Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog #6 Veterans Day and I thank each and every one of you

Hi again Cadets.  As we prepare for our participation in the Annual NYC Veterans Day Parade in Manhattan, I thought that it would be a great time for you to post your thanks and video tributes to those men and women that have fought to keep us free all of these years.  Remember that if you create your own video and post it to You-Tube you will get extra credit.  Make sure that you post your own thank you in your personal message.  Add your Video Link to out site and comment on at least one of your Peer's work. Good luck and I hope you enjoy this lesson for this week.  Remember also cadets that there are only 2 weeks left for the canned food drive for the needy and that we are moving forward with the Holiday Social planning as well.
I almost forgot, I want to thank all of my fellow soldiers that served with me from 1971 to 1995. Without your support, guidance and sacrifice, I would not be where I am today in my life.  Your courage and commitment is beyond reproach and I salute each and every one of you.  I serve for the memory of my Dad that taught me what being an American is all about.
Here it the video that I chose as my selection:  



  2. cadet garzon pd 7

    1. im grateful for all those men and women that served and serve our country every day what would life be if we didn't have these Honorable soldiers

    2. im grateful for all those men and women that served and serve our country every day what would life be if we didn't have these Honorable soldiers

  3. M. Conrad 8

    I would like to thank all of the men and women who served our country. Without them I would not be here today. Thank you for making me feel like I am safe. May God bless you.

  4. M. Khan 8

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the men and women who have perished fighting for our nation in any branch of service. I would like to thank those who are still, to this day, at this very moment, fighting for our freedom and liberty. Without those brave and great men and women we would not be living so leisurely as how we are. And although Veterans day has passed, every day I will be thankful to those men and women. Veterans day should not be just one single day of the year, it should be every day, every minute, every second. Those men died protecting our country and continue dying. Thanks to all of them, we salute you.

    1. I could not agree with you more Khan and I am sure what you said touched many solders and their families.
      O.Abdel-Rahman 7

    2. M. Conrad 8
      I must say, I agree. I am sure that what you have said will give a warm feeling to soldiers and family members. I think you couldn't have said it better.

    3. A. Lee 7
      I wholeheartedly agree with what you said. Veterans should be thanked during the whole year, not just on one day.

  5. O.Abdel-Rahman 7
    I can not thank the men and women who served and who are still serving enough. They enlisted to protect the United States and all of its citizens. We live our lives the way we do today because of the people who risked there lives in the battlefront. I thank all of you for what you have done and what you have sacrificed. I know it wasn't easy but you pulled through it. May the men and women who passed away rest in piece and for the solders who are still fighting for our country today I hope you return to your homes and your loved ones very soon. Be safe and may God bless all of you.

    1. I agree with Cadet Abdel-Rahman. He clearly states how he feels for the men and women int he armed forces and like all of us in the U.S.A., expresses his gratitude towards them. Thank you Cadet Abdel-Rahman.

    2. A. Gaudet 8

      I'm sure your thanks is greatly appreciated cadet, and I agree with everything you said completely.

  6. A. Gaudet 8

    I really hope that all the men and women who have served our country know how much they are appreciated. I understand that it can be frustrating to fight and risk your life for people who don't even seem to care, but I hope that all of the veterans know that their sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. I am extremely grateful for every single veteran out there. They have done things for this country that most people would never have the guts to do, and for that reason we should give them our regards and thanks not just one day out of the year, but every time we have a chance.

    1. I agree with you, there's people who say harsh things to the people in uniform or about the armed forces in general, but they're just so unappreciative for what they really do.

  7. A. Lee 7
    I think this is a good video because it shows how much a soldier truly sacrifices. A soldier is more than just a soldier, often he is a man who has a family. Despite his love for his family, he sacrifices the time he could spend with his family so he can serve his country. His family sacrifices him temporarily, and often permanently. Soldiers and their families sacrifice so much, even if they do not make the ultimate sacrifice. Regardless of whether or not a veteran gave their life to the cause they believed in, veterans deserved to be thanked because they gave up so much.

    1. I completely agree about what you just said because all of the armed forces of each branch does deserve to be thanked cause of their service and their sacrificial to us, to their family, and specially to the United States of America.

    2. N. Vera 8

      I totally agree with you because fighting and risking your life isn't an easy thing to do. It takes a strong person who is willingly to do that. So they deserve all the thanks they truly get

  8. N. Vera 8

    Where can I even start with this. First, I would truly like to say thank you to all those soldiers who have helped from the bottom of my heart. Even the soldiers that have not fought in a war still deserve thanks because they still help out a lot. For example, recruiters might not fight (like my father) but they still enlist those soldiers into the military who protect us. They all deserve honor for being in enlisted and do not deserve any disrespect; eventhough, you might not like them you should still respect them because they all fight for your freedom. So anyone you see who is in the military or who has served in the military deserves a great big thank you.
    I thank every veteran for what they did

    1. I agree with cadet Vera. Even the soilders who did not fight in the war should get some credit too for either recruiting and helping fight for our freedom.

  9. A. Abdou. 8

    All the armed forces of the U.S.A. All men and women who died just to give freedom to our country. They worked very hard, fought really hard, and sacrificed their lives and their families just to let the U.S.A. free. We all give them a special thank you gift on the Veterans Day. I myself give them this video I've created it by myself to them. But I think they deserve more than that.

  10. Y. Alvarez 7
    The men & women of the United States Armed Forces are honestly never thanked enough. Everything they do, sacrifice, go through every day, voluntarily, for us is incredible & shouldn't go unnoticed. I wish there were more ways to express my gratitude for what men & women have made possible everyday for america. Not seeing their families for months at a time, for not eating the foods they want, being in intense weather conditions for months possibly years at time, risking their lives every single day in a combat zone, it's all just under appreciated, & taken for granted and it shouldn't be.

  11. A. Nakhlawi 7
    I would like to thank all those who risked their lives to give us all their freedom. Everything they go through just for us to have the ability to speak freely and live our lives without worry of being unprotected. I feel as though we all take these things for granted sometimes. While we sit in our bedrooms or sit playing on our phones, there are soilders fighting out there. THank you to all those who served and are still on active duty.

  12. M.Torres 7

    I thank all those who are in the armed forces from past, present, and future. They truly don't get enough credit. We should thank them every day. I wish there more we can do for these men and women. I also thank both my grandfathers for serving their country. They are true heroes.
