Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blog #9 Thanksgiving and what you have to be thankful?

Here we are at the end of the 2nd Marking Period and it is hard to believe how quickly the time has flown.  As it is Thanksgiving, I want to give thanks for all of the great things that I have in my life.  From my wonderful wife, daughter, grand-kids, and other family members to my job and good health.  All of these things help make my life happier every single day. Here is a video that I really like that demonstrates my feelings very well.   

Make sure that you post a video and comment on your peers work as well. Enjoy the weekend and don't eat to much turkey tomorrow.  Be safe, stay warm and I'll see all of you back at school on Monday.


  1. N.Vera 8
    The past Thanksgiving I was truly greatful for many things in my life. I was gratefull for my family, friends, health, having a warm place to sleep and eat, and even the people i truly care about who keep me happy and love life. Also, that makes Thanksgiving the perfect time to spend time with them and enjoy the people you care about. Then for me, I couldn't be with the person I care because she wasn't in the same place I was, but i still talked to that person and had a great Thanksgiving!

    this video shows you should be grateful for everything you have:

    1. Thanksgiving is a great holdiay to be around with freinds a family and its great to hear you have all these things to be thankful for

    2. M. Khan 8
      That was great Cadet Vera, you should be thankful for everything that you have in life and take nothing for granted. Just because you don't have something someone else does, doesn't mean you should be ungrateful.

    3. A. Lee 7

      I believe the video you chose was a very good representation of many reasons why we should be grateful.

  2. This Thanksgiving i was thankful for many things. I was thankful for my families health and my own health, food on my table everynight, a w house i can live in, and my wonderful siblings that i have. this talks about what different people are thankful for

  3. C. Taibi 8
    Happy Late Thanksgiving everyone,
    I am most thankful for having a healthy and happy family. My uncle just recovered from having a heart attack. Unfortunately he couldn't spend thanksgiving with us, he spent it with his family. Thankful I can still see him.

    Found this video pretty funny. Adam Sandler's version of a Thanksgiving song

    1. N. Vera 8

      It is horrible that your uncle had a heart attack, but at least he recovered and that's great. I still hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

    2. C. Taibi 8

      Thank you, besides that me and my family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    3. R.Colca 8
      I hope your uncle feels better Cadet Taibi, but its good to know all is well.

    4. hop you had a wonderful thanksgiving with your family and God bless your uncle.

  4. M. Khan 8
    This Thanksgiving I was grateful for everything, from what I own to the people I have met throughout my life and the people who have kept me happy. I have had tough times and these people have helped m,e get past them, I am also incredibly thankful for being alive today and for being able to post on this page There re many things that people take for granted, I try to be thankful for everything, everyday.
    The following link shows you what you should be grateful and thankful for:

  5. A. Lee 7

    This Thanksgiving--- and every day of my life, I have had many things that I should be thankful for. Plenty of food on the table, clean water, family and even life day to day, not having to worry about dying that day. The truth is although I have many things that people in other countries have never had, I never truly appreciate these things because I have never gone without them. This not only applies to myself, it is true for many people, in the school and throughout the country. For many of us, it is not what we have that we truly appreciate, its what we obtain and gain. While I can SAY over and over again that I am grateful for these things, I can never truly be thankful because I have never gone without, even though I know in my heart that I should be thankful. This is a fact that I am ashamed because of my avarice.

  6. R.Colca 8

    I am thankful for everything that has been provided for me in the past year. I am thankful for food on my table, a nice warm place to come home to during the winter, and a comfy place to cool of during the summer. I am thankful for a loving supportive family and supportive friends. I am thankful for the men and women serving our country right now, over seas in foreign countries protecting us. I am thankful for having a wonderful school year, a wonderful summer, and thankful for my safety.

    1. Y. Alvarez 7
      I agree 100% with you Cadet Colca.

  7. M.Torres 7

    I am thankful for my family, friends, and everything I have. I am thankful for the house over my head and the clothes on my back. I am thankful for the food that i eat everyday.

  8. I am thankful for my whole family for supporting me entering JROTC and having a new family. I am also thankful for our JROTC family for helping us become a better citizens and stressing teamwork through each other. Besides, I am very thankful for God for giving me the opportunity to breath and live for another day and another and another.

  9. Y. Alvarez. 7

    This video is kind of humours but it's realistic of several ideas and other points of views of the little things that make people appreciative. For thanksgiving, I was thankful for so much, my friends, family, parents, food, my dog, but most importantly I was thankful and still am to be given such a great life with so much to discover, given so many experiences and still so much to go, I'm thankful for the positive and negative that has occurred because I've learned from both and it's never really bad if you learned. Honestly the biggest thing I'm thankful for is knowledge because without it we'd be nothing.
