Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blog #8 Honesty & Integrity, what a great story...

Hi and Happy Thanksgiving this week Cadets.  This week is a two-fer as you have to assignments to catch up on since we have a short week. This first one is easy and fun to do since it deals with Personal Character.  One of the 6 C's of a leader. The following story is about an honest person in New Orleans that finds $240,000 on the roadside in a bin and turns in back in.  Hope you enjoy the story.  Your task to find similar stories of honesty, courage, character, candor, commitment, and post one of those stories to this site. As usual, your task is to give a brief synopsis of the story and to also comment on your peers work. Remember to do all 3 actions to get your full credit for your work.  Have fun and don't eat to much turkey this week.


  1. N.Fanelli 7
    In this clip, a group of football players from the local high school go to a nearby discount store in Wayne, NJ. They then realize that the store is supposed to be closed but there was a problem with the lock so the doors were open. They proceeded inside to find what they needed and instead of just taking it since no one was there, they decided to leave the money on the counter and count it in front of the camera so when the employee's checked the camera footage they would see that the kids did not steal from them. This is true honesty

    1. N.Vera 8
      I have actually seen this video way before you posted it and its truly amazing how some people are honest these days. I say deserve something gratitude from the store owner.

    2. N.Tzavelis 8
      Thia is a great story and shows true honesty which many people do not have these days

    3. J.Garzon pd 7

      Cadet . Fanelli this is a great story who would ever think that a bunch of jocks good also be kind smart and not cold hearted

    4. I did liked your story cadet. even though it's old, but I liked it. Its completely honest in my opinion.

  2. N.Vera 8
    In this video, a couple bought a desk on craigslist which had a plastic bag full of money. In this bag there was $98,000 in it. The first thing they think about is not keeping it, so they called the previous owner and told them they had it. That money was the previous owners inheritance money and totally forgot where she put it. Thankfully that couple found it and returned all of it to her, while someone else would of kept it for themselves.

  3. N.Tzavelis 8
    This story is about a dairy queen employee who while working had a customer who was visually impared drop a 20 dollar bill and not notice it. when this happened another customer quickly picked it up and put it in her purse. The employee saw this and asked her to give it back when she refused he denied serving her and that customer left the store with the 20 dollars. The employee then gave the visially impaired costumer 20 dollars because it wasent returned to him.

    1. A. Lee 7

      While this is not as spectacular story as many of the others presented, I feel this one is the most compelling. Many of the other stories showed people simply doing the right thing. It would have been wrong to rob the store (Cadet Fanelli's and Khan's story) and it would have been wrong to keep the $98,000 (Cadet Vera's story). However, nobody could blame the Dairy Queen cashier if he had not given the visually impaired person $20 out of his own pocket. He had done what was right. He asked the other customer to give the money back to the visually impaired customer and then refused to give her service. This was simply the right thing to do. However, when he chose to give $20 that he earned to a person he didn't even know, this was true honor. He didn't just refuse to do something that was wrong, he did what was right.

    2. *He didn't just refuse to do something that was bad, he did something that was good.

    3. Y. Alvarez 7

      This isn't so spectacular as Cadet Lee stated, but he's correct that it's the most compelling, he showed the integrity to even refuse to serve the customer.

  4. A. Lee 7

    One man who exemplified this standard of morality was Bobby Jones. During the first round of the 1925 USO Golfing tournament, he performed an amazing act of honesty. During the tournament, he was doing extremely well until the 11th hole. He accidentally brushed the ball, a violation that would give him a penalty stroke. However, nobody saw him make this mistake. He told his playing partner and the tournament official that he had erred. His partner and the official tried to convince him to continue playing because he was doing so well, but he insisted on taking the penalty. He lost that game by one stroke, the one stroke that he received because of his self penalty. For his honesty, he was praised by sports writers for his actions, however, he waived off these complements saying "You may as well praise a man for not robbing a bank." (Bobby Jones)

    1. A. Lee 7

      Bobby Jones preferred to have a loss that he knew he deserved rather than a Professional level win that he knew he didn't truly win.

  5. M. Khan 8
    In the article that I chose, a couple of college football players walked into a store that was closed but seemed open. They needed a few things and it seemed as if no one was in the store, due to the fact that no one was, they grabbed the items that they required and instead of stealing the items or ransacking the whole store, thy payed for the items that they required by leaving money on the register.

  6. J.Garzon pd 7

    In this article a homeless men finds 3,300 cash and returns it . This man is an amazing human being to do such a kind thing In the bad condition that this man is going through not eating well no where to sleep with this amount of money he could of set his life back together but instead he decides to return the money this was very kind of him .

  7. A. Abdou. 8

    this story is talking about a homeless person who found $40,000 in cash and traveler’s checks, he probably thought that he could use them to live like this is one of the wishes that homeless people wish. That homeless person put them in a backpack and reported them to the police. This homeless man called Glen James, and he has been honored and recognized for his honesty by the Boston Police Department. So Glen got a fund that is the same amount he found plus $10,000 more from a website called "”.

  8. Y. Alvarez. 7

    This story is about a homeless man who found $1500 on the road yet he returned it. He lives on the streets or in parks, he could've used the money for his own personal reasons, maybe help him clean up, eat or just something he needed or wanted, but he didn't. He showed immense integrity returning the money to rightful owner. Every single penny that was lost, he returned it. The lawyer who lost the money must've been flabbergasted knowing that it was returned but he was also impressed and grateful.
