Monday, December 2, 2013

Blog #10 Who is your favorite leader to read about?

Welcome to the 3rd marking period cadets. Since we are reading about leadership and management your task this week should be a relatively easy one.  You must select a leader from the 20th or 21st century that is a positive role model and read an autobiography or biography about that person. Below is a list of possible selections but they are not the only ones to choose from.  You must select your person, then find a web-site about that individual and post the URL back to our blog. You must then explain why you chose your person as well. The last thing that you must do is to comment on at least one other cadet's work. Remember that leaders come in all shapes and sizes and also from all areas and walks of life, not just from the military or politics. Anyone that has had a profound positive effect on society as a whole is up for grabs.  Don't forget that there are 4 parts to this assignment and that you must complete all 4 parts to get full credit.  See list that follow for ideas:


  1. A. Lee 7

    One man who exemplifies leadership and morality is George Catlett Marshall. Since he is such a good role model, it is incredibly appropriate for us to read about his life and the lessons we can learn thereof. One book based upon his life and morals is "Soldier Statesman Peacemaker" by Jason Uldrich. A pdf copy can be found at

    1. C. Taibi 8

      A man that left an impressionable legacy is John Fitzgerald Kennedy. President Kennedy is a person to remember throughout our history for his great achievements.

      "The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission."
      -John F. Kennedy

    2. President Kennedy was a great man and deserves to be honored for having his life taken away to soon.

    3. John F. Kennedy was an outstanding president and could be seen as a great and positive role model.Finding biographies about JFK will be a breeze. Nice decision Taibi ! :)

    4. R.Colca 8
      Cadet Taibi you made an excellent selection, John F. Kennedy was an important aspect of the 20th century, not only helping our country through tough times, but providing order and stability.

    5. Well done cadet Lee. To all the cadets, nice job selecting your leader or your role model. Nice work to cadet Taibi but a reminder that your response will be half credit because you posted it in a comment and you did not comment on any of the cadets's works.

  2. A man who truly shows qualities of leadership is Jackie Robinson. Robinson changed the face of sports for what he did. He played on a major league baseball team even though he was black during the time of racism. It wasn't easy, but he had courage for what he did and never threw a punch when he wanted to. He is one of the reasons sports are different now a days.

    here is some brief info about him:

    1. A. Lee
      I agree with you Cadet Vera, Jackie Robinson is a very good role model, continuing to play despite the racism and resisting temptations to respond with violence.

    2. J.Garzon

      I agree with you to also Cadet Vera Jackie Robinson is great role model because he fought hard to break the barrier between blacks and whites .

    3. Y. Alvarez 7
      Cadet Vera, I agree with you completely, he didn't take anything that was disrespectful to heart, he shrugged it off & opened a new barrier for baseball. He was an excellent leader that got rid of an extreme amount of arrogance in america.

  3. Selena's murder had a widespread impact. Major networks interrupted their regular programming to break the news. People referred to Selena as "The Mexican Madonna". It was front page news on The New York Times for two days after her death. Numerous vigils and memorials were held in her honor, and radio stations in Texas played her music on repeat. Her funeral drew 60,000 mourners, many of them traveled from outside the United States. Selena is still an inspiration to modern celebrities.

    heres a link to her bio page.

  4. A. Abdou. 8

    The Reason Why I picked Nelson Mandela is because he contributed a lot to South Africa as I heard fro my family. I just want to know what are the contributions and how did he contribute it. Plus that I am interested in his life.

  5. R.Colca 8
    One of the founders and major contributors of todays, yesterdays, and the futures modern rock is Jimi hendrix. Many might not know the true full story about the Legendary Jimi Hendrix. Most people know him by his famous guitar solo's played with his teeth or his outstanding performance at the 1969 woodstock festival, but there is even more to Hendrix thats meets the eye. In 1961 Hendrix decided to join the United States Army, living his entire Military career in the 101 airborne division. Serving our country and giving us the chance to see music in a completely way, Jimi Hendrix changed music into something new and amazing while also serving our country.

  6. J. Garzon pd 7

    The person i picked is Walt Disney , i choose Walt because he change the cartoon and television business . The characters that Disney created were inspirational and at least on Disney character has been in our life that we love so much .

  7. Y. Alvarez 7

    I chose Donald John Trump. He hold a different persona to everyone's eyes, but to me he's an excellent leader and he's more than he appears. He's known as a rigorous jerk who's elfish and extremely pompous, but he's a genuine caring but strong business person. He owns 22 charities for 19 different causes, he donates to hundred of charities all the time. He's had a few meidia outbursts, but let's he honest; who hasn't now a days? Everyone thinks one little view point on politics makes someone a bad person, but wouldn't that make us all bad people because of having an opinion? Donald Trump is a strong willed person, he's well driven and exemplifies great leadership qualities, he always looks at everything all around the 360 degrees there is to a situation. He makes deal that benefit him and society and the people he's working with. He's created several ways to raise money for charities. Donald Trump isn't viewed as the best person in America, but he's definitely not the worst. Donald Trump is a very cautious person he's very intricate about his opinions, he's very firm too that makes people follow him.

  8. M.Torres 7

    I chose Anne Frank. She went through so much at her age. Even though she went through terrible times she still had problems as a teenager like being in love or bad relationships with parents. You can still relate to this remarkable person
