Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blog #12 Holiday Calories, catching up, and reading your books

Good morning cadets. As we are getting ready to start this festive holiday season, I have to be the Grinch and remind all of you that you need to eat healthy and watch those calories.  Your task this week is to post how many Christmas goodies you ate  and how many calories they contained.  You have to post the URL link for the site that confirms your calorie amounts. In addition to this, you must post which calorie content surprised you the most. Remember to post your comments on your peer's work as well.  Last but not least, you must download your textbooks from the SKEDULA site and post back to this to confirm that you have them. Good luck, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza and a Blessed Eid. 


  1. A. Lee 7

    This Holiday Season, I consumed:
    Peppermint Candy Canes 67 Calories
    Hershey's Kisses 12 Calories
    Butterfingers 190 Calories
    Gingerbread Cookies 100 Calories

    The Calorie Count that surprised me the most was that of Butterfingers which has 190 Calories in a 43 gram snack, 90 of those calories coming from fat.

    1. n. Vera

      I am also surprised with the calorie count of butterfingers because it is the highest amount out of all. I would think gingerbread cookies are more, but I can see they're not.

  2. N. Vera 8

    For the holidays, I consumed:
    Rice and White Beans = 210 calories
    Cooked Turkey = 238 calories
    Sugar Cookies = 170 calories
    Chicken = 211 calories

    The amount of calories in sugar cookies surprised me the most because it's pretty close to chicken. Cookies are just sweets and isn't the best thing for you, but it has a high calorie count.

    Also, I have downloaded the LET 2 long before you posted it on skedula because I found the exact same copy on another website.

    1. I am pretty surprised that the calories for the sugar cookies are so low. I thought that it would contain way more calories.

  3. Remember that part of your homework is to print a page from the PDF version and put your Class Heading on it to turn it in for a homework assignment. Please spread the word.

  4. Y. Alvarez 7

    For the Holidays I ate;

    potato salad:108

    The one that surprised me the most would have to be the brownies for being the same as the tamales, although the tamales provide more nutrition, it makes me question how many empty calories I might've consumed.

  5. M. Conrad 8
    For the Holidays I had:
    Ham: 203 calories
    Tuna: 191 calories
    Fried Rice: 228 calories
    I would say the food that surprised me the most has to be the Ham. I thought that it would have the most calories because of all the grease and fat but it turns out it has less fat than the rice.
