Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blog #21, Drugs and new facts learned

Great work on your presentations. For those that took up the challenge, your work in class has truly been interesting. I hope you learned new skills with using Google Docs and now feel comfortable with sharing your work with others online to better your team efforts.  Your work this week varies from last weeks because you now have to list 3 new facts that you learned from other cadet's presentations. List the drug that was taught, the cadet's name that taught the class, and the 3 facts that you did not know before.  As always, post a site/URL to support your facts that you learned about.  The very last part of this task is to voice your own opinion as to whether you think that the drug marijuana should be legalized or not.  Be support your opinion with facts so that your argument is a reliable one.  Good luck and I can't wait to see your work this week.


  1. N. Vera 8

    For methamphetamines I learned:
    -amphetamine made in 1877
    -Made in 1917
    -It can be injected, smoked, and through suppository

    I believe marijuana should be legalized, so people can stop complaining about it so much. Also, scientist can run test to see what it truly does to your body and see if its to bad for the average person.

  2. R.colca 8
    For cocaine I learned:
    - it was used as a numbing agent in the early 1900's
    - it is considered a class B felony
    - It is addictive
    I believe Marijuana should be legalized only for medical use. I feel that people who are in need of a stimulate such as cancer patients deserve to feel better.

    1. I completely agree with you Cadet Colca, marijuana if it must be legalized should only be legalized for medical purposes.

    2. Although I agree about your opinion on the legalization on marijuana, I think that you did not do the task that was assigned. Make sure to read the directions thoroughly next time.

  3. A. Lee 7

    In many aspects, the banning of marijuana is similar to the Prohibition movement.
    They both (Did/currently do):
    -Control what people do, taking away the decision and self government
    -Take away millions of tax dollars
    -They do not actually stop people from using the substance
    -They contribute to the rise of gang violence

    In the same way the Prohibition had to end, so must the ban on marijuana

    1. A. Lee 7

    2. I couldn't agree more cadet. I was thinking the same thing when I first saw this post. I think it's ironic how the same people who indulge themselves in alcoholic beverages are the same people who vociferously advocate a ban on marijuana.

  4. For LSD i learned that:
    1. It is produced from lysergic acid, which is found in the ergot fungus that grows on rye and other grains.

    2. The effects of LSD, known as a "trip" can last for twelve hours at a time.

    3. A study released in 2008 shows that 3.1 aged 12-25 in the United STates have tried LSD.

    I don't think that marijuana should be legalized because, it still causes harm to your body's system whether little or a lot at the time of smoking, and all of that adds up.

    1. Yes marijuana does seem to have harmful effects on the body even though people do not want to admit it

  5. M. Khan 8

    For cocaine, I learned that
    1) It is produced in south america
    2) It is then distributed nationwide across the U.S.
    3) The use of cocaine is a Class B felony.
    The cadets that I learned this information from was Cadet Colca, Cadet Taibi and Cadet Hernandez.
    I do not believe that cocaine should be legalized. It's side effects are so horrible and many teenagers die off of it everyday. The actual drug is in so distribution that legalizing it would simply make matters worse.

  6. N.Tzavelis 8
    3 new facts I learned from cocaine is
    1.cocaine is the second most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.
    2.pure cocaine comes from coca leaves
    3. coca cola at one point contained cocaine
    Cadet Colca, Taibi, and Hernandez taught the drug
    I do not mind if marijuana is legalized because I know this drug is only harming people and if one wants to smoke it and damage themselves its fine by me because im not going to be affected by them.

  7. M. Conrad 8

    New facts that I learned about the drug LSD are:
    1. The actual name of the drug is Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)
    2. It was discovered by Albert Hoffman
    3. The drug was put on postage stamps in the form of a liquid for easy transportation and use.
    The cadets that taught about the drug I believe are Cadet Gaudet, Gugala, Abdou, and Meza-Morales.

    I believe that marijuana should be legal and users should be accountable for their usage. They should know that by smoking marijuana, they are harming their bodies. This is why presently marijuana is only legal for medicinal use, where the amount they take can be controlled.


  8. A. Gaudet 8

    Facts I learned about steroids:
    -Began to see excessive use of steroids in the 1920's in Greece
    -Gained popularity in Olympic Games
    -Creates an excess of testosterone in the body
    I believe Cadet Meza-Morales, Grande, Ramos-Perez, and Cordero taught this drug.

    I support the legalization of marijuana passionately and am baffled when I see people drowning themselves in alcohol and shoving cigarettes down their throat and then expect to be take seriously when they say marijuana should be banned because of it's negative effects. Just as with any drug, marijuana should be taken with careful attention to avoid adverse effects. Until the government puts a ban on every other legal substance that is circulating the country, a ban on marijuana is an obscure idea and, quite honestly, hypocritical.
