Friday, November 8, 2013

Blog #5 Sometimes Bullying never stops...

Hi again cadets and great work on the last assignment.  Since we have been discussing bullying, I am sure that you along with most sports fans in America are aware of this story.  Read the following NPR story and post your comments.  Once you have done that, you are required to search out a recent news related article or video on "Bullying" and post it to our site with the proper URL. Make sure you explain why you chose your video and also post a comment on at least one of your peer's work.  Here is the NPR article about the Miami Dolphins' story.  Sports Bullying in Miami


  1. A. Abdou. 8

    I don't know what happened... But if Martin's side of the story turns out to be true, the NFL is about to go through an extensive anti-hazing / anti-bullying set of rules going forward. This is even if similar things have occurred for the past 60 years in the NFL. Like a lot of other social situations in America, views on bullying have changed significantly.some people say that Martin is a lame. in other way, they say that he is weak. NO, he's not because he has been bullied and a lot of people get a lot of horrible feeling. Bullying does hurt more than every body knows. Another people says that Incognito is trying to be cool. No, bullying is not cool at all. Specially when a bully curse and threat another person. I don't know if this fact is true or not because I don't know and don't understand their background because I only spent like two years in the U.S.A. However, I don't think that Incognito should continue in the NFL because of what he did. In my opinion, I think that he did a lot more than bullying because he did that by sending a voice-mail. He don't deserve to continue playing in the NFL anymore...

    1. When a team mate does this at first its because its friendly, and that is probably hw it started. It became bullying later on and it was to late for him already and he has to get the consequences.

  2. N. Vera 8

    I understand that bullying is very wrong between teens, but it has gotten so bad that even adults are getting bullied. Even a famous NFL player is being bullied, who you wpuld think would be untouchable. I understand how his teammates believe its just friendly stuff, and at first it is, but when it continues and gets worse it becomes bullying, like as you see. I do understand why he said it was friendly stuff and all because thats how teams are because they are your family, but he took it too seriously...
    This article shows how a friend becomes a bully.

    1. M. Khan 8

      I completely agree with Cadet Vera, bullying has gotten so worse that it's now common in adults. It is happening in front of our eyes and it is happening on national television! NFL players are being bullied and his teammates are being idle and accepting it as the norm, stating that this is how he's going to, "Man up." This needs to be stopped before it becomes worse than it already is, before this becomes too late.

    2. j.garzon pd 7

      I agree 100 percent with cadet Vera bullying is becoming a everyday life thing . it got to the point were old adults are getting bullied and its not being stoped. who knows how bad this player has been bullied he says its a friendly thing and supposeley he is physically fine but hes emotionally hurt.

  3. M. Khan 8

    Bullying is something that I believe will never stop and as most people generally group it with Teens it is found in people of all ages, groups, ethnicity, etc. Bullying I don't believe will stop is because it has fixated itself so permanently in society. People look at as the norm, it becomes a way to"Man [someone] up." You can tell this by reading the article that was linked. Bullying is a horrendous deed and it can have extreme consequences, consequences no one would like to dream of. As a victim myself, I believe that something like this is bad but letting it go to sports? This epidemic is getting out of hand really fast and if there is no one to take charge of this this will turn into a catastrophe.

    1. M. Conrad 8
      I have to agree. It seems that now bullying is not a problem that is among teens. I think we have entered a time where anyone is a bully. Like you stated bullying seems to be a part of society.

    2. A. Gaudet 8
      I agree with you cadet. Even parents will resort to belittling their child in order to toughen them up. But then those children grow up to believe that being tough means that they have to prove that others are weaker than them by bullying them. It's a shame that this has become an accepted way to man someone up.

    3. A. Lee 7

      I disagree with your statement. Bullying is rampant and is hard to stop. However, this does not mean it cannot be stopped. It is not permanently built into society, although it will continue unless stopped. This involves treating the person who bullied as a human being as well. All people involved in bullying are people capable of change and should not be labeled as "Bullies" indefinitely, for the rest of their life. Abraham Lincoln said "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friend". Gandhi said "Try to help your enemy by overcoming him with kindness". These are wise statements and show how the best way to stop bullying is to change the perspective of the "Bully".

    4. I agree with you completely, it's not impossible to change but then again it is, because it's not like everyone can be watched at every second of every day, but it can be prevented. It's upsetting how parents can even think of to bully their own children or say that bullying is doing them any good is just ridiculous.

  4. M. Conrad *

    You know bullying is getting worse when you see it happen with adults. I think it is just wrong how athletes, people who are suppose set example for kids, are bullying each other. If a child sees their favorite sports player bullying another player, it would seem okay for the child to see it.

  5. j.garzon pd8

    its a disgrace how bullying has got to the point that it has caused suicide . it has provoked kids and college students to take weapons to hurt someone because of bulling. Someone needs to put there foot down this is out rages that even kids idols that they look up to are bullying there fellow teammates to.

  6. A. Gaudet 8

    "Is this whole thing a case of stupid macho culture run amok in pro sports?"

    YES. I honestly believe that this mindset of "I have to prove that I'm the toughest guy out there" is a huge factor in bullying. People are so worried about proving something to other people that they're willing to belittle others, but they don't realize that instead of looking "macho" and "tough" like they were aiming for, they look like arrogant idiots. The victim of the bully is expected to prove that he's just as much of a tough guy as the bully was by fighting the bully directly or by picking on someone weaker than them, and hence, the circle continues. All of this originates because people care way too much about what others think. It's as if the approval of other people is worth anything, when in reality it's not. But so many people fail to realize this, and are willing to go as far as bullying others in order to receive the approval of people who, in the long-run, don't even matter.
    I posted this link because many people think that all of the cliques and bullying stuff ends after high school, but both of these things originate from factors such as discrimination and the desire for acceptance. For this reason, we'll never fully escape the idiocy of high school.

  7. A. Lee

    I agree with the title, sometimes bullying never stops. Bullying is a learned attribute and will not stop unless the action is properly reprimanded or the bully is given a new perspective. However, I believe that bullying can be stopped.

    These two scenes from "Forest Gump" show how bullies often continue to bully, learning to bully while young and continuing to bully later on in life. This also shows how bullying can't hurt you unless you let it. While it is true that it can hurt you physically, it won't hurt you psychologically unless you listen to the bullies and you let them put you down.

    In "Pulp Fiction", it is shown how Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) is a bully and abuses others. Later, it is shown how he changes and becomes someone who sways another bully away from evil and bullying.

    "Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." I been saying that shit for years. And if you heard it, that meant your ass. I never gave much thought to what it meant. I just thought it was some cold-blooded shit to say to a motherfucker before I popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this morning made me think twice. See, now I'm thinking, maybe it means you're the evil man, and I'm the righteous man, and Mr. 9 millimeter here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could mean you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is, you're the weak, and I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd." (Samuel L. Jackson)

    What this means is that Jules realizes that he was being an evil man and he changed. He also hopes to do the same for Ringo and convince him to walk the righteous path.

    "Forest Gump" shows that without something or someone to dissuade bullying, it will continue. "Pulp Fiction" shows that it is possible to stop bullying and that people can change. If we are to stop bullying, we cannot simply condemn the bully, we must also acknowledge that the bully is a human being capable of change and show compassion and understanding.

    1. I agree with you cadet. You did more than the expected work which is a perfect thing. You did a huge, great response with many different websites that supports your response. Thanks again cadet and keep up the good work! :D

  8. A. Lee 7

    Forest Gump does not let the bullying stop him. The bullying could only hurt him physically, it could not hurt him in any other way because he did not let it hurt him.

  9. Y. Alvarez 7

    Bullying has always been an extreme difficult situations for several millions of people. The fact that an NFL player is bullying another player on the SAME team is honestly just unbelievable, they're supposed to be teammates? they're role models to younger kids, aren't they? The coaches are asking their players to "toughen" each other up, by bullying? What kind of example does that honestly set? It's a different circumstance for everyone everywhere, but bullying has lately led to an immense suicide epidemic, & it shouldn't reach that point ever, or occur at all, but the fact that kids or adults or parents or anyone can treat anyone a way to ever commit suicide, is just terrible on every level. The video I chose was from the Ellen Degeneres Show, when she had the parents from the documentary "bully" of their son Tyler who was bullied everyday at school, till the point he committed suicide. Sometimes, schools don't even bothering helping the students, they tell the parents that they'll do something about it , but they don't, some parents even tell their kids that it just makes them tougher, but it doesn't work that way for everyone, parents don't realize that, every person's life has a different scale of feelings, but everyone has the same value morally, no matter what they do, look like, intelligence, anything whatsoever. (sorry it's so long.)

    1. You never fail to astound me with your work cadet. I agree with everything you state thoroughly. Bullying now that it is in the NFL as well has truly reached its pinnacle and its disgusting. Arnt we supposed to be looking at these players or a source of inspiration? Its a shame theyve tarterd their own reputations

  10. J. McZeno 7

    Wow... I am truly left speechless and very ashmed of the NFL as a whole and by the actions taken from specific members of the Dolphins team. As if bullying within kids wasnt enough now we have grown men doing it to eachother? Men on the same team. Where is the sense of brotherhood amongs these people. Used to be a child could enkoy football and escape problems bulling related by watching his faviorte team. But now everywhere you turn theres a bullying appedemic. Where or should I ask WHEN wiilll the boundires be drawn?
    The video i selected is about a 12 yearold child who was recently arrested and charged with disorderly conduct because she was bullying a 13 year old girl. I chosee this article to show that if these little girls 12, and 13 years of age are bullying and now grown men on NFL teams are nullying each other we really need to stop and start seriously making a more harsh charge for bullying

    1. M.Torres 7

      I agree with you cadet if kids look up to adults that bully then who can they look up to. The kids would then think that its normal or ok to bully.

  11. M.Torres 7

    I picked this video because it touched my heart and I wished I could’ve done something. This is about a girl named Amanda Todd that committed suicide. She created this video about her being bullied and what she went through. She committed suicide month after she put the video. This video was a cry of help. She went through so much. She just wanted to move on from the past and live her life. She couldn't escape her past. It followed her for years. She tried to commit suicide before but survived. She really needed a friend. I wish I could have helped her, but it is too late. The second video is teens reacting to the video and what they thought and felt about Amanda Todd and Bullying in general. Some of the stuff they said was surprising and true. The third video is news talking to Amanda's "friends" about Amanda's death and showing internet messages about Amanda.
