Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog #7 Leadership VS Management and who is your favorite Leader?

Thanks for your video posting for your Veterans Day Tribute. I found them moving and well worth the time to watch.  For those who did not contribute, I am sorry that you didn't feel that you needed to post a thank you for those that fought to protect your freedom and defend your rights.  Your task this week is to select an individual from our society within the past 100 years that was influential in their work and had a major impact on our society today.  Remember, this should be someone that you admire and also someone that you know will be remembered for their contributions to society.  Here is my leader that I feel had a major impact on our society as a whole.  That person is Albert Einstein.  Without his scientific work and defection to the United States during WWII, we would not have known about Hitler's attempt to create a Nazi Atomic Bomb.  Here is the URL and site about Albert Einstein.  Albert Einstein Website


  1. M. Conrad 8

    I say my favorite leader has to be Mahatma Gandhi. He is one of the major figureheads that freed India from Great Britain through non-violent movements. Without Gandhi India still might be a part of Great Britain and we would not know the significance of "be the change you want to be".

    1SG I have to agree with you. Without Albert Einstein, the outcome of the war would have been very different. Maybe the bombs would have been used on the US and we would have had to rebuild our society.

    1. A. Lee 7

      I completely agree with you, Mahatma Gandhi was a great man who helped leave a great legacy "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

      While this may seem a little off topic, but while many organizations in the school claim to "Make a difference" I feel that while volunteering as part of a larger event is important, it is more important to take the initiative and lead a movement. The truth is that while followers are important, it is far more important to take the initiative and to start the movement. If there were 1000 less people who participated in the movements to free India, it would have been more difficult and might have taken longer. But it is likely that it still would have happened eventually. But if Mahatma Gandhi did not decide to start the movement, it may not have happened at all. As JROTC Cadets who like to call ourselves Leaders, it is important for us to not only help out when others seek us out, but it is also important for us to seek out where WE can start a movement, can start a project.

      At the community service events we participate in, it is a good thing that we are helping out and making park cleanups easier. However, if the Battalion was unable to work that day, it is likely that another group would have stepped in, or another group would have simply worked longer. We made the cleanups easier, but it would have happened with or without us. If we start our own project such as doing renovations on the Greenbelt (popular Staten Island hiking trail) or do a beautification on Cannonball Park, we will be the reason why something happened. We will have made a difference. This is my interpretation of Mahatma Gandhi's quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

      "Good deeds have a ripple effect in society. When you show kindness to one person, you inspire the kindness in others, and who's to know what the next person will do for someone else?

      I've met people who have underestimated or misunderstood the power of a good deed. Some even demote it, as if a kind gesture never brought a smile to their face.

      But I think these people often underestimate the power of 1.
      It takes one person to form an idea; one person to act, and then that idea is like a disease, moving on to the next person and then the next.

      I've often been pushed down for wanting to help people I considered were in unfortunate circumstances, and there is always a risk that comes with helping others...

      But this world needs altruism and small acts of kindness; we never know whose life we might have touched or which child we might have unintentionally helped to shape.

      Those people will go on to shape and touch the lives of others..." (Pay It Forward)

      What this quote means is that once you start doing a good thing it eventually goes out of your control and continues. We need to follow through with each good deed but each good deed will lead to another.

      For these reasons I feel that in order to truly bring about good changes, we should take the initiative and start leading so we can inspire others and accomplish more than if we did the work on our own. When I say these things I do not mean to insult or dis the Battalion, I intend to say what I feel to be true in the hopes of brining about a positive change.

    2. I do agree with you cadet. Mahatma Gandhi is a really great man that I myself honor him for being strong. And I really love his quotes especially the one you just put on the response. And cadet Lee, once again you did a great job putting the response and the comment and thank you for being specific and being smart. Keep it up cadet!

    3. I agree with cadet conrad Mahatma Gandhi is a inspirational leader he achived and succed so many things for his people

    4. M. Khan 8
      I agree with Cadet Conrad, Mahatma Gandhi was a great man and without his contributions to society and humankind in general many things would not have happened. Perhaps people would not even believe in non-violent solutions but this great man changed everything, he lead hundreds of thousands of people to peacefully protest against the British when Britain colonized India. He is also the reason that the man I admire, Martin Luther King Junior, fought segregation with words rather than fists.

  2. A. Lee

    One of the greatest leaders in the past 100 years is Honorable George Catlett Marshall. He was both an inspirational leader as well as a great model as to how we should carry ourselves today. He made major contributions during both World Wars and Post WWII as Chief of Staff of the Army, Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State. He is also credited with the Nobel Peace Prize for having written the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan was a step taken by the US to fight Communism in the Cold War by providing foreign aid to countries so they would not fall to Communism. George Marshall is also considered the best example for how a leader should behave and many Academic Team questions are based on his life.

    George Marshall also exhibited incredible honesty and candor (Frankness). When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt asked him whether or not he thought the US military was strong enough, he answered honestly and told the President "No". He showed us that candor is extremely important and that we should tell our superiors what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. This was important because he stood up to the President and told him what he needed to hear and helped greatly improve the US military from a small, almost insignificant force into a global force for good.

    George Marshall's life and legacy is the subject of a book titled "Soldier Statesman Peacemaker" which is the recommended study guide for Leadership question for the Academic Team. ( This contains the link to "Soldier Statesman Peacemaker".

    George Marshall is truly a great leader who helped us through incredible hardships. He has also left a great legacy and many lessons that we all should practice in our lives.

  3. A. Abdou. 8

    I do agree with you 1SG. Albert Einstein is the #1 favorite person to everybody. But my favorite #2 character is Nelson R. Mandela. Mandela is a man who stood firm and took his country from the extremes of apartheid through to democracy. For this he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (1993). He has achieved more than this though. Nelson Mandela has received more than 250 awards that are in every way honorable. Keys to cities, and honorary degrees are among them, along with the peace prize. One of those greats was Gandhi. Perhaps people can see something similar in Nelson Mandela and Gandhi. Mandela paid tribute to Gandhi with these words: "He dared to exhort nonviolence in a time when the violence of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had exploded on us; he exhorted morality when science, technology and the capitalist order had made it redundant; he replaced self-interest with group interest without minimizing the importance of self. India is Gandhi's country of birth; South Africa his country of adoption" They were like-minded men. So, maybe this character would be the good character to some of the cadets and I really hope that.

  4. The famous figure that is inspirational to me is Martin Luther King Jr he fought so much for african americans and there rights. He is one of the many people that change all this black and white conspiracy that was going on for years . If it was for him do you think we would all be sitting in the same classroom together or maybe being in the same lunchline.


  5. M. Khan 8
    The person that inspires me is Martin Luther King Junior. Martin Luther King was an African-American man during the time of racism and segregation in America. He was a great public speaker and he contributed to society by winning the rights of African-American individuals. With his efforts and the efforts of other individuals he got rid of segregation and racism in the United States however, he did not do this with violence, no. Martin Luther King believed in non-violence, he protested and used his words to fight and I believe that one of his favorite quotes would have been, "The pen is mightier than the sword." He was a peaceful family man and without his contribution, we would not be known as the country of the free but rather the country of the segregated.
    The following is one of the Martin Luther King Junior's most memorable speech, "I Have A Dream:"

    1. My apologies, that was the wrong link, this is the correct link:

    2. I totally agree with your choice because what he did was not an easy thing to do. People were nervous, but he was brave enough stand up for everyone and change things. So, I believe what he did was amazing and should never be forgotten

  6. R.Colca. 8
    One of my favorite leader of the late 20th century is Bill Gates, to many he is just the creator of the worlds first personal computing system, but he is the founder of so much more. He helped develop software to make entire companies successful, from helping us manage data bases to giving everyday citizens the ability to introduce ourselves to people on the other side of the planet. Microsoft is the key component into the technology we have today, which is being use for medical, military and personal use.

  7. N. Vera 8

    The person that has inspired me the most was Jackie Robinson. I say this because Jackie Robinson was living in the time era where there was a lot of racisnm, and he was an African American man, so life wasn;t that easy for him. Then one day he had a chance to play for the big leauges in baseball and he took it. That was an extremely hard choice because everyone would hate him and not respect him, but he still played even when people where bothering him and he wanted to do something. So Jackie Robinson is a great symbol and has changed how sports are now a days, and deserves to be honored for his actions. I know I would always have respect for him and what he did. Also, he was still a great baseball player.

    Here is a biography about him:

  8. Y. Alvarez 7

    The person I'd have to admire is pretty different from most people & I tend to get odd reactions, but it'd have to be Curtis Jackson A.K.A 50 Cent, the rapper, it's odd yes, but he's honestly a great leader as well. He's extremely successful & he's very humble about his accomplishments. He's not from a war or a movement or a peacemaker or anything like that, he's just another person who wants to be successful yet help people. Curtis Jackson has been able to rap about his life , create movies, invest in vitamin water, creating an energy supplement that helps feed the hungry in Africa. He's creating technology such as headphones, he never stops working. He never gives up till he finishes something & that's why I admire him. Sure there's people out there who do good for everyone else in the world & that's great, but there's people that do good just to get recognized or attention or fame, & that shouldn't matter. Curtis Jackson is humble about his work, he has fun with it. He's a great rapper, a great busniessman and a great person. He knows what he's doing with his life, disregarding his past, he doesn't let anything affect him. He works to be successful just as much as anyone who would like to breathe, he will work hard to achieve. People like to see someone who will never give up & start from lower classes & work themselves up, not a lot of people see so many celebrities to be such good role models, but it's just opinion & personal opinion, and mine is that if you can create so many companies to be successful and to get so many other people & celebrities to follow you and help you with your products, you're a great leader, because he's humble, he helps people, he doesn't care for what's in return, sure he expects money, but his main goal is the success that no one thought he'd be able to reach.

    1. Once more I can truly say we have a lot in common Cadet Alvarez. I as well choose a hip hop producer/ lyrical genius myself. Curtis has achived far more then most people regognize him for and has ser up even farther foundations and charitys for the less fortunate in the othe rparts of this world. I share your opinon and support it he is a leader; in far more then music,but in the world itself.

    2. I think you made an amazing chose cadet. When thinking of someone who had an impact on society most people would think of people like political figures first. Your choice is out of the box and actually interesting.

  9. The person I chose like my fellow cadet, is in my opinion also a lyrical genius, a mentor, a sign of hope, and a leader. I am refering to none else but Christopher Wallace a.k.a The Notorious B.I.G. Many would clearly not share my opinion due to the way he was involved in the " East Coast West Cast" conflict prior to his untimely death, but Christopher did more then place music into the ears of children,men, and women of his generation. He brought hope, and with it joy into the heart of many with his music and his persona. B.I.G was born in Brooklyn, New York and brought up in Bedford Stuyvesant. From what he considered to be the "bottom" he brought himself to the top a place he only dreamed of going and with him he brought his friends he grew up with also known as " Junior Mafia". He is a leader because he brought a new era into the music industry its said by many that he revolutionized music forever. Also because even past his death his words stay with us all " Stay far from timid, only make moves when your heart in it. And live he phrase 'Skys the limit"


  10. M.Torres 7

    The person I chose is Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was a influence on me and others because he destroyed slavery. He changed America greatly by showing that every person is equal no matter there color of skin. On January 1, 1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy.
    Lincoln never let the world forget that the Civil War involved an even larger issue. He stated this in dedicating the military cemetery at Gettysburg. This a quote from the speech Gettysburg Address: "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
    Lincoln won re-election in 1864, as Union military triumphs heralded an end to the war. In his planning for peace, the President was flexible and generous, encouraging Southerners to lay down their weapons and join quickly in reunion.
    Because of this he inspired other famous figures like John F.Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr, and Malcolm X for equal rights.

    1. Your choice is one that is personal and I understand your choice, however, he does not meet the 100 year criteria that was posted in the lesson. He died over 100 years ago.

  11. A.Gaudet8
    Art imitates life and life imitates art. The impact an artist can have on society can be as big as any other political or economic event. For example Allen Ginsberg often wrote of controversy topics in his poem. He would strongly state his opposition of economic materialism and sexual repression and is in part responsible for the removal of literary censorship. For this reason I think he's a perfect candidate for this blog and truly someone worth admiring.

  12. N.Fanelli 7
    As a fan of sports I love to watch the games get more interesting in every way possible. If I were alive in 1947 I believe I still would have supported Jackie Robinson despite the fact that he is colored and regardless of the time era in which he played where racial segregation was at its highest. Today he is view ed as a great role model not only for baseball players but for people everywhere of any ethnicity, he makes a point that anything can be accomplished. He kept going out on the field playing for his team even when the audiences would throw their food at him. He was also a phenomenal baseball player. He was one of the first players ever to steal home plate and score. He is an example of a great leader

  13. C. Taibi 8
    For a great leader I would have to choose John F. Kennedy. Elected in 1960 President Kennedy was the youngest president to be in office. After military service as commander of Motor Torpedo Boats PT-109 and PT-59 during World War II in the South Pacific. Events during his presidency included the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Apollo Project, the building of the Berlin Wall, the African-American Civil Rights Movement, and increased U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.
