Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blog #18 Drugs, here, there and everywhere

Welcome back cadets to the 2nd Marking Period of JROTC. Your
task is to find news stories about the Drugs that you are teaching
about in class and present the story online to our blog. You know
the requirements to post your URL along with a brief synopsis on
what the story is about. You must also read a fellow cadet's post
and give a review/critique of their work as well. Remember to use
good grammar and to spell check your work before posting.
Here are two articles that I found very interesting that should start
you off with some ideas. Good luck and good reading.

Poppy Shortage for Drug Companies

Colorado strikes it rich with Pot


  1. http://www.newser.com/story/181357/in-north-korea-you-want-meth-with-that.html

    This story is about being in North Korea, Pyongyang using crystal meth. This is used as a greeting, to recover from a cold and many other things. I found this very interesting because there are probably people who get addicted and waste their money on this drug.

    1. That is truly over using the drug and will be bad for you. That tells it's a waste of moeny for you and your health.

    2. It's incredible how in one country what's considered a social norm, such as the use of meth in this situation, is a taboo in another.

  2. N. Vera 8

    This article is about the legalization of weed in Colorado. They have earned a lot of profit from it and think about using it to help education and other stuff. Drug money to help schools? that doesn't sound right to me. It could be a good or bad thing for some.

    1. well, you are absolutely right. maybe it's like a science lab or something.

    2. I do find it a bit Ironic that schools may be accepting drug money to fund programs but in the end my personal opinion on the subject isn't where the money is going to come from but how its going to be used to better the public.

    3. I feel that the state of Colorado is sending a poor example to the children of the state. They are using drugs which up until recently, prohibited the use and distribution of weed, to help pay for students educations.

  3. Abdou. A. 8

    I picked this story because that something illegal is passed to kids like those 8 year old kids. My questions are:

    1) from who did those kids know about it?

    2) from where did they get it?

    3) Behind every illegal drug, there is a deal by trading mony with the drug so from where did the kids got the money from?


  4. M.Hernandez


    This article is about the decline of Cocaine Usage and sale. I find this very interesting because Cocaine is often a glorified drug that seems readily available to the rich and famous but the reality is that Marijuana is more available nowadays than Cocaine.

  5. The cause of the declining in Cocaine is probably because Marijuana is legal in almost all the states. Therefore making it easier to get. On the other hand Cocaine is harder to get and you have more of a chance of being caught.

    1. 2 states does not make almost all of the states. Check your facts to make sure you are using correct information and data.

    2. M. Conrad 8

      As 1SG states, only two of the fifty states have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. I think that doing some research before hand will allow you to post accurate research on the blogs.

  6. M. Conrad 8


    This article talks about the raising methamphetamine use in Kern County. There, meth is the drug of choice because it is cheap and easy to obtain. About 39% of the felony prosecutions are due to methamphetamine use and around 50% of the drug treatment admissions are about meth.

  7. R.Colca 8

    This article I posted talks about a Champaign man was caught with around 3 ounces of cocaine,leading him to an arrest. Which the use and distribution of cocaine is restricted in the United states.

    1. M. Khan 8

      That article was very interesting Cadet Colca. I appreciate that you took the time to find such a great read. I still cannot believe, however, why the man would just throw the evidence on the floor as he ran and admit to his crime then brag that he could easily get out of jail with a bail of $100,000.

  8. A. Gaudet 8


    The article discusses the use of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for anxiety specifically in patients with terminal illnesses. When used under the meticulous supervision of a psychotherapist, the drug can produce positive outcomes unlike the effects from taking acid tabs for recreational use.

  9. N. Tzavelis 8
    http://addictions.about.com/od/designerdrugs/tp/Five-Bad-Acid-Trip-Stories.htm (5th story)
    This story talks about a special operations officer who was testing the effects of lsd. He drank something laced with lsd and killed himself from the hallucinations by throwing himself off the 10th floor of a building.

    1. LSD is truly a treacherous drug that could seriously endanger your life and the lives of those around you. This is a growing epidemic in our society which glamorizes such substances. It needs to be addressed.

  10. M. Khan 8

    The following article is about a child who was placed under custody of the Jackson County Sheriff Department after they were found in a car with 2 adults who had 1.5 grams of methamphetamine.

  11. M. Beydoun 8

    The article I have chosen discusses new complications that accompany the disorder named ADHD. A recent scientific study shows that the pharmaceutical stimulants used to treat this condition correlate with obesity in children's later years. A monumental 11% of children aged 4 to 17 years old in the U.S. are living with a diagnosis of ADHD. Some studies also show that the disorder could also lead to substance abuse and smoking.


    1. I find it quite interesting that a drug that's supposed to help children or people in general get a better grasp of their actions to be more in control & concentrated can lead them to something negative.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. http://drugaware.com.au/Drug-Information/Amphetamines/The-Stories.aspx

    I have chosen this article because it explains how a man's life was before the use of amphetamine's. The article also explains how he was in debt to his drug dealer and was losing the friendship with his close friends.

  14. C. Cordero 8


    This article is about steroids, I chose it because it talks about teens taking steroids without a prescription. These teens are taking illegal drugs that risk their own health to make themselves fit.

  15. G.Lopez 8

    I chose this article because it talks about how the rising number of heroin addiction isn't just in cities, it in small towns and communities as well. Heroin use in the US is spreading all over, its not limited to just large cities.


  16. Y. Alvarez 7

    I chose this article about cocaine discussing a few ways cocaine has been distributed in society & used by athletes. This article is a little outdated although, compared to news stories that hear in current times, it shows that "role models" still use the drug, ice cream truck workers even sold it & made extra business from it, it shows that society has always been corrupt around drugs.

