Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blog #20 Everything you always wanted to know about drugs...

Hi again cadets and welcome to this weeks lesson.  Your assignment this week is to post (3) three facts that you learned that you did not know before about the drug that you are researching to teach for your class in JROTC.  You must also post the URL address where you obtained your information and lastly, you must read and post comments on your peer's work. Remember to make your slides for your class using Google Docs and good luck with your assignment.  

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blog #19, Let's Go Back...The Natural Effect

Not everything that you see or read on labels is honest and accurate as you can tell by the video above.  Your task is to find information on labels or in adds that are either false of misleading and post that information back to our site.  Make sure to post the URL for the site where you obtained your information and give a brief synopsis about the site. You last task as always is to post comments on your peer's work. Good luck and I thought this a real eye opener about the use of the word "Natural".   

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blog #18 Drugs, here, there and everywhere

Welcome back cadets to the 2nd Marking Period of JROTC. Your
task is to find news stories about the Drugs that you are teaching
about in class and present the story online to our blog. You know
the requirements to post your URL along with a brief synopsis on
what the story is about. You must also read a fellow cadet's post
and give a review/critique of their work as well. Remember to use
good grammar and to spell check your work before posting.
Here are two articles that I found very interesting that should start
you off with some ideas. Good luck and good reading.

Poppy Shortage for Drug Companies

Colorado strikes it rich with Pot