Friday, January 24, 2014

Blog #15 Something new to consider about the Olympics

Hi again cadets:

     Thanks for your hard word these past two weeks while I have been away. I am getting better and should return shortly.  Saying that, I thought I would give you something that is really on topic today.  The Winter Olympics are coming up at Sochi Russia and our U.S. Team along with teams from around the world are going there to compete.  With the recent revelations about the Olympic Games, my question to you this week is would you go if you were representing your country? Would you bring your family?  You must support your decision with facts and data.  As always, you should use internet sites to support your decision and make sure you comment on your peer's work as well. Good luck with your work this week and Go Team U.S.A. I am also proud to say that our team is actually wearing uniforms that were made in the U.S.A. again, the way that it should be!


  1. A. Lee 7

    If I were to represent my country, I would compete in Sochi. However, I would not take my family with me. As an athlete, I would not back down from the once in a lifetime opportunity to compete on the Olympic level, despite the potential terrorist attacks. However, I would not expose my family to potential terrorist attacks by bringing them. Despite the many security measures being taken to prevent terrorist attacks, it is inevitable that attacks will happen.

    1. M.Hernandez 8
      I agree with your position on whether or not to compete in the Olympics but saying that a terrorist attack is inevitable is not correct. Many events this year have been able to go on without a hitch, despite being cited as a high risk for terrorist activity. Negative thinking like this is what fuels the fear in this great country and it needs to stop! Of course the threat will always be there but why should it keep us from fully enjoying things in life. One of the few things that Terrorists have against us is fear. Once we lose our fear we get a step closer to wining the war on terrorism.

    2. N.Vera 8
      What you are saying is completely true. Even though you might be in fear of your life you would still go but would not want to risk your family's life no matter what. They would still support you even if they don't go.

  2. M.Hernandez 8

    I would love the opportunity to represent my country. Therefore I would jump at the opportunity to compete and possibly bring home the Gold for my great country. The threat of terrorism at the games would not stop me or my family from going to the games. The Olympic games is one of the greatest testaments to American patriotism and will not allow fear to stop me from representing my country or my family supporting me .

    1. now that is the meaning of nationalism

    2. I completely agree with you Hernandez fear should not guide the way you want to live so threats on a Olympics shouldn't stop you from going to it

    3. I have to agree here. You should not let fear guide you or effect your decisions. You should stand strong and try your best.

  3. A. Abdou. 8

    I extremely would like to represent my country. It will bring honor to my country, my family, and to myself by at least representing and winning any thing. Possibly I would take my family with me without any fear because I really would not let them miss all the opportunity of adventure and to see all the new Olympic games such as Biathlon. Besides, I would like them to see me so they could know how hard Olympics are and to support me. just looking at them gives me a lot of hope. If I could, I would bring not just my family, but every single person I know in my whole life!

  4. N.Vera 8
    If I was chosen to represent my country in the Olympics I would totally do it. Not only would it show how hard I work to be there but to show how great my country is. Also, I would not bring my family there because I wouldn't want to get them in any trouble or anything and they'll be even be more proud of me when I come back. Just going there isn't about showing it off to your family or anything like that. You were there for one job and that was to compete, and your family could distract you from there. Even though it would be gret for them to see there, but it;s not worth it.

  5. N. Tzavelis 8
    If I was able to compete and represent my country in the Olympics I would not give up that chance no matter what. The recent terrorist threats would not change my mind on representing my country. I would also bring my family because even if I dident want them to they would come despite whatever I said to support me. Everything in life has risks and if you don't do something because of those risks you are missing out in life.

    1. I agree completely with Cadet Tzavelis, even though life may bring threats you have to take the chance. The Olympics has an amazing security system and would no doubt, protect us.

  6. N.Fanelli 7
    If I were given the opportunity to represent my country in the Olympics I would definitely be there despite the occurring dangers Sochi may present. The matter of bringing my family would be left open to them, I would love to have them accompany me on my stay and watch me compete, but if they fear they may be in danger I will be okay with them staying home and cheering for me there where they feel safest

  7. M. Khan 8

    If I had the opportunity to compete in the Olympics and to represent my country, I would take it. To participate in such an event, in my opinion, is a great honor. In order to even qualify to participate and compete you must be the most ideal athlete within your given country. Also, if I was to participate in this event, I would most definitely bring my family. Family is your biggest supporters and the best part of competing, they would give me motivation to try my hardest and even then go 120%. There are many known attacks during the games and I believe even through this, the security measurements will still come out on top.

    1. I agree more than 100% with you cadet, if there's obvious risks in security people won't like to come to the games, and they'll lose money so they'll have to step up the safety if they want to continue to do well.

  8. M. Conrad 8
    If I was chosen to represent my country in the Olympics, I would definitely take the chance. Representing your country at such a large event is a great honor. I would bring my family to watch. They will always give me 100% support and help me through any obstacle. Even though there are treats of attacks i believe that the problems will be taken care of, and we will be able to enjoy another Olympics.

  9. N.Macareno. 7

    If I were chosen to represent my country in the olympics I would definetely do it . What I think is that I shouldn't bring my family because I don't want my family to get hurt with those terrorist attacks that has been going on ,I want my family to be safe.There's no way that someone can stop those terrorist attacks so I will take precautions .

  10. Y. Alvarez 7

    If I were chosen to compete in the Olympics I would deffinitely participate in it.
    I would deffinitely bring my family, my family together build up an active alert personality & know how to respond & how to behave if there were to be a terrorist attack, they also understand the risks, I'd leave it completely up to them, but I wouldn't mind bringing them along, if they'd let me go risk the same attacks, I don't see the issue with them coming along.

  11. R.Colca 8
    If I was given the chance to compete in the Olympics for my country I would try everything in my power to make sure I was able to make my country and my family proud. Although there would be a chance of a terrorist attack happening I would still bring my family, To be able to show my family that i am able to represent my country in the worlds biggest event, would be one of the most important things in my mind.,-Russia-closes-costliest-Olympics-ever/1

  12. A. Gaudet 8
    Despite the dangers that some say would come with traveling to Sochi, I would still compete but I would not expect or ask my family to come along. Competing in the Olympics is a once in a life time opportunity and I rather take the risk than let the opportunity pass me by, but I will not let my reckless decisions affect my family members.
