Friday, January 24, 2014

Blog #15 Something new to consider about the Olympics

Hi again cadets:

     Thanks for your hard word these past two weeks while I have been away. I am getting better and should return shortly.  Saying that, I thought I would give you something that is really on topic today.  The Winter Olympics are coming up at Sochi Russia and our U.S. Team along with teams from around the world are going there to compete.  With the recent revelations about the Olympic Games, my question to you this week is would you go if you were representing your country? Would you bring your family?  You must support your decision with facts and data.  As always, you should use internet sites to support your decision and make sure you comment on your peer's work as well. Good luck with your work this week and Go Team U.S.A. I am also proud to say that our team is actually wearing uniforms that were made in the U.S.A. again, the way that it should be!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Blog #14 Calories equal energy but to many calories equal fat...

Hi again cadets.

Sorry for not being there for the next few weeks, but we all know that the show must go on. Your substitute teacher will continue on without me being there. The rest of this week your lessons will center on calories and how quickly they can add up. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories and that only takes 700 extra calories a day for a week.  You will also learn about the amount of sugar in your soft drinks, so make sure you pay attention and take good notes. Your final is going to be this Friday, January 17th.  Because I misinformed you of the final date I will reduce the amount of questions. Check back here on Thursday night and I will tell you what your essay question is going to be about.  Your task this week is to post a video that is related to calories in fat or sugar in soda.  Good luck and I'll keep you posted on my outcome of my surgery after Tuesday when I come home.

Imagine one pound of fat is equal to how many big macs? You must also log on this week by Thursday to let me know how much you learned about the rest of calories and soda this week. Good luck and I hope to see you all very soon.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Blog #13 Happy New Year for a healthier and more successful year.

Welcome back from the holidays cadets. Here's hoping that you had a wonderful time this past 2 weeks and that you completed your term project on schedule.  Every New Year people make resolutions that include everything from exercising more to eating healthier. The problem with resolutions is that they usual get broken very quickly and go by the wayside very easily.  Whatever your resolution this year, the idea is to make it a habit with 30 days of repetition. Once you have achieved this goal, it should now be a habit and easier to keep.  You task for this week is to list your Resolution / Goal for 2014 and explain how you plan to attain your goal.  Remember to use the "S.M.A.R.T." model to help you with your explanation.  Once you have posted your work, find a URL website that will assist you with your goal for the rest of the year. Remember to motivate your peers with positive comments to help them with their goals as well.  My goal for this year is to improve my "To Do" list work by getting at least 90% of my list work accomplished each day. In addition to this, I plan on returning to the gym once my health issues are resolved later this year and will continue with my workout schedule.