Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Blog #16 First Aid and saving a persons life

Welcome back to your second semester of JROTC as a LET2.  For those of you that did exceptionally well, I hope you were satisfied with your semester grades. For those of you whom were not, I hope you take the challenge to improve and make the changes that you need to in order to raise you grades.  This week's Blog is all about saving a persons life.  There are many ways that this can be accomplished as you are going to learn in class. Your task this week is to select one of the ways to save a persons life and explain why it is important to know.  Once you have done this, you must find a news story video or an online article that tells a story about a person saving another person's life using the first aid method that you selected.  Good luck and don't forget to comment on your peer's work as well in order to get full credit for your assignment this week.  Here is the story that I selected on Life Saving and it is a great way to demonstrate what Good Samaritans can do.


  1. M. Khan 8

    There are many ways people can save someone's life. A fireman may, for example, pull an individual out of a burning building before it crashes down. A police officer may stop a criminal from killing a hostage and so on and so forth. However, I believe the best time you can save someone's life is when you do so by talking them out of a suicide attempt. Suicide, defined by dictionary.com, is the intentional take of one's own life. When someone decides to commit suicide, they have a reached a peak in depression, they have gone so far into the ground that they have convinced themselves, death is the only option. When you talk someone out of a suicide attempt, you save their mind, you dig them out of the pit that they are stuck in and you provide clarity. You show them that their life is special and not worth taking. Suicide attempts are scary but the best feeling is when you see someone saved from themselves.

    Cop rescues a suicidal individual by talking to them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKyPjiigJfM

    1. Cadet Khan, excellent response and your writing is super. I liked the video very much. It is obvious that you put some thought into your response. Keep up the good work and congratulations on being the 1st person to respond.

    2. I also believe that preventing a suicide is a great deed. It was nice that you gave us definitions and went into detail in your answer.

    3. N. Vera 8
      That is very true that stopping a suicide is great. Not only does that person get to live, but you are happy that you save that person's life as well.

    4. A. Lee

      I agree, convincing somebody not to commit suicide is the greatest rescue. In some dangerous situations, victims can rescue themselves, but not when they decide to take their own life. Also, when somebody attempts suicide, even if the attempt fails, that person would probably attempt suicide again if he didn't get a new perspective.

    5. N. Macareno
      I also believe that preventing someone from committing suicide is great and it will become a happy ending because that person will have a second chance in life and because you are happy that you saved that persons life ,there family members will also be thankful to you and might look at you as a hero

  2. M. Conrad 8

    One way you can save someones life is through CPR. CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. CPR is an emergency lifesaving procedure that is done when someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. It consists of rescue breathing and chest compressions. Some situations where CPR can be used is when someone has a heart attack or when someone drowns and stops breathing. The main focus of CPR is to try to help breathing and keep the individuals blood flowing until professional medical care arrives.

    This link is about a life guard that uses CPR to save a young boy. http://www.firstaidcorps.org/2012/08/03/lifeguards-save-boy-at-county-pool/

  3. N.Vera 8
    I believe the best way to save a person's life is with CPR. CPR stands for Cardiopulomonary Resuscitation. CPR is also a very easy to learn and could get you license. In many moments it can be used like drowning or even a heart attack. From learning this you can save many peoples lives.

    husband is saved with CPR https://www.bhf.org.uk/heart-health/life-saving-skills/hands-only-cpr/terrys-life-saving-cpr.aspx

  4. A. Lee

    While it is certainly glamorous and heroic to save people from potential death or injury, the greatest rescue is preventing the dangerous situation before it happens. While some situations cannot be avoided or are too unpredictable to be avoided such as a mugging or being caught in a natural disaster, many dangerous situations simply can be prevented relatively easily. Potential drownings, suicide attempts and heart attacks can be stopped before they even begin given sufficient foresight and effort. Often the effort needed to prevent something is much less than the energy required to fix something. In the words of Benjamin Franklin "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Small things can save lives. If depressed people were given more attention before they attempted suicide, they might not even have tried committing suicide at all. If people were more diligent in following water safety rules, there would be far fewer drownings. If there were more lifeboats on the Titanic, many more lives could have been saved. Or if the crew had been more vigilant, the whole situation could have been avoided altogether. Small things can prevent dangerous situations and prevent the devastation they bring.

    If someone had given Daniel Rak a life preserver or even just told him not to swim in the river, he could be alive today.

  5. N. Macareno 7
    I believe the best way to save a persons life is to do CPR because its a fater and more easier way.CPR can be used for many things and it also can bring a person back to life by doing 30 compressions and 2 ventilations with the BVM for 4 times .I believe its easy to learn .here's how cpr can save lifes .


  6. Y. Alvarez 7

    I don't really think there's such a best way to save a person's life, what matters is that the person gets saved, because regardless of how simple or difficult a method may be, it all depends the circumstances & the goal being to save the life of that one person. Although, a very common way to save a life is CPR because it's thought to be the only way that people seem to die because of choking all of a sudden, but there's other ways to save lives besides that, a person getting hit by a car won't need CPR they'll need proper medical attention, but some medical professionals won't arrive on time, so someone will have to know the proper procedures according to injuries. The article I posted below is about a woman's grandmother was choking at dinner with her family, but only she knew how to perform first aid to save her from choking on her food.


  7. M.Torres 7

    I think the best way to save a persons life is CPR. CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Its used to when a persons heart beat and breathing ha stopped working. You can use this when someone has stopped breathing from drowning or has been unconscious.

  8. R.Colca 8
    I feel there is no such thing as the perfect way to save someones life. Every situation is different. In some situations being able to stop someone from bleeding to death can save someones life, in another situation a blocked breathing passage could be cleared by the process of CPR. At the end of every scenario, as long as the method used to help save the person in need worked, that method is the best possible use.

  9. A. Gaudet 8

    Personally, I believe the best thing that can be done regarding life saving procedures is to teach individuals the basic life savings steps rather than focus on one procedure by itself. If the average citizen had the basic knowledge of human anatomy and and how to preserve a life when faced with a life or death situation, the effects would be noteworthy. Knowing basic facts such as you shouldn't pull a knife out of a stab wound to avoid further blood loss can save an individuals life. Bearing witness to a death that could have been avoided if you were just a little bit more knowledgeable can be heartbreaking. In depth First Aid, including CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver, should be a required class for high school students, but since it's not I believe individuals should go out of their way to find a class. One day someone's life could be in your hands, and I personally refuse to be unprepared for such a situation when the knowledge to save a life is so readily available.

