Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blog #20 Everything you always wanted to know about drugs...

Hi again cadets and welcome to this weeks lesson.  Your assignment this week is to post (3) three facts that you learned that you did not know before about the drug that you are researching to teach for your class in JROTC.  You must also post the URL address where you obtained your information and lastly, you must read and post comments on your peer's work. Remember to make your slides for your class using Google Docs and good luck with your assignment.  


  1. My Topic was heroin. One of the most interesting things I learned was the drug itself was once legal. The second most interesting thing was that the drug shows no physical affect on the face. You could be really high and people won't be able to tell. The third interesting thing I learned about the drug is that it changes the way you think. like where you eat or how you sit.

    Here is an interesting documentary about the drug. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRYOwGFP4kM

  2. My topic is heroin. An interesting thing i learned was that heroin was processed from morphine, and that it was originally created to be a miracle drug or medicine. Heroin was created after a failed attempt of the creation of morphine which was also created for medicinal purposes, but was soon found to be highly addicting, ironically like morphine. Lastly, i learned that heroin can actually cause the user to forget how to breathe.t makes your body forget to breathe. People typically don't need to think about breathing, because it's an automatic behavior. But heroin inhibits the brain centers that control breathing, and after making someone feel calm and sleepy, the respiratory drive will simply shut down.


  3. V.Meza Morales period 8

    My topic is heroin. I have learned that heroin shuts down the frontal lube, the frontal is the part of the brian that tells you not to drink a hot cup of coffee or cross the street in traffic. I also learned that you aren't able to know to strong the dose is so your first time trying it can be your last. Lastly, I learned that the feeling of heroin for the first will never be as strong the next time the drug losses it effect.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRYOwGFP4kM

    2. That is very interesting and I would of never knew that.

    3. This is a very serious question; do you (Noe Vera) know that although "would of" is commonly used, it is actually just a bad pronunciation of "would have" and the clause "I would of never knew that" is actually a horrifying abomination of the English language that could translate to "I never would have known that" with proper grammar?

  4. N. Vera 8

    My topic is marijuana, I learned that 1 joint is equivalent to 5 cigarrets. It contains 50%-70% more cancer causing chemicals than cigarretes. Also, it causes hereditary problems to the babies of pregnant women.


    1. I am surprised to hear that one joint is equal to smoking five cigarettes. I always believed that when people smoke marijuana, they only smoke the leaf, and that that is why people claim that marijuana is actually healthy for the body.

  5. A. Lee 7

    My drug is cocaine. Whilst researching facts about cocaine, I learnt that: Sigmund Freud was an active proponent of the use of cocaine, that cocaine was once considered a panacea for many disorders and that cocaine was used by Sherlock Holmes.


    1. These are very interesting facts and some of which i dident know about before

  6. N.Tzavelis 8

    MY drug is methamphetamine. While researching meth i learned that meth can be smoked, snorted,or swallowed and not just injected. I also learned that it was given to soldiers in ww2 to keep them alert. The last thing i learned was meth is proscribed leagally under the brand name desoxyn


    1. R.Colca 8
      I found that your post was extremely informative and really gave me a good understanding about meth.

  7. My drug is Cocaine. During my time researching coke i was able to learn how different drug lords smuggle cocaine into the country. I was also able to learn the horrible long term side effects cocaine can cause. Lastly i learn that cocaine is a class B felony in the U.S.

    1. http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/cocaine

    2. M. Khan 8

      Wow Cadet Colca, I'm surprised that the use of cocaine is a class B felony and I wonder how many drug lords their have been in total that smuggled cocaine and who the most powerful one was.

  8. M. Khan 8

    The 3 facts that I learned about my drug, methamphetamine are in my opinion, are very peculiar.
    1) Methamphetamine gives the user a feeling that bugs are crawling under their skin
    2) Because of that feeling, the user will pick at their skin leaving giant sores
    3) Meth will cause your teeth and gums to decay significantly and damage them, permanently.

  9. M. Conrad 8

    The three facts I learned about methamphetamine, my drug topic, is that:
    1. Methamphetamine can be prescribed legally by the name of Desoxyn and is used to help treat obesity and ADHD.
    2. Methamphetamine can be put into the body with three different methods; smoking, injection, and suppository(through the anus).
    3. Using meth can result in not sleeping for days.
