Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blog #11, Your leadership book selection and vital information

Hi again cadets. Here it is December already and your term project is due just around the corner on the 6th of January.  Your homework this week it to go to the SKEDULA website and download the worksheets for your term project. The files are in Word Document and PDF Format.  Remember that these are just worksheets and you must follow the instructions to achieve and outstanding grade on this project. Once you have your book, you must post all related information about your book.

Date Published:
Number of Pages.

Don't forget, when you are finished with the above task you must post your initial opinions of the book after you have started reading it.

If you can't find your book with over 125 pages, you may select another individual as long as you post that change to this site. Once you post it with the above information, I will leave an approval for you on this site as well.  Remember that this link is going to be posted on our SKEDULA site so get to work and make it happen.


  1. R.Colca 8

    Author: Sharon Lawrence
    Title: Jimi Hendrix- the Man, the Magic, the Truth
    Publisher: Pan Publishing
    Date Published:January 1st 2005
    Number of pages: 360

  2. N. Vera

    Author: Jackie Robinson
    Title:I Never Had It Made: An Autobiography of Jackie Robinson
    Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
    Date Published:1972
    Number of pages: 307

  3. M. Hernandez

    Author:Gary Williams
    Title: Seal Of Honor
    Publisher: Naval Institute Press
    Date Published: 2010
    Number of Pages: 216

    1. A. Lee 7

      While Lt. Michael Murphy is indubitably a positive role model, he is not a person who has had a "profound positive effect on society". He is undoubtedly an honorable man, however, he has not left behind a significant effect on society.

  4. J.Garzon pd 7

    Author : Louise Krasniewicz
    Publisher : Greenwood Biographies
    Date published : 2010
    Number of pages :155

  5. A. Lee7

    Author: Jack Uldrich
    Title: Soldier, Statesman, Peacemaker
    Publisher: AMACOM
    Date Published:2005
    Number of Pages:244

    Initially when I started reading this book, I thought it was going to establish blind obedience as optimal behavior, however I was pleasantly surprised to find that this book places doing what's right as the best course of action.

  6. N. Fanelli 7

    Author: Scott Simon
    Title: Jackie Robinson and the Intergration of Baseball
    Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
    Date Published: 2002
    Number of Pages: 162

    When I began this book it was exactly how I imagined it would be, it provides great vocabulary so that i can gain knowledge while still understanding it.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Author: Anne Frank
    Title: The Diary of a Young Girl
    Publisher:Bantam Books
    Date Published:?

    When I began reading this book it was exactly how I imagined it. It shows exact details of what she did and what she thought.

    1. I also read this book and I have to agree. It does a great job in explaining the events of Anne Franks life in a way that is easy for the reader to understand.

  9. Author: Anne Frank
    Title: The Diary of a Young Girl
    Publisher:Bantam Books
    Date Published:?

    When I began reading this book it was exactly how I imagined it. It shows exact details of what she did and what she thought.

  10. Author: Ronald L. Davis
    Title: Duke: The Life and Image of John Wayne
    Publisher: University of the Oklahoma Press
    Date Published: 1998
    pages: 396

    When I started this book it started a little slow but got more interesting as it went on.

    1. yea, some people get bored almost immediately once they got a book in their hands. Some also falls asleep one they read the first few couple of sentences from any text whether if its their notes taken, a story, or even a book. Me for example, I had an assignment to read the book called "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck. once I got the idea of a poor Indian family, I found that the book was a legend and I wanted to know whats going to happen with this family and their newborn. I think that it happened to you. I love Nelson Mandela and I had the same thing you had and I got amazed after that.

  11. A. Abdou. 8

    Author: Mac Maharaj and Ahmad Kathrada
    Title: Mandela, the authorized portrait
    Publisher: Andrews McMeel
    Date Published: October 1st 2006
    Number of Pages: 356 pages

    once I picked up the book from the library, I found it as huge as the school's Geometry text book and I got amazed from the size, the text inside, and the rare pictures about his whole wide life as everybody says, a picture can tell more than text. The photos are clear, big, and amazing like the writing Mandela wrote it was awesome. What I also liked about this book is that it has Mandala's whole ancestor. I would really recommend this book for everyone to buy, not to borrow because you will love it like it's a piece of a history treasure!

  12. N.Tzavelis 8

    Author: Tom Wicker
    Title: Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Publisher Henry Holt and Company, LLC.
    Date Published: 2002
    Number of Pages.140
    Once I started reading it started with for good information and kept me entertained while reading it

  13. A. Asmal 7

    Author: Paul Burrell
    Title: Remembering Diana the way we were
    Publisher: Harper collins publishers
    Date Published: 2006
    Number of Pages.284

  14. Kamil.Zurek 8

    Author:Michael Burgan
    Title:Ronald Reagan
    Publisher:Michael Burgan
    Date Published:1980
    Number of Pages:128

  15. J. McZeno 7

    Author: Malcom X
    Title: The Autobiography of Malcom X & Alex Haley
    Publisher: Grove Press
    Date Published: 1965
    Number of Pages.466

    I never got to finish reading this book but i got up to page 379 and this book is where i spent most of my break because it was a complete hooker

  16. A. Gaudet 8

    Author: Donald Langmead
    Title: Maya Lin: A Biography
    Publisher: Greenwood
    Date Published: 2011
    Number of Pages: 190

    This was the only biography of Maya Lin I could find, and although it was short it was an insightful read. Langmead successfully portrayed the personal and professional life of one of America's most notable architects.

  17. A. Nakhlawi 7
    Author: Ellen Degeneres
    Title: Seriously...I'm Kidding
    Publisher: Hachette Book Group, Inc.
    Date Published: September 2012
    Number of Pages: 241

    This book is truly amazing. At first I thought it would just be hard facts about Ellen but I was surprized to find not only facts but humor, quotes and stories. The thing i liked most about this book was that she was talking to you as the reader and trying to interact without interacting. It sounds weird but it was actually pretty entertaining. Overall I highly recomend this book to anyone, you will be surprized by how much you learn while learning about her in the proccess.

  18. C. Cordero

    Author: John Keegan
    Title: Winston Churchill: A Life
    Publisher: Penguin Books
    Date Published: October 30, 2007
    Number of Pages: 208

  19. Y. Alvarez

    Title: Trump: The Art of the Deal
    Authors:Donald J. Trump, Tony Schwartz
    Publisher: Random House LLC, 2009
    Date Published: 1987
    Number of Pages: 384 pages

  20. Title: Nelson Mandela. A conversation with myself.
    Author:Nelson Mandela.
    Publisher:Farrar, Straus and Girox New York
    Date Published:2013
    NUmber of pages:454 pages.

  21. M. Conrad 8
    Title: Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope
    Author: Judith Margaret Brown
    Publisher: Yale University Press
    Date Published: January 1, 1991
    Number of Pages: 427

    This book started off really slowly. As I got more into it, the book was very interesting. It eventually came to a point where it was hard to put the book down. It had many quotes or materials that were written by Gandhi himself. The author went into great detail when explaining what happened during certain events.
