Monday, March 18, 2013

Blog #23 In Honor of National Women's Month

Good morning cadets.  This week we are paying our respects to the women
in our lives and the ones that have made a difference in society.  I can never
say enough about my mom and the support that she gave me while I was
growing up, she was truly an amazing woman.  So this week your task is to
select a woman that has made a difference in our society and honor her by
placing your comments and a URL for the website/link for that person on our
blog as well. Remember to comment on your peer's work and once you
have done that, you will be finished with your assignment for this week.  I hope
you enjoy this video about a woman that made a difference for our society.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blog #22 It's All About Bloomberg

Good morning cadets, I hope that you are all doing well. As you are aware, Mayor Bloomberg's larger sugary drink ban was overturned by a NYC Judge that ruled against the Mayor.  During his time in office, Mayor Bloomberg has championed many initiatives to improve the health of NYC.  He was behind the ban on saturated fats in restaurants; the ban on over-sized sodas; the ban on unhealthy foods in school lunchroom  cafeterias and has also stated that he wants to champion the end of ear-bud headphones that damage the hearing of those that choose to use them.  Your task is to comment and give your opinion on whether you are for or against these ideas. Be specific and make sure that you cite documents or web-sites that support your information.  Lastly as always, remember that you must comment on your peer's work.  Good luck and I look forward to hearing your opinions.  Here is my video for you to watch:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Blog #21, Salt, sugar, fats, and there's a reason for that.

Good Morning Cadets.  I am very proud of your work so far on our health unit. Your work has been excellent both in class and online.  We have found out that there are some errors in labeling when it comes to the correct amount of calories listed on the food that we eat. We have found out that restaurants in NYC don't always label their calories correctly because they are not being held accountable for their honesty.  The real question now is why does the food that we eat taste so good; who makes it that way; and who is responsible for deciding how to advertise the products the way that they do?  Read the following story from NPR by a Pulitzer Prize winning author and I hope you are as surprised with this information as I am. Once you have read the article, your must do the following: 1, list what food or drink you bought with your own money the first time you spent your own money. 2, Find a website for advertising the product that you bought and post their URL to our blog, and 3, explain if you still buy or use the same product/item today.  Remember to explain your answers and also to comment on other students work.  Good luck and here's your story.
Salt Sugar Fats article NPR

Salt, sugar, fat, Audio Author Interview