food to
    pregnant women, children under six years old and seniors, said
    Christina Stevens, a spokesperson
    for Louisiana's Department of Health and Hospitals.

    Louisiana has the third largest program of this kind in the country, which serves up to 64,000 people each month.


  4. A. Lee 7

    The Government Shutdown is a complete disgrace. While there are thousands of Government employees who are furloughed, there are hundreds of officials such as Congressmen who do not receive any pay cuts, despite it being their fault. It is wrong that the people who caused the event which hurts so many others do not feel the repercussions of their actions, or lack thereof. The Government Shutdown is both sides fault and ought to be ashamed of themselves.


    1. I agree with this. Why should everyone have to pay for what the government cannot decide upon? Why should this go on any longer? The longer this goes on the more we as a nation suffer.

  5. A. Lee 7

    In all honesty some of the ideas presented are absolutely ridiculous, closing down national monuments, memorials and museums is one of the absolute worst things to do during a time of economic recession. TOURISM is one of the most significant ways to generate revenue, not just in the United States but in any part of the world.

    1. I agree with this completely, it's just completely uncalled for to shut down what keeps the county's economy running any bit smooth & helps keep our debt from getting higher.

    2. I agree with you Andrew Lee this government shutdown does nothing but harm this country and not only does it stop income from entering this country but if it follows like all the other past shutdowns it will leave us with a price tag of millions are even billions of dollars.

  6. N. Vera 8

    I'm starting to belive that the government is just messed up these days. Our government, whcih coukd be one of the best democracy's, just doesn't know what to do anymore. Even foreign journalistt don't know whats wrong with us now.


  7. Y. Alvarez 7

    I honestly believe that the government does this to get something done that really isn't necessary, such as wanting to shut down obama care? Do they really need to go this extent for something that benefits a bunch of american citizens? They furlough an imense amount of governemtn workers & it's just not needed. The governemtn has shut down before, but they don't learn from it, it's almost as if it's done on purpose, or america's leaders have a terrible form of judgement & will never not be corrupt in any sort of way. The shutdown affects everything, they've closed the national parks & people visit those parks all year round, they stay at hotels & eat at restaurants & spend their money at the companies that depends on the parks to make money to keep their business running, but with this shut down & it's outrageous unnecessary so called "solutions" just make it worse for the economy & put the country in even more debt.


    1. A.Gaudet.8
      I agree with you Alvarez. The government is supposed to do what's best for the people, but isn't it ironic that this shutdown affects almost everyone but the government officials... There is always the possibility that this was done on purpose and honestly I would not put our government above it.

    2. I agree with Alvarez because the congress has done this before and they still don't learn from there mistakes. Millions of government workers are affected by this. I wonder if this affects the republicans that started this, probably not.

  8. N. Fanelli 7

    This is terrible. The Centers for Disease Control can no longer monitor the common flu. The National Institutes of Health turning down children with cancer away from clinical trials. Veterans who fought for and defended this country are not allowed to visit the memorial in which they were invited to by the government because it is shutdown by the very same government. All of this because congress cannot pass a simple spending bill.


    1. I agree with my colleague N.Fanelli the mere fact that our soldiers who fought for this land and the family's of soldiers who loved ones died for this great nation cannot attend an event they were invited to by their own govt. is just despicable. Congress needs to make up their minds asap

    2. i strongly agree with you Fanelli, health should be the first priority in my opinion. All these shut downs were preventable as Obama himself said.

  9. J.Capellan.8


    Well its nice to see that Obama disagrees with shutting down the government and the fact that it was preventable. Shutting down Obama care is idiotic.Its also nice to at least hear that our president is willing to do what it takes to keep the government open, and make the lives a little bit easier for us Americans. i believe both parties should at least consider compromising and just maybe will they actually get something done. Plus, shutting down the statue of liberty, other parks and monuments? Why? probably the most dumbest thing to do during economic recession. The government shutting down has happened before, and aren't we supposed to learn from our mistakes?


  10. A.Gaudet.8

    We are a society based solely on money. For us to be going through this government shutdown is not only a disgrace, but it's dangerous. People are saying that chances are, in a few weeks this shutdown will be over and everything will go back to normal. But what if it doesn't? What if this happens again and we just can't fix it? Are our government officials willing to watch America fall? Because if something isn't done to fix our corrupt government soon, that's exactly what's going to happen.
    The government shutdown is expected to cost around $55 billion. It's being compared to the damage caused by a natural disaster, but unlike a natural disaster, where the damage is caused by something we have no power over, the damage caused by the shutdown is because of our very own government. We've given them the power and control of our country in hopes that they'll continue to keep us strong. Now all we can do is hope that they don't destroy us.


    1. I agree with Alexandra Gaudet. The Government shutdown effects too much money; money that we cant afford. Lets face it, we are still trying to get back on our feet from the recent rescission back in 2008. Our government's main concern should be to bring the nation's economy back on track, instead of trying to fight a law that has already been passed by ALL branches of the government.

  11. M. Torres 7

    This government shutdown is horrible. Massive numbers of employees with government jobs are not getting paid. 800,000 employees of the Defense Department are on furlough. 46,000 employees of the Commerce Department are on furlough. 16,205 employees of the EPA are on furlough and the NASA has about 18,134. These Federal Furloughs affected 880,339 employees without jobs that can’t pay their bills and can’t take care of their families. The shutdown will stop some FDA routine inspections which can affect our health. This also suspends the WIC (Women, infants, children) program which was suppose to provide supplemental foods, health care referrals and nutrition education for women with young kids that have nutritional risk. This is affecting more people than we know. This needs to stop now.


  12. A.Asmal 7

    what's happening is terrible. The government is not realizing how much damage it's causing people. Especially those who count on WIC. There's teenage, single parents that have to work and go to school in order to try to be successful. There's kids in the middle of this conflict.Congress hasn’t done its job of passing a budget so the government might shut down on Oct. 1. Best-case scenario? Lawmakers pass a temporary spending bill that expires on Dec. 15, and we’ll have this exact same problem again in two and a half months. We could just hope that this ends soon.


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  14. R.Colca

    I feel by congress shutting the government down, it is not only effecting the people who are currently not getting paid, but the American people. We depend on all forms of government services and by disabling them it is leaving our country vulnerable to many types of attacks. If congress feels its so good to put people out of a job, why don't they give up a pay check for the shut down? Why don't they fend for there families with no salary? Isnt that the real question.

    1. J.Garzon 8
      I agree one hundred percent we depend on the goverment in every form and we expect them to chose the right choices

  15. M.Conrad.8

    I think the government shutdown is a big mistake. For the people to suffer so much because the government cannot come to a conclusion over a problem is wrong. Thousands of people are going unpaid because the government has no funding and without pay, people cannot support their families. I just hope this problem gets resolved soon.


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. C.Cordero.8

    It gets me really upset that a lot of people are accusing President Barack Obama for the government shut down because he really can't make that choice even if he wanted to. People always need to have someone to blame because they don't know what's going on in the first place so since the commander and chief is Obama they choice to blame him most of the time including the government shut down.

    1. I totally agree with Cadet Cordero, the bill had to go through a whole process before it got to him. He just read it and signed it into law, even the supreme court had no problem with it. If anyone is to blame it would be the Republicans for wanting this shutdown.

  18. I feel that that the government has let us down. They have put their own interest and beliefs ahead of the best interests of the citizens. The two parties have refused to compromise with each other because there dislike of the other party. The government shutdown only harms this country. It leaves thousands of people off their job without pay and it will cost us millions of dollars when the government finally goes back to normal.


    1. I agree completely with Tzavelis, due to the fact that the Senate and House of Representatives can't compromise over something, the American people have to suffer. Every action has a reaction and this reaction was big and could have easily been avoided.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I completely agree Due to our Officials lack of intelligence, we the U.S citizens have to pay for it. Both sides need to get off there high horse and look out for the American people instead of there bankaccounts

  19. M. Khan 8
    The U.S.A. government is being extremely unfair. They shut it down simply because they couldn't come to an agreement? That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard! They think that they are helping the people by trying to come up with a price for the Obama-Care but by doing so they have canceled many government jobs and welfare that some people actually need to survive off of! People who were being fed by state programs aren't in affect anymore because of this. This type of a deed is horrendous and the U.S.A. government representatives should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. I totally agree with Cadet Khan. The representatives in congress have clearly forgotten their duty to serve the people and instead are willing to hurt the people that put them in power to get there points across.

  20. M. Hernandez 8
    The Government is there to serve the people. Right now the shutdown of the Government only hurts them. When things like this happen we all try to find a person to blame but in all honesty both Political Parties are at fault. It is wrong for both parties who are there to serve the people that elected them into office to punish the country because people want to be strong willed and not compromise

    1. I completely agree with Cadet Hernandez. It seems as if the government has forgotten what their first priority was -- the American people. The situation in question was certainly handled the wrong way.

  21. J.Garzon 7
    I feel that the government shutdown is the worst thing that the goverment can do . The government made this choice cause there all financialy fine while all the mid class and low class people lose there benfits what a child gets sick what if theres that one child in the street that cant eat because he doesnt have foodstamps because there were cut off the goverment should be ahttp://www.nytimes.com/video/2013/09/30/us/politics/100000002473946/a-different-kind-of-shutdown.htmlhamed .

  22. A. Nakhlawi 7
    In my opinion, the government shutdown is completely pointless and idiotic. The government shutdown resulted to many losing their jobs, having canceled travels and monuments shutdown. Monuments make a great deal of money for us, by shutting them down it lowers income for the U.S.. What makes the situation worse is that it all started with “Obama Care”, a health care law that was passed in order to help lower class citizens. Republicans want to negotiate on a law that is already been passed and verified by both the president and the supreme court. Basically, they don’t like the new law so they decided to shutdown the government and punish everyone else. The government shutdown has already affected many people and will keep affecting more as the time goes on. To find out about more things being impacted by the shutdown feel free to click on the link below.

  23. D.Selenge 7
    We all understand the government shutdown has effected many civilians, however, whom may it be effecting the most? Over the past couple of days, I, as well as many of my classmates have been informed that the Commissary on Fort Hamilton Army Base has been closed until further notice. The government shutdown is not only effecting the civilians, but effecting many Military personal; from veterans, military families, to students attending Military Academies. Students at Merchant Marine Academy have been hit the hardest. They have not been in class since last Tuesday, and have received little information regarding their classes and when they may resume. Not only classes; sports activities at Merchant Marine Academy have all been canceled until Democrats and Republicans can come to an agreement on a new federal budget. Air Force Academy has been greatly effected as well. 20% of classes have been suspended due to the government shutdown, and cutting back on civilian workers. Not only Air Force Academy, but U.S Naval Academy in Annapolis have also cut down on 20 percent of their classes. I feel things like such a thing should not happen, especially in a government like ours. Hopefully, they can come to an agreement, and classes can resume, and cadets can gain the basic knowledge they need, to become better leaders in the future. To read more about this topic, and how Military schools are being affected, go to :
    http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/10/03/military-service-academies-feel-shutdowns-impact/2918443/ .

  24. I feel as if the government has let the American people down. Shutting down the very essence of our country is definitely not the way to handle this situation. People all over the nation are being heavily impacted by the shutdown. From the service academy football program being suspended to the shutdown of war memorials, every each one of us is affected by this decision. I feel as if the people who are supposed to be running our country are simply not doing their job. We, as a nation, are forgetting what is most important. Maybe it is time to lay aside the political differences and remember that we are citizens before anything else. The government must work to better our country as a whole. The clock is continuously ticking and we must act quickly. Running away from our problems will not solve anything. I was reading an editorial which also calls the reality of the situation to attention. It shares a similar view to mine. http://www.themonitor.com/opinion/the_monitor_view/article_2d2239e0-3072-11e3-8d92-001a4bcf6878.html
