Sunday, January 5, 2014

Blog #13 Happy New Year for a healthier and more successful year.

Welcome back from the holidays cadets. Here's hoping that you had a wonderful time this past 2 weeks and that you completed your term project on schedule.  Every New Year people make resolutions that include everything from exercising more to eating healthier. The problem with resolutions is that they usual get broken very quickly and go by the wayside very easily.  Whatever your resolution this year, the idea is to make it a habit with 30 days of repetition. Once you have achieved this goal, it should now be a habit and easier to keep.  You task for this week is to list your Resolution / Goal for 2014 and explain how you plan to attain your goal.  Remember to use the "S.M.A.R.T." model to help you with your explanation.  Once you have posted your work, find a URL website that will assist you with your goal for the rest of the year. Remember to motivate your peers with positive comments to help them with their goals as well.  My goal for this year is to improve my "To Do" list work by getting at least 90% of my list work accomplished each day. In addition to this, I plan on returning to the gym once my health issues are resolved later this year and will continue with my workout schedule.  


  1. N.Fanelli 7

    My new years resolution is to work harder in school. I plan to study more in every class and achieve an overall average of above a 90%.

    1. How specific is "more"? Remember that you should devote a specified amount of time that can me measure to ensure that you are accomplishing your goal. You have a great goal and I hope you achieve it.

  2. A. Lee 7
    My athletic goals for 2014 is to be able to run one mile under 5 minutes and swim one mile in under 20 minutes by the end of 2014. I will work towards this goal by doing the Spartan Workout Daily every day.

    My academic goal is to score a 2200 on the SAT by May 3rd. I plan to accomplish this by taking a practice SAT every 2 weeks and by regularly studying grammar rules every day.

    1. Y. Alvarez 7
      I am absolutely in love with the Spartan Race's Workout of Day program.

    2. N. Vera
      I remember the last time we did Spartan WOD and it was fun! If there's a spartan race coming up and you're doing it, I would join you.

    3. A. Gaudet 8
      Good luck with the SAT cadet. I plan on taking the SAT in May as well and taking the practice test every two weeks is a great idea.

  3. My new years goal for 2014 is to practice test taking so then when I take the regents I get the grade that I want. Not only will I practice test taking for the regents but for all my classes in general. I plan on achieving this goal by taking at least two online tests every night on

  4. Y. Alvarez 7

    This year I plan to improve my reading and writing skills. Ill be able to do so by practicing writing more essays and having several people to look over them and read more essays to study and take notes of different writing styles and techniques. For reading I'll be reading many more books. I also hope to improve athletically. I would like to work up my running again since I've injured my knee so much due to medical conditions. I hope to be able to transform for a better body by eating right and doing the right workouts. I'll be researching different foods that will help me achieve my goal. One main tool I'll be using is the spartan race workout of the day such as Cadet Lee, it's phenomenal tool.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. R.Colca 8
      The spartan race is one of the most honorable athletic challenges in the united states. It is also one of the toughest.

    3. M. Conrad 8
      The spartan race is very tough and takes a lot of dedication. I admire your attitude.

  5. N. Vera 8
    I'm going to have two seperate goals this year:
    Athletic goal- I am going to train much harder this year for track and practice when ever i have time. I want to achieve a time of 52 seconds or less in the 400m this year. I will take things even more seriously and not miss an oppertunity. Also, to not get injured again this year.

    Academic goal- I will put more time into studying by adding more time into studying and not fooling around. Especially for chemistry since the regents are coming and I must be ready for it. Also, I will go to tutoring if needed.

    I won't use this website as much since I'll get a different program, but it will help me with new workouts

    1. Your goals are great and you definitely should strive for them if u work hard I know you can achieve them.

  6. N. Tzavelis 8
    This year I'm working to get all of my grades back to 90's and above. Ill start doing this by adding 1 hour more to my studying time so I can improve my test grades. I also want to approve athletically this year. Im planning to join the track team so I need to start running a lot more. I start trying to run at least 3 times a week.
    Ill use this website to help me study more for tests

  7. M.Torres 7

    My goal this year is to study more on topics that I'm struggling with. At least an hour for each one. My athletic goal this year is to get under 6 minutes in a mile. I would have to train harder and eat healthier.

  8. M.Torres 7

    My goal this year is to study more on topics that I'm struggling with. At least an hour for each one. My athletic goal this year is to get under 6 minutes in a mile. I would have to train harder and eat healthier.

  9. A. Gaudet 8

    My academic goal this year is to improve my fluency in Spanish. I plan on picking up a few books written in Spanish when I have the chance because just taking a high school language class won't do much for my fluency since it only focuses on the very basics.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. R.Colca 8
    My goal for the new year is to be a more productive student in every subject and to push myself to study a minimum of 3 days a week. I want to push my overall average up the an 88, which would require me to attend tutoring in math and chemistry. Another goal of mine is would be to increase my training schedule and to be able to work out 5 times a week.

  12. M. Conrad 8
    My goal for this year is to achieve above 90% in all my classes. To achieve this goal I first need to start studying more often, I would say from one to two days a week to three to four days a week. Also I need to start doing my homework the day it is due and not wait till the last minute.
